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Country is Bangladesh, capital Dhaka, say students in West Bengal

You've also distorted his name. No wonder nobody knows about Surja Sen in India.

That's not a myth, almost half of West Bengal's population had their roots in East Bengal, a silly article doesn't change that. Come to my ancestral home in West Bengal and see how many people continuously come and settle in that place alone.

A news article from a renowned media outlet is more credible than internet trolls. According to that article,

‘বাংলাদেশ থেকে আসা অনেকেই এখানে কিছু করতে না পেরে আবার বাংলাদেশে ফিরে যাচ্ছেন।
(Many Bangladeshi Hindus have returned to Bangladesh after failing to do anything in India)
Source: https://defence.pk/threads/we-are-n...ladeshi-hindus-in-india.435369/#ixzz4CxlvoAM7
A news article from a renowned media outlet is more credible than internet trolls. According to that article,

‘বাংলাদেশ থেকে আসা অনেকেই এখানে কিছু করতে না পেরে আবার বাংলাদেশে ফিরে যাচ্ছেন।
(Many Bangladeshi Hindus have returned to Bangladesh after failing to do anything in India)
Source: https://defence.pk/threads/we-are-no...ladeshi-hindus-in-india.435369/#ixzz4CxlvoAM7

Why they left Bangladesh in the first place? It is never easy to leave behind their ancestral homes, land, and means of earnings and settle in a different country without any defined source of income, some fail to succeed, some go back, maybe then convert to avoid religious persecution. Bangladeshi Hindus are also converting, right?
OMG ,we are soooo sad because BDis hates us :sarcastic:

I think those illegal BDis in India should leave our nation because of their hate .It is actually good to our people.

Yes so sad. India isn't Singapure. A poor country . How many Illegal BDS live in India? What about those Illegal Indians those who are living in BD? We have no interest What India think about us. We r enough for ourselves.
Yes so sad. India isn't Singapure. A poor country . How many Illegal BDS live in India? What about those Illegal Indians those who are living in BD? We have no interest What India think about us. We r enough for ourselves.

Who cares whether Indians are working in Dhaka or not .
I have seen a lots of BDis arrested in my state because they comes here with furnished document and grabbing opportunities of our fellow Indians from WB and Assam .We cant identify the real Indians because of language issue .
And illegal BDis are exploiting that .Even recent gruesome rape and murder happened in my state was done by one from BD camp in Assam .

South India where this criminals find place because most of them in here dont knows north language properly .

We have 4 million other state migrant and a lots of Bengali speaking illegal BDis are sneked in that group.

If you dont have any interest about India then you should refrain from posting India or Indian related
Who cares whether Indians are working in Dhaka or not .
I have seen a lots of BDis arrested in my state because they comes here with furnished document and grabbing opportunities of our fellow Indians from WB and Assam .We cant identify the real Indians because of language issue .
And illegal BDis are exploiting that .Even recent gruesome rape and murder happened in my state was done by one from BD camp in Assam .

South India where this criminals find place because most of them in here dont knows north language properly .

We have 4 million other state migrant and a lots of Bengali speaking illegal BDis are sneked in that group.

If you dont have any interest about India then you should refrain from posting India or Indian related

What the hell your Govt is doing ? You don't care how many Illegal Indians are working in BD - But we do care. And For the sake of Argument Illegal BD people in INdia doing what ? Making 1000$ , No they are just living under the poverty line what is provided by the INdian Govt for the INdian people.

In Close border area DRUGS such as Fesi or YABA industry established to supply their Products in Bangladesh , And their foreign policy no DRUGS will be supplied inside of India , Even in Kalkata u will not found Fesidil.

When INdian Govt did nothing for indian people then Illegal BAngladeshi those who are india getting what ? And for them India Govt gave what ? At the same time those whos Illigal Indians living in Bangladesh Bangladesh Govt. doing what ? Now it is just a mutual understanding. And all credits goes to bloody democracy and root cause of Capitalism.
সপ্তম শ্রেণির ক্লাসঘরে ঢুকে প্রশাসনের কর্তা প্রশ্ন করেছিলেন, ‘‘বল তো, আমাদের দেশের নাম কী?’’ উত্তর শুনে থ পরিদর্শকেরা। বর্ধমানের কাশিয়ারা-রাইপুর হাইস্কুলের ওই ছাত্র সটান বলে দিল, ‘‘বাংলাদেশ!’’ কয়েক জন ছাত্র জানাল, উত্তর জানা নেই। যা দেখে স্কুল পরিদর্শনে বেরনো জেলা শিক্ষা দফতরের আধিকারিকদের প্রতিক্রিয়া, হাঁড়ির একটি চাল টিপলে যেমন ভাত বোঝা যায়, এই উত্তর থেকেই স্পষ্ট, শিক্ষায় গোড়ায় গলদ ঠিক কতটা।

