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Current status of Indian Russian friendship treaty ?


Feb 16, 2010
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If India-Russia can prove that there exists a similar treaty between India-USSR(Russia current heir of USSR),then India was obligated to get all ICBM and warhead tech from Russia(with some cost after all :P )

This fake agreement will put a dent on many countries foreign policies including west and china.(But India really dont care about the ICBM and TN tech which it has(atleast on paper ,say :P ))
Why India rests on safe side? It was that friendship treaty signed by India and USSR during those Indira days and was recently modyfied and renewed with much secured phrasings. though this wasnt published in media,Russia reserves the right to attack any agressor that attacks India.With such an ally,why would india need to waste money on its own nukes and ICBMs? Like NATO countries being dependant on US :P

If US,UK nuclear and missiles exchange is not a proliferation, then INDO-Russian is certainly not (lol......these leases and buyings were bound by agreements of mutual interests)
well. . This post make me think in a much larger way. We ol know dat india signed treaty with former ussr in 1971 by which ussr to help india in case war in every way. . 2days russia is the best buddy of india. So my questn is dat , is dat treaty still exists ? If yes then what r the clauses in dat ? What its current status ?
I also heared that during INDO-PAK tension in 2001 russia promised India to nuke . . . if India could't able to make second strike after Pakistans first wave attack. Is it real or fanboys imagination???
please any one know about real status that give information about this m also want to know
I also heared that during INDO-PAK tension in 2001 russia promised India to nuke . . . if India could't able to make second strike after Pakistans first wave attack. Is it real or fanboys imagination???

Even if it's just words, it would be a cause for great deterrence.
well. . This post make me think in a much larger way. We ol know dat india signed treaty with former ussr in 1971 by which ussr to help india in case war in every way. . 2days russia is the best buddy of india. So my questn is dat , is dat treaty still exists ? If yes then what r the clauses in dat ? What its current status ?

Errrrrrr........ a quote from my original post?
Anyways.....I will put the things in detail which I am aware of.

My original reply where this excerpts were quoted was inreference to the US-UK treaty.
But it is highly important to dig facts and excerpts from Indo-USSR friendship treaty.

It was no hidden secret that there exists a treaty between india and USSR. During those early days when India showed its back to west due to change in geo-politics and relations with enemies and enemies friends,India was forced to draw a strict political manuever directed towards USSR for its own national security concerns.
If one takes a clear picture of those early days,whole sub-continent and most of Asia was under US dominance,even Sino-US relations were hot.
The main motive came in after the US falsified intelligence (intentional) on PLAAF which led to the India taking the blame in loosing the skirmish(atleast on paper).
If I remember correctly,many in the Nehru gov opposed Nehrus ideologies and its leaning towards west.Unfortunately Nehru was busy bringing his sucessor(Indira) into the cabinet,rather than spending time on national security issues.
Nehru`s was a politician only after Chanakya(only in terms of applying politics to keep himself high) and played a great game to bring Indira to power.In this great game,the pawns were Nanda and heart patient Sastri(whom doctors already told that he wont survive in the next heart attack)
I might have to go a lot of OT to conclude how the steps were paved for Indias foreign policy towards USSR.(But I refrain in doing so,due to time constraints)
But after Sastri became PM,it really benifited India in terms of choosing its own foreign policy instead of relying western (US and brits) suggestions.An unfortunate day led to the death of this heart patient which later rolled the red carpet to Indira(who was trying to cover those dents that happened during her fathers tenure.)
It was highly said during those times, that after Indira became the PM,her first policy amendment was w.r.t USSR. At one instance Indira accepted to offer as many bases to USSR Navy and AF.Later signed a mutual interest treaty which later became a friendship treaty(actual name varry).Under this treaty,India happened to be an ally(under the cover of NAM)of USSR for its own security concerns from US and China. Point to highlight is,Indira`s actions often called for a revenge on China for its betrayal,but were never hihglighted in public domain.
When she first conceived a nuclear program for national security,it was known that US pushed the pakistan to go for nuclear weapons while providing back door support. There was a crucial CIA hand to get pakistan some nuclear warheads from China.(this was a later part)
Under those circumstances,Indira felt the need of teaching pakistan a lesson by splitting it into two.Her intellectualness and wisdom were appreciated after spotting her movements and emergency meetings with USSR top brass to checkmate US and China while IA will have free run over pakistan.
Indira showed her middle finger to Nixon while being friend with Khrushchev.And apart from the so called Friendship treaty that was signed to secure national interests, many other treaties were signed to receive help from USSR incase US and China enters into war and nukes india.USSR signed the treaty to go with any retaliatory measures if US or China bombs or invades india. After the USSR split, the treat was still in effect ,since Russia is the USSR sucessor. and went on renewing spree.So far Russia didnt openly declared its support to India in terms of nuclear retaliation,but this was done recently in 2009. I might have skipped or missed many points as my memory was too compressed :P
I also heared that during INDO-PAK tension in 2001 russia promised India to nuke . . . if India could't able to make second strike after Pakistans first wave attack. Is it real or fanboys imagination???

