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Creation of Bangladesh

Well why don't you ask these people how much difficulty they had reaching the point they are now at and if they never suffered bias and descrimination... Sania initially when she started said there was discrimination by her selectors and they were unwilling to select her. Kalam definately suffered bias cauz he was a muslim going into politics! True, they have reached there because they have great talent which the haters cannot deny... but ask them how many times people wanted to put them down and ensure they did not get to the top? The point is there is discrimination in India against muslims, not how some muslim people seem to be in the limelight!

Nope, read through the history of his election and you will understand that he was given a political role because he was a muslim (his worth obviously helped that he had just received Bharat Ratna).
I look around India.

I see poverty.

I see riches.

I see bicycles.

I see Mercedez.

I see honesty,

I see downright thievery.

I see love.

I see hate.

But my eyes only sees India in all its hues.

Just India!

Here in PFF (now PDF [wonder where the actual PDF went?!]), I see only friends and, of course, some very interesting characters who see only just beyond their nose!

This is'nt a proper reply! You give me too little to work with here...

Naaah... that does'nt sound right... i'll set it right for you

I look around India I see:

Widows being burnt alive after their husbands have died.

Children picking food from gutters

Farmers killing themselves because they can't produce enough food for themselves.

Beggers begging in the street.




Yet my eyes only see my small neighbor Pakistan and its problems!
To come down to childlike rhetoric of Salman Nedizan:

Some biases Disrobed!

Are we playing a game where each of us is trying to present the other as evil or are you having delusions again and writing random stuff?

Salman said India Exposed... What is the word that hit you here?:D What is the "biased word" here? Is "India" the biased word or "Exposed" the biased word? I dont think exposed is the biased word because exposed means to reveal the truth! That means India is the biased word... Ya, ya! Now i know, you see you are the guests here so you are always right... we tend to agree with you here so I am sorry I mentioned "India" which is a biased word!... from now on i will only mention "the jungle" when reffering to India and I will only mention "India" when I am extremely angry and use it as a swear word... okay? happy?

Man, this whole world is biased because everyone has a different point of view... and our point of view is going to remain the same no matter how much you want to bury us under the ground! The only solution you guys have is to live with us because today each and every Pakistani is ready to die to maintain his freedom! We don't want to wipe India off the map so you guys should'nt have this constant urge to destroy us either. Right now I think of your views as biased just as you might view mine although the way I see it all I have done till now is tell the truth about how minorities are treated in India and the truth about Indias involvement in the 71' war! You are the ones who are biased if you do not believe the truth or want to ignore the issues and say they are "irrelevent" or an "old issue in a new skin" because you know they are true and you cannot deny them...

We have no problems with you and never did but the fact that you come here every single day just to pick a fight with us and "bully us" as a form of entertainment prove that you have some major issue with us like many of your countrymen who spend a lot of their time deciding what to do when they see a Pakistani in their country which under the influence of some powerful drug you managed to say was wrong! It appears you had made a mistake on your part because fanatics should always remain the way they are. Please, continue living in denial for the rest of your life!!!


Your only consolation is wipe all the countries that you don 't like.

Dont waste time. Get cracking!

Which madrassa is sponsoring it that you advocate?


Your only consolation is wipe all the countries that you don 't like.

Dont waste time. Get cracking!

Which madrassa is sponsoring it that you advocate?

Oh you want to sleep... is that what all indians do? So you were sleeping when you lost Pakistan... i see! Continue sleeping! When u lose India then you can come back here and moan!

Oh is it? I never said i wanted to.... But yet again you are making up things because you have nothing useful to talk about and no hard facts that you can give to disprove me... Please continue! Your blabbering will not change the truth and the hatred instilled in you!

I thought thats what you wanted? Don't you want to wipe Pakistan and every nation that has ever helped it or supported it off the map? Unfortunately not everyone thinks like "man-eating tigers" here... not everyone is here to destroy the world and spread jungle supremacy here. We are peaceful people... hatred does not bring us here daily. I know you guys are in great agony that you lost Pakistan and I feel very sorry for you as you cannot do anything to get it back and have to live with this burning anguish all your life...

Madrassa? How did a madrassa pop out from nowhere... So you are going to a madrassa! Joey was right! Muslims in India do go to madrassas! You did tell me you were illiterate and cited it as the reason of your being in India, did'nt you... well i guess a madrassa suits you then! So if I am correct India is a safe-haven for all illiterate people and all people who are filled with hatred and fury? That is the reason you stayed in India?

