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Congratulating on IMF deal. What kind of state of mind we are in as nation.

What kind of state of mind we are in as a nation? Pakistani politicians media and some generals are congratulating the nation on IMF deal. They don't realize it is a great shame to the nation of 300 million who even can not stand on its feet. Shamless politicians and media give the news as they reached to Mars. World is reaching Mars and not even thinking about moon anymore. We still can not find Eid ka chand.. are we dying as a nation. Are we morally so corrupt as we teaching our kids that getting loans is a good thing for the nation? I was reading some tweets from Pakistani ministers and important pm and their paid media and they are so excited after signing the deal with IMF.as that money will go into their pocket. those ministers and their leaders ruled this country for 40 years and are still not able to make it self-sufficient. these leaders have 100 of million of properties in UK France Dubai and ruled alongside military Generals and they could not able to bring out Pakistan from poverty.
Imf is one tool of usa and west to control the poor world.
There are some tools west uses to contol the poor world
1 United Nations
2 World Bank
4 Nato
Those came out of IMF and world bank they kind of bit free from west slavery
Now Chinese and russia brought a bank which 90 billions funds to help poor countries so they can come out west slavery.
Congrats , hope this will open gates for other countries will start giving loan .
Pretending that a big, bearded 6'2" dude is a little girl...


I sure hope the quote/unquote "ice cream" isn't just a metaphor for something phallic, heh!
But you fish 🐟. You telling everyone

India and China have unsettled borders that will be settled in some way or form at some point.

WE need to focus on "our problems." CPEC is not for free but built on loans that WE have to repay or risk disappointing Chinese investors. How these loans affect common man in Pakistan? Any word on this part?

No, WE do not worship White Skin. WE desire socioeconomic improvements and WE reject conflicts.
Where national highway is right and where we lost some glaciers. They can cut your north area easily if chines don't press them from above
I'm sensing so much 'closeted frustration' right now...
Lol, what? Frustrated over what? The Indians are laughing that you are doing a victory lap dance over getting a few billion dollars. Do you understand that the Afghans and Somalis are begging for this kind of peanuts?

Do you find it worthy to celebrate being mentioned in the same breath as Somalia, Zimbabwe, Afghans? I can see why Pakistan is in its predicament with mentality like this.
Umm... Because it's literally saved our economy from a crushing default?!
Lol, what do you mean "save". How much money is Pakistan getting? And how long before it finds itself in same position again and begs for the same amount?
India and China have unsettled borders that will be settled in some way or form at some point.

WE need to focus on "our problems." CPEC is not for free but built on loans that WE have to repay or risk disappointing Chinese investors. How these loans affect common man in Pakistan? Any word on this part?

No, WE do not worship White Skin. WE desire socioeconomic improvements and WE reject conflicts.
Where national highway is right and where we lost some glaciers. They can cut your north area easily if chines don't press them from above

Lol, what? Frustrated over what? The Indians are laughing that you are doing a victory lap dance over getting a few billion dollars. Do you understand that the Afghans and Somalis are begging for this kind of peanuts?

Do you find it worthy to celebrate being mentioned in the same breath as Somalia, Zimbabwe, Afghans? I can see why Pakistan is in its predicament with mentality like this.

Lol, what do you mean "save". How much money is Pakistan getting? And how long before it finds itself in same position again and begs for the same amount?
My man 5 starts for you.
The only time Pakistan had a trade surplus in my lifetime was in 1954 when increased Jute exports and reduced imports turned in a balance of payment surplus of Rs 9.9- crores (USD 29-million) It means that Pakistan as country and Pakistanis as ‘Nation’ have been living beyond their means for the last 70 years and surviving on the foreign aid. Cold War (SEATO & CENTO) and later the Soviet invasion followed by 9/11 kept giving the dollar injections to the economy. Now that no more aid is forthcoming; Pakistan has to face the bitter truth that unless you learn to live within your earnings, you would go bankrupt.

IMF agreement is a reason for joy because it has saved Pakistan from default in the immediate future, but it is only a temporary relief.
Pakistani nation as a whole must be made to understand that unless everyone starts paying taxes and we increase our exports to match exports plus remittances; result would be chaos. Just ask ourselves the question as to why Bangla Desh’s RMG exports alone are equal to Pakistan’s total exports?

If Pakistanis need to eat grass (term used by ZA Bhutto), we must, but we must learn to live within our means.
The US/Israel/India jointly make plans for Pakistan. The strategy is to keep Pakistan on a drip in intensive care and not let it die and to never let it prosper.

Pakistan is in the list of countries that are too big to fail. If it fails it is capable of destabilizing the whole world with 250 million boat people turning the white sand beaches of Europe brown. Pakistan’s biggest trump card is the threat of its own collapse.