বিহারে উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষায় কলা বিভাগে প্রথম হওয়া ছাত্রী রুবি রায় এক সাক্ষাৎকারে পলিটিক্যাল সায়েন্সকে ‘প্রডিক্যাল সায়েন্স’ বলার পরে সাড়া পড়েছে সেখানকার পরীক্ষা পদ্ধতি নিয়ে। ওই ছাত্রীকে গ্রেফতারও করা হয়েছে। কিন্তু এ রাজ্যের হাল নিয়েও যে প্রশ্ন থাকছে, সোমবার বর্ধমানের কয়েকটি স্কুলে পরিদর্শনে উঠে আসা চিত্র থেকেই তা পরিষ্কার।

স্কুলের সমস্যা, পড়াশোনার মান খতিয়ে দেখতে আচমকা স্কুলে হানার সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছে বর্ধমান জেলা প্রশাসন। জেলাশাসককে মাথায় রেখে তৈরি হয়েছে ‘মনিটরিং কমিটি’। মাসখানেক ধরে নানা স্কুলে যাচ্ছেন কমিটি সদস্যেরা। জেলাশাসক সৌমিত্র মোহন এ দিনই প্রথম পরিদর্শনে যান। সঙ্গে ছিলেন জেলা প্রাথমিক স্কুল সংসদের সভাপতি অচিন্ত্য চক্রবর্তী ও জেলা পরিকল্পনা আধিকারিক (সর্বশিক্ষা অভিযান) শারদ্বতী চৌধুরী।

এ দিন প্রথমে মেমারির কুচুট প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ে যায় দলটি। সেখানে চতুর্থ শ্রেণিতে ঢুকে তাঁরা পড়ুয়াদের ‘আই লিভ ইন ওয়েস্ট বেঙ্গল’ লিখে দেখাতে বলেন। কিছু পড়ুয়া ‘আই লিভ ইন’ পর্যন্ত পারলেও কেউ ‘ওয়েস্ট বেঙ্গল’ লিখে উঠতে পারেনি। পাশের হাইস্কুলের অষ্টম শ্রেণির এক ছাত্রীকে বই দেখে ইংরেজি ‘রিডিং’ পড়তে বলা হলে সে পারেনি। কর্তারা ক্লাসের শিক্ষককেই ‘রিডিং’ পড়ে দেখিয়ে দিতে বলেন। তাঁর উচ্চারণ শুনেও বিরক্ত হন তাঁরা। কাশিয়ারা-রাইপুর হাইস্কুল ও আউশা প্রাথমিক স্কুলে যান জেলাশাসক। আউশার স্কুলটিতে দেশের রাজধানী জানতে চাইলে এক পড়ুয়া জানায়, ‘ঢাকা’। পরে অচিন্ত্যবাবু বলেন, ‘‘আমাদের কমিটি প্রায় দেড়শো স্কুল ঘুরে রিপোর্ট তৈরি করছে। বুধবার সেই রিপোর্ট দেখে শিক্ষামন্ত্রীকে জানানো হবে।’’ শারদ্বতীদেবী জানান, এই উদ্যোগকে স্বাগত জানিয়েছে শিক্ষা দফতর। শিক্ষকের গাফিলতি পেলে ব্যবস্থাও নিতে বলা হয়েছে। এ দিনই এক প্রধান শিক্ষক ও এক শিক্ষককে নিয়ম ভেঙে ছুটি নেওয়ার জন্য শো-কজ করা হয়। টিফিনের পরে স্কুল ছুটি দিয়ে দেওয়ায় শো-কজ করা হয়েছে আর এক প্রধান শিক্ষককে। পড়ুয়াদের আরও বেশি স্কুলে আনতে পার্শ্ব শিক্ষকদের সপ্তাহে অন্তত এক দিন বাড়ি-বাড়ি যেতে বলা হবে।

See more at - http://www.anandabazar.com/state/student-answers-dhaka-as-the-capital-of-india-1.422040#
What does this say? I don't understand at all. You should let the other people see.
What the hell your Govt is doing ? You don't care how many Illegal Indians are working in BD - But we do care. And For the sake of Argument Illegal BD people in INdia doing what ? Making 1000$ , No they are just living under the poverty line what is provided by the INdian Govt for the INdian people.