Oh, and is the madrassa teaching you how to get inside Pakistan and bomb people there and teaching you how to brutally torture Pakistanis when you see them in your country? I don't really think you need a madrassa to teach you all this... because each time I have come to India fanatics like you have always showed me the hatred that burns you guys within which perhaps has been instilled in you by your forefathers. It embarresses me to have anything to do with India! Maybe you are all like this as every place I have lived in Indians have been the same! All those who were tortured and brutally murdered by you guys will never forgive your crimes and history will remember you as criminals!

It is a pity that you are here to revoke old memories... May you continue to live your anguished life of anger and rage forever!
Oh you want to sleep... is that what all indians do? So you were sleeping when you lost Pakistan... i see! Continue sleeping! When u lose India then you can come back here and moan!

Its more like you unable to live with the fact that there's no more East Pakistan. Thanx to India and thus ur evident frustration at us.

So, were u sleeping at that time? :woot:

All those who were tortured and brutally murdered by you guys will never forgive your crimes and history will remember you as criminals!

I think Bangladeshis would share the same sentiments about Pakistan :yahoo: Amazing isnt it.

Incase you were actually sleeping, 1 lakh of your soldiers surrendered. Man! thats is something unparallleled in history. :yahoo: thanx for giving us the honor :cheers:

What hatred do we have?

We have no qualms about Pakistan. We have not lost it in any way. What makes you feel that we yearn for it? And whatever for? Let your fevered imagination not substitute for the Indian view. It remains exclusively your hallucinatory suggestions prompted by your fevered delirium.

Where do you come from and where have you left your brains? What is all this diatribe about?

What exactly am I to understand from your mindless harague?

What are you talking about?

Do take hold of yourself, take deep breaths, have a glass of water and then come back with some stuff that appeals to sanity and sane debate!

I have borne your mindless barbs and suggestive insinuation with a patient shrug for sufferance is the badge of all our tribe!

If you want to discuss, come with sanity.

Or else, sir, engage yourself in your theatrical soliloquy and play to the gallery of likeminded as you, who hallucinate and spew factless accusation as if they are the Gospel Truth!

I have no time for Blind Faith or Gospel Truths. I want facts and scientific analysis to the wild dreams that get or are being bandied.
Its more like you unable to live with the fact that there's no more East Pakistan. Thanx to India and thus ur evident frustration at us.

So, were u sleeping at that time? :woot:

:flame: Maddy on fire!

Ohhh... i see...We weren't able to live with it? So you know more about us than we do? Did we ever after losing Bangladesh say we were interested in taking it back? Or that it belonged to us? Well India said many times after partition that many parts of Pakistan should belong to India. We accepted Bangladesh! Did India accept Pakistan? No. You did not even accept Bangladesh when it was with Pakistan! Till you had this opportunity to choose one side and strike you wanted to crush East Pakistan (Bangladesh) along with west pakistan!

Unlike you guys not everyone sleeps when they are in a problematic situation or want to avoid some piece of truth that might make them look stupid. ;)

I think Bangladeshis would share the same sentiments about Pakistan :yahoo: Amazing isnt it.

Incase you were actually sleeping, 1 lakh of your soldiers surrendered. Man! thats is something unparallleled in history. :yahoo: thanx for giving us the honor :cheers:

Sadly for you guys they don't! Most Bangladeshis were hurt when independence was announced although they were content that the death and destruction had ended! We still view the Bangladeshis as our brothers and we love them... i believe the Bangladeshis feel the same way! However Bangladeshis clearly understand Indias true motives for helping the Bahinis were to take revenge against Pakistan (both east and west) and to gain wealth and they knew if Awami League had come to power and PPP was rebbelling India would support PPP against the Awami League. Bangladeshis know well of all the land india took from them and the hatred and lust for land and wealth that brought them there!

As i said we don't sleep in times of trouble! U struck when Pakistan was involved in a civil war fighting a two on one battle alongside the bahinis when we were significantly weakened by the civil war and infighting in east pakisistan... you've always been opportunists so its nothing new for you anyway! We were outnumbered 4 to 1... It does not prove that you are stronger than us! Infact it proved how pathetic you were engaging us directly only when everything was against us!

