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Apr 15, 2006
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Gents and ladies,

Feel free to post here why you are not happy with the fact that your post was not accepted. Do remember that it is not typical normal that personal remarks against posters/mods are accepted. Nor are we happy with onesided propaganda or oneliners. And if you think that we love to remove everytime a bad post then think again. It is about quality. We allow everyone to post but keep in mind that without respect you cannot expect the same in return.

A guy called Arrow is busy with large quantity of pathetic posting. Everytime it is removed he start whyning and complaining. I ask him to behave and post his reactions here or PM me. This is not Kindergarten or BRF.

Kind regards,
well he posted it in the wrong section but let me correct it for him here..

>Originally Posted by Munir
Since the topic is not about moderating nor Munir I will open up a new topic in this section where you can comment or react as you want.
Put it up & let us see whether you can debate without flaming - choose a topic- either the IAF or the PAF. Then let us take it from there.

As usual thinking that he is correct and others that correct him are not... Let me sugest you take some time and read your own posts.

>Keep this topic and others clear cause frankly it is not that fun to delete pathetic posts that are:
1. oneliners
2. sentimental crap
3. personal remarks
4. onesided opinions
>>By those standards, please examine your own posts- including your own flamebait on the previous page.

Those posts were reaction to your propagande. Since you saw that you might understand that it was a mirror for you.

>>Secondly, none of the posts you deleted met those criteria.

Sure. Don't make me laugh ont his yaar.

>>Lastly, 4. "One sided Opinions" is patently ridiculous. If I am asked a question on the IAF, I shall stick to it. Showing the IAF in a positive light does not offend the PAF.

Positive? You adore it. If on person makes it less holy you start complaining. It is not about positive but facts. Just like the Indian do at Keymags... Getting personal or flaming at those that post rela facts you do not much different brother.

>If I have to warn every poster over and over again then the poster should think about his quality before starting to blaim moderators. Do remind that moderators have no personal gains. All we want is a sound forum where everyone is allowed to contribure. And contributing flaming or propaganda is not accepted.
>>Thank you for your barely disguised threats.

Sure it is as usual the other that is wrong. I do not see Indian flag and you call me disguised?

>>I have more faith (so far) in Neo & Sid, than the statements above.

That is the reason that more mods are active. We are here to serve the forum and not eliminate certain posters. Otherwise yuo would have been gone longtime.
Someof the arguments of Arrow:

Hi everyone,

In this thread-


Neo asked a question about flying hours. Prior to that I told him that I was willing to have a debate provided it was not used to mudsling at the IAF.
Once he posted his question, I provided a detailed reply about the exact hours and how the report was wrong and how so.

Then Munir came in & flamed.

[please details]

I replied to him, and thereafter posted more details about the MKI program and how it addresses the issues, as well as details on production rate.

These were deleted, along with my reply to Munir.

I had anticipated that such a stunt might be pulled so I managed to retrieve one of my replies.

[so i am stupid]

So I ask you- is this what you want of your forum? Where even non flaming serious answers are deleted because some moderator is afraid that it shows the "enemy" in a positive light?


Why persist with this charade that you want other people here and create relationships based on respect?

[Charade? Respect?

I have been debating with Sid & Neo, and though I dont agree with them- I found their opinions to be civilized and presented as such, but these tactics, as done by Munir or whoeever (check the logs) reek of cowardice and abuse of Moderator powers.

[cowardice and abuse?]

Neo, why ask a question- if my answer to you is being deleted, the instant it is posted, time and again??

[So if one is not accepted then start shouting and complain more to others.]
Am reposting it from here, since no replies came:

If Munir cannot stand to take a debate which he is incapable of replying to, then why does he bother with the pretense of "raising the standard of debate of this forum"?

[I am lowering standard? Icapable? Cannot stand a debate?]

This is ridiculous.

[Indeed it is]

A moderator, who should be "moderating"- instead spends his time flaming & deleting relevant comments!

[any evidence from someone that has barely 80 posts?]
Some more...


I replied to Neo's question & yet this happened!

All my posts about IAF flight hours (to Neo), and rebutting Munirs trash talking, taking efforts to be polite, were silently deleted.

[so so...Trash talking? Arrow being polite?]

The person who deleted the message didnt even have the decency to leave a message not addressed to him (ie Neo) alone.

[Not even decent?]

This is the state of affairs here.