In Close border area DRUGS such as Fesi or YABA industry established to supply their Products in Bangladesh , And their foreign policy no DRUGS will be supplied inside of India , Even in Kalkata u will not found Fesidil.

When INdian Govt did nothing for indian people then Illegal BAngladeshi those who are india getting what ? And for them India Govt gave what ? At the same time those whos Illigal Indians living in Bangladesh Bangladesh Govt. doing what ? Now it is just a mutual understanding. And all credits goes to bloody democracy and root cause of Capitalism.

Did you actually think that I am going to trust you fake claims ?
Indians only need to take train in to South India they dont need to pole vault in to Dhaka .That sums it up all .

Kid if you are a newbie in PDF then do search all threads and gain some knowledge .
You cant understand your nation through PDF boasting while you are sitting in UK.
Did you actually think that I am going to trust you fake claims ?
Indians only need to take train in to South India they dont need to pole vault in to Dhaka .That sums it up all .

Kid if you are a newbie in PDF then do search all threads and gain some knowledge .
You cant understand your nation through PDF boasting while you are sitting in UK.

In this virtual world u have no need to believe any real or fake claims. Just follow what is the truth. U misunderstood my Quotes. I said Indian Govt. Should give focus on their own Duty .

Mr. OLd Man - I know my nation and their acts . I am well known. But unfortunately other nations people don't understand what their nation is doing what .
@Species I have taken a pledge to leave Bangladeshis alone and not to post in BD section for a month. However, since you have quoted me:

That particular student is surely a recent migrant from Bangladesh, otherwise it is impossible for a poorly educated West Bengali student to know about Bangladesh and Dhaka, while being clueless about West Bengal and Kolkata.

Besides, Bengali medium (WBBSE) school education used to be very good, it has fallen in standard in last two decades due to poor management, politicization of education, and also because most of the good students are now opting for English medium schools; bringing down the average quality of students in Bengali medium schools.

That's why I have decided to quite BD section completely, too much of la la land fantasies here!!
The liberation of west Bengal!The liberation of Sikkim! Liberation of India's northeastern states!
In this virtual world u have no need to believe any real or fake claims. Just follow what is the truth. U misunderstood my Quotes. I said Indian Govt. Should give focus on their own Duty .

Mr. OLd Man - I know my nation and their acts . I am well known. But unfortunately other nations people don't understand what their nation is doing what .

Indian Govt focusing on their issue or not ,you dont have to worry about that .Because that is none of your business .
Your are a Bangladeshi not Indian .Right ?
We dont need your lecture to know our nation .

I am an Indian and I am posting this from India, from my own state and I can see a lots of BDis looking for job and finding a good life in here .When I see that I can understand their situation in BD.
Indian Govt focusing on their issue or not ,you dont have to worry about that .Because that is none of your business .
Your are a Bangladeshi not Indian .Right ?
We dont need your lecture to know our nation .

I am an Indian and I am posting this from India, from my own state and I can see a lots of BDis looking for job and finding a good life in here .When I see that I can understand their situation in BD.

Of course I have to worry about that . Its all are highly connected. India isn't a Local Countryside. Or Village.
You have to listen. Because listening sometimes increase some knowledge or expose the truth.

Thats the correct answer. Hope you understood it from the first time.
What does this say? I don't understand at all. You should let the other people see.

It says, during an inspection of high schools in the Indian province of West Bengal, the students replied that the name of their country is Bangladesh and their capital is Dhaka.
It says, during an inspection of high schools in the Indian province of West Bengal, the students replied that the name of their country is Bangladesh and their capital is Dhaka.
OK, I know,
China has a lot of Bangladesh international students, they were very polite, respect teachers and classmates... Indian students don't, they fight each other in some time ago, or even hurt each other with a knife, three people by China deportation.

The liberation of west Bengal!The liberation of Sikkim! Liberation of India's northeastern states!

Do not forget to liberate yourself from the fine pot you are smoking.
Of course I have to worry about that . Its all are highly connected. India isn't a Local Countryside. Or Village.
You have to listen. Because listening sometimes increase some knowledge or expose the truth.

Thats the correct answer. Hope you understood it from the first time.

Of Course .We dont have to listen your words.
According to our Constitution ,we only have to hear the words of Indians .Bdis or any other foreigner dont have anything to say about it.

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