IMHO, there were no imaginations when International politics and treaties were concerned.
Russia declaring it openly wasnt good at all for many in the world(including india and russia).But the backdoor work keeps everyone informed of such treaties.
I also heared that during INDO-PAK tension in 2001 russia promised India to nuke . . . if India could't able to make second strike after Pakistans first wave attack. Is it real or fanboys imagination???

Yup i too have read it..but dont remember the sources...
Putin had ordered his strategic rocket forces to point the missiles at China if they ever intervened in support of Pakistan.
North-South Transport Corridor


The agreement on the transport corridor was signed last year by Russia, India, and Iran, and was approved by the Russian parliament and President Putin this month. Frank added that Scandinavian and Baltic states, as well as Ukraine and Kazakhstan, have expressed interest in the project. According to the agreement, Russia will develop its Olya cargo terminal on the Caspian Sea in order to transit containers on to Iranian ports
Military relations

India and Russia have several major joint military programs such as those mentioned below:

* BrahMos cruise missile program
* INS Vikramaditya aircraft carrier program
* 5th generation fighter jet program
* Sukhoi Su-30MKI program (230+ to be built by Hindustan Aeronautics)
* Ilyushin/HAL Tactical Transport Aircraft

Additionally, India has purchased/leased several military hardware from Russia:

* T-90S Bhishma program. (1000+ to be built in India)
* Akula-II nuclear submarine (2 to be leased with an option to buy them when the lease expires)
* Tu-22M3 bombers (4 ordered)
* US$900 million upgrade of MiG-29
* Mil Mi-17 (80 ordered)
* Ilyushin Il-76 Candid (6 ordered to fit Israeli Phalcon radar)

Russia's MiG-35 is competing in the Indian MRCA Competition and is considered to be the front-runner for the winning bid, given India's already, largely Russian-built air force. The Farkhor Air Base in Tajikistan is currently jointly operated by India and Russia.
one question

" WHAT HAPPENS IF ANYBODY ATTACKS OR NUKES RUSSIA "(assuming russia dosent do anything in return which is very very unlikely) ? will india take action against the said country?
one question

" WHAT HAPPENS IF ANYBODY ATTACKS OR NUKES RUSSIA "(assuming russia dosent do anything in return which is very very unlikely) ? will india take action against the said country?

yes it will....If Russia stands for India everytime,then India knows how important this friend is.

frankly - that was was a stupid question..;):D
yes it will....If Russia stands for India everytime,then India knows how important this friend is.

frankly - that was was a stupid question..;):D

frankly thats a stupid answer because nobody is nuking anybody be sure of that if you want arms during conflict good if you want moral and financial support fine but nukes you must be kidding

and frankly this is as stupid a thread as i have seen in the whole forum not mentioning the JXX and f-22 comparisions

tell me what did india do during georgia conflict ? anything against their patron NATO or the US no so just cut the crap here they even went all out voting against iran knowling fully iran was in russian interest ...so think
frankly thats a stupid answer because nobody is nuking anybody be sure of that if you want arms during conflict good if you want moral and financial support fine but nukes you must be kidding

If no body is nuking any body then why did you ask that silly question ?? so you got a silly answer :pop:

tell me what did india do during georgia conflict ? anything against their patron NATO or the US no so just cut the crap here they even went all out voting against iran knowling fully iran was in russian interest ...so think

the conflict between Russia and georgia was not of the nature that we are talking about or the kind where 3rd party needed to be involved in a war....India saw more wars than russia where it fought ALONE.

If you are asking India's role when Russia is nuked,then please wait for that, you will get the answer when that happens.

they even went all out voting against iran knowling fully iran was in russian interest ...so think

think before you :blah: :blah: Russia knows what India did..you arent a pandit to tell us whom should india supported ...If iran was voted againts inspite of it being in the interest of rusia then we all know how Russia helps china inspite of knowing the fact how dangerous it can b for india..so stop the BS now.

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