US/Israel/India have understood that the British Indian Army of Pakistan suits them perfectly. The generals keep the country suppressed and don’t let it prosper, so they’re ideal partners for forces that are hostile to Islam and Pakistan.

From the point of view of the whiskey generals they put their own interests over that of Pakistan. They prefer a poor Pakistan in which they are rich. They don’t want a rich country where they are subject to the law.

So, the generals sell the country and US/Israel/India give them some loans to keep them in power.
IMF is a professional lending organization that will push for fiscal discipline and governance reforms in countries seeking its bailout programs. Absolutely fine.

Moeed Pirzada spoke with some people who work at IMF. According to them Pakistan doesn’t qualify for loans by their normal lending criteria. The loan was only approved as a political decision and the only country that can decide is the US.

So, it’s what I’ve said. They think that the Pakistan Army suits them fine and they will support them.

The US knows and everyone else knows that Pakistan is going to stay on the verge of bankruptcy. There’s no chance of it escaping the debt trap at a time when all investors are running away.
It is okay doctor sb. I am not a CPA like Dar sb.

Pakistan should do a debt consolidation with China.

Unlike the West, China never interferes in the internal affairs of Pakistan.

No more Aurat movements, Population control and woke liberalism.
I mean how is 18 August 2018 to April 2022 4.5 years??

I am afraid you might be having mild cognitive disorder or early onset dementia.

Counting months and number is part of Montreal dementia testing

Please do see a doctor

Moeed Pirzada spoke with some people who work at IMF. According to them Pakistan doesn’t qualify for loans by their normal lending criteria. The loan was only approved as a political decision and the only country that can decide is the US.

So, it’s what I’ve said. They think that the Pakistan Army suits them fine and they will support them.

The US knows and everyone else knows that Pakistan is going to stay on the verge of bankruptcy. There’s no chance of it escaping the debt trap at a time when all investors are running away.
Last I check it's a stand by agreement not dispersement

Meaning we should be able to get expensive bonds from market

New incoming govt is screwed big time.

I wish it be bilawal

I think only way forward is technocrat govt or govt run on pure capitalism something like IPP

Massive privitzation and deregulation is needed

Police needs to be cleaned, beaucrats fired and AC/DC system finished

All govt run sectors need to go

Govt need to be small and nimble

I think only way forward is technocrat govt or govt run on pure capitalism something like IPP

Massive privitzation and deregulation is needed

Police needs to be cleaned, beaucrats fired and AC/DC system finished

All govt run sectors need to go

Govt need to be small and nimble

I think only way forward is technocrat govt or govt run on pure capitalism something like IPP

Massive privitzation and deregulation is needed

Police needs to be cleaned, beaucrats fired and AC/DC system finished

All govt run sectors need to go

Govt need to be small and nimble
What kind of state of mind we are in as a nation? Pakistani politicians media and some generals are congratulating the nation on IMF deal. They don't realize it is a great shame to the nation of 300 million who even can not stand on its feet. Shamless politicians and media give the news as they reached to Mars. World is reaching Mars and not even thinking about moon anymore. We still can not find Eid ka chand.. are we dying as a nation. Are we morally so corrupt as we teaching our kids that getting loans is a good thing for the nation? I was reading some tweets from Pakistani ministers and important pm and their paid media and they are so excited after signing the deal with IMF.as that money will go into their pocket. those ministers and their leaders ruled this country for 40 years and are still not able to make it self-sufficient. these leaders have 100 of million of properties in UK France Dubai and ruled alongside military Generals and they could not able to bring out Pakistan from poverty.
Imf is one tool of usa and west to control the poor world.
There are some tools west uses to contol the poor world
1 United Nations
2 World Bank
4 Nato
Those came out of IMF and world bank they kind of bit free from west slavery
Now Chinese and russia brought a bank which 90 billions funds to help poor countries so they can come out west slavery.

You really watch what paid journalists have to say ?

Russia was doing great under Putin but he lost the plot in Ukraine.

Depends who you get the news from

I am not a CPA like Dar sb.

Mr $ dar is Pakistani educated accountant ….

Ie = toilet paper degree
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You really watch what paid journalists have to say ?

Depends who you get the news from

Mr $ dar is Pakistani educated accountant ….

Ie = toilet paper degree
Around 18 billions already given to media by pdm government...
. .
Moeed Pirzada spoke with some people who work at IMF. According to them Pakistan doesn’t qualify for loans by their normal lending criteria. The loan was only approved as a political decision
Do you have a link for this?
. .
I stand on my experience and study about imf world bank UN and international Court of justice. They tools of west to run their world order. They will not allow Pakistan to stand on its feets. They will make sure pakistan run by corrupt gernerals and politicians. They will always tie Pakistan like dogs. Here some stupids are giving congratulations to each other afer signing our own death warrant

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