It was 90000 not laakh, don't bend figures for your personal satisfaction...

honor?... :what: Take your teddy-bear and go to sleep and please ask your mother to jump a few times on the bed to please you so that you can tuck yourself and your teddy-bear to sleep! This thread is for adults only! :D

What hatred do we have?

We have no qualms about Pakistan. We have not lost it in any way. What makes you feel that we yearn for it? And whatever for? Let your fevered imagination not substitute for the Indian view. It remains exclusively your hallucinatory suggestions prompted by your fevered delirium.

Where do you come from and where have you left your brains? What is all this diatribe about?

What exactly am I to understand from your mindless harague?

What are you talking about?

Do take hold of yourself, take deep breaths, have a glass of water and then come back with some stuff that appeals to sanity and sane debate!

I have borne your mindless barbs and suggestive insinuation with a patient shrug for sufferance is the badge of all our tribe!

If you want to discuss, come with sanity.

Or else, sir, engage yourself in your theatrical soliloquy and play to the gallery of likeminded as you, who hallucinate and spew factless accusation as if they are the Gospel Truth!

I have no time for Blind Faith or Gospel Truths. I want facts and scientific analysis to the wild dreams that get or are being bandied.

:smokin: Woah... this looks like some sort of gothic poem! Have you ever heard of Dragonforce, Trivium or Cradle Of flith. Well i would have taken you as lyricist or singer in one of those bands! I think if i post this on my website people will think of it as the lyrics of some thrash metal song! Salim should be famous for his work!;) Anyway, I am almost 100% sure that you were in the sterilized operation theatre when you typed this and were having delusions again.

Why does it seem that you are trying to hide your identity or are escaping something. I think that ever since you came to this site the Indian Secret Police has been after you...

No hatred? You said in your "song" here that you see hatred in your country:

I look around India:
I see poverty.
I see riches.
I see bicycles.
I see Mercedez.
I see honesty,
I see downright thievery.
I see love.
I see hate.
But my eyes only sees India in all its hues.

You don't? Well then why was I told by your own countrymen never to mention i was Pakistani or expect to die when I was in India? Well over 1947 to 2001 your government had been claiming many parts of Pakistan! Are you sure you don't "yearn" for Pakistan and aren't raging to get the land back. Well my Indian cousin described India as "an angry bull thats been slapped in the face?" :D And i would add this: what does the bull say? It says "Hrrrr... give back Pakistan or die!"

Fevered delirium? Again... tell the docters in the sanitized operation theatre to control your hallucinations because too many hallucinations can even lead to a heart attack! Do you need docters that can give you more time? We will send some from Sudan, don't worry! Sudani docters are always free because there are only 10,000 people per docter there. Salim please don't have a heart attack... u see Indians believe in reincarnation so i am really afraid about what will happen to me after the heart attack. And then you seem to be a warlock of some kind as you seem to have these great powers of writing gothic trash metal so i am really afraid of you. I know its an Indian thing to blame others for their misfortunes but you don't blame me for anything do you?

Come from? I come from both places but my allegiance lies only with Pakistan. Well a person definately needs to lose his head when he is talking to you... I mean the brain is extremely...:rolleyes: volatile and can easily catch contagious diseases... for example if you have a brain tumor then there is a 99% chance that the one who argues with you will catch it too and you already are in an operation theatre. So this means there is definately something wrong with you which is being diagnosed so people need to be careful about how hey approach you! And then they also need to be careful about not hurting your feelings and saying that you have a contageous disease and laughing... I know what its like to feel the way you do so don't worry!
Diatribe? :woot: Noooo, your post is'nt a diatribe!!! its a very great piece of thrash metal!!!!! Don't underestimate yourself!

Okay you win, your purpose is complete as i am finally in need of a dictionary! Harangue or harague... atleast type properly... i was almost having as much fun as you do when you criticize Pakistan... but you need to write properly... I know that you are illiterate but please give it a try. Well as i said in the post before last our views don't match so i believe you are the one delivering the "harangue" or the "diatribe"

Talking about? Well obviously because you don't want to answer anything and admit it as true you are actng like you have no idea what it is I am talking about! Continue your "dodging" game... have you ever played swuadiron 77? You have to avoid difficult questions using your "wordplay, wittiness and skill"... thats what its like to try and get you to answer something here.

Yeah, that might be the first step to counter the delusions... good, follow the docters instructions and the "delusions will fade" in no time! but don't come back on after that... first get out of the sterilized operation theatre... yup, then you can come with some stuff that "appeals to sanity", tiger-boy!

You talk like I am the "bad guy" here or as if some sort of evil drives me! Do you think this is some bollywood movie and i am the villain here. Well Pakistanis always have to be villains in Bollywood movies so... i don't blame you if you will kill me in the end :D... i will blame bollywood!... Ohhhh... sufference? What do you know about sufference what have you ever lost to talk about it? Pathetic loser! Talk to the women in Kashmir who were raped and they will tell you about their sufference! Talk to those muslims in India who lost their loved ones to simple hatred and they will tell you about sufference... come out of the darkness of your hole and see the light dude! See the truth rather than living in the darkness you've surrounded yourself in... things are not as they seem at first glance!

Well, it surprises me that someone who is having these dangerous hallucinations that cause extreme rage and these constant delusions is telling me this. I think you should really get out of the sterilized operation theatre as soon as possible because it might be a brain implant to change your views! Oh now i understand everything

Okay chanda... why are you crying? "HRrrrr, Salim is very angry now! He wants to kill poor dimension today" Factless????? Have I ever made an accusation without backing it up properly? Evrything i said has something that backs it up!

1. About treatment of minorities I pointed to demographics and population and what my own Indian family thinks about it, how my other Indian muslim freinds see India and how Kashmir is treated!

2. About Indias involvement in Bangladesh I backed up my claims with the fact that u guys took land from them and even Bengladeshis said that India was involved because of its intention to break up Pakistan...

3. About hatred of Pakistan in India I talked about how i felt when I was in India, what my cousins there told me!

Are'nt these enough facts backing up my "accusations". I can give hundreds of smaller examples. So i want all those who read this to see the truth and notice how this dude and many others like him want to avoid a proper debate and give only excuses and excuses to avoid them! The way I see it there is nothing but the truth (and some humour) in what I have said so far. Everything I have said is based on what I have seen, felt and heard!

Learn to answer questions and not to find ways to avoid them, dude because since the day i came here I have written over 6000 words about these topics! And everyone knows who has the hallucinations here! Don't just copy what i said from other posts:

It is also no problem to admit that you are seeing Pakistanis around you... and you are having hallucinations because you hate them so much and can't do anything to hurt them

Goodbye.. try to reply for once :wave:
:flame: Maddy on fire!
It was 90000 not laakh, don't bend figures for your personal satisfaction...

honor?... :what: Take your teddy-bear and go to sleep and please ask your mother to jump a few times on the bed to please you so that you can tuck yourself and your teddy-bear to sleep! This thread is for adults only! :D

Frustration, eh! Since can't you follow a sane conversation as Salim has been trying to deliberate with you. Let's try it your way. All that you said is ABSOlUTELY is there anything you can do about it!! Other than bitching on onliine forums all the while deluding ur self of enlightenning the world with anti-india propaganda.

Don't even bother replying, coz i am no longer going to entertain your false phylosophies. BTW, my signature is just for people like you.

Yada yada yada ... now go back to your la la land. :wave:
Frustration, eh! Since can't you follow a sane conversation as Salim has been trying to deliberate with you. Let's try it your way. All that you said is ABSOlUTELY is there anything you can do about it!! Other than bitching on onliine forums all the while deluding ur self of enlightenning the world with anti-india propaganda.

Don't even bother replying, coz i am no longer going to entertain your false phylosophies. BTW, my signature is just for people like you.

Yada yada yada ... now go back to your la la land. :wave:

Naaah i won't give you guys the pleasure by being frustated! Sane conversation? Well it seems you are insane cauz you can't discuss and only want to criticize! We don't want to nor do we have to do anything about it!

:what: Anti-India propaganda????? As I said you people just cannot hear the truth so you have to find ways to keep denying it or ignoring it through one means or another. Well what are you here for? Your love for Pakistan brings you here?

Say that you can no longer deny the truth! Each and every one of my "philosophy" has been properly backed up by evidence and truth. Please find a better excuse! ;) Your signature should first be read and applied by yourself and then be announced that it is for others :D

Please, go back to your mothers lap and continue sucking her thumb! And its getting late, is'nt it the time for the children to go to bed?
(by Maddy) Incase you were actually sleeping, 1 lakh of your soldiers surrendered. Man! thats is something unparallleled in history. thanx for giving us the honor

This is the catalyst for hate. I am not biased but you can see that what sort of mentality is this.

I cant say any thing more except that if someone cuts your arm you will hate him.
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