[Looks like tamasha to me cause you do not use any argumetns besides shouting and flaming personal]

A moderator like Munir flames - and when you give a polite reply, it is deleted.

[Sure, you did read your own comment sofar?]

Why? Because some gent cannot take the fact that trash talking can be rebutted with facts & figures, so delete the reply and you will be left with the last word, which the "silent Indian members" are unable to reply to.

[Last word? You are still here and posting this so who has the last word?]

Note- AFTER MY COMPLAINT- I posted ANOTHER REPLY to Neo, pointing out what was happening and answering his question on flight hours.

It was deleted.

[Just repost what you did. We will see cause as you know it was not without flaming... If you sugest that it was then let a mod you like check all your posts and make conclusions. And if they are not positive then I sugest you leave without a word.]
who the hell is decreasing my number of posts??:mad:
I m noticing that it is happening from last 1 month and evey time about 10-30 numbers decreased, I didn't reacted. and now my number of posts decreases from 2501 to 2473. if some one have a problem regarrding that please inform me atleast.
doing this without notice is unjustified.
waiting for reply of that person who decreased my number of posts.

I have deleted some 20+ posts as many threads are being flooded by insignificant newsarticles posted by you without any additional comment or opinion.

I've already requested you twice by pm to improve quality of posting as we care more about the quality rather than the quantity.

There's really no use of reporting every bomb that falls into Lebanon or Israel, Í think we already know that.


Haven't done that. But I agree that sometimes some old topic can be deleted so number of posts decreases. I am not busy with that but I do look for posts in top topics. If it is oneliner like "great news" or "I am curious how that will be implemented" then the post is waste of bandwith and I do erase that. I have seen some topics with 20 oneliners and I don't think that it is normal for any forum to allow that. Besides that if posts like Arrow that are personally attacking anyone then it is either personal mail or deleting the post. For your information, I have sent several personal mails to our friend Arrow but all he can do is tell that I am abusing my powers while all he is doing is abusing the forum rules. The guy is good in postnig to others about my actions while he has no guts to react on my pm.

Anyway. Neo is doing well in bringing the forum to a higher level. Let us join that and stop making negative comments. If there is something then feel free to PM or post here a remark/question.
Neo said:

I have deleted some 20+ posts as many threads are being flooded by insignificant newsarticles posted by you without any additional comment or opinion.

I've already requested you twice by pm to improve quality of posting as we care more about the quality rather than the quantity.

There's really no use of reporting every bomb that falls into Lebanon or Israel, Í think we already know that.


If you delete the post you can write reason so that I know why the number decreased and who deleated them.
after your PM, as you can see I decreased my daily posts in economy section a lot and I will also do in mid-east section but please consider my above advise.
I think it is a valid request to know why one's post is deleted.

It will help him to reform, maybe.

What does CSRFF or whatever means?
The matter is even more simplistic then written sofar. The automtic deleting was only for those that repeat being ingnorant. Just count the number of posts that are corrected. Just count how often the person was warned. Even personal mail to stop bashing or explain why... Do we as a mod degrade our quality and keep begging for correct behaviour? I sugest that poster should understand the freedom and respect principles. If not then they can expect some correctional reactions. If still behaving like a little spoiled child then we start erasing pathetic posts. If still the same then banning is on the corner. Don't think that we have to excuse us for every stupidity of others. Case closed.

To others... If you have a valuable point then atleast give examples. This forcing mods to behave like kindergarten is not a solution. For those that do not know... Most of us have more then a few forums with around 10.000 posts. We are not here cause we have rich parents and small d. We are here to give others the oppertunite to learn from eachothers. There is no place for propaganda or childish behaviour.
"Bull: Consider this a warning. You have repeatedly ignored requests to stop 'chatting' on the main forum, the PM feature is there for you to use. Any further 'chat up' posts will be deleted without warning as has already been done to other such posts of yours in this thread."

Sid has warned me for something which i wasnt the accused party.I was just responding to what sigotoka asked me.If he wanted to warn let him warn him.Not me.I dont want to know anything more abt any more members out here,i know all those whom i want to already?So thanks but no thanks you can keep you PM-ing system to yourself.

And above all why create such a fuss abt writing just a few lines to know with whom you r debating?

We just asked each other abt the age that was enough for Sid to come down with his hammer!Absurd isnt it.

He has just warned me once and i have just asked one personal question,so whats this "repeated ****" abt?

Mods continue bashing the members on public forum and when u state the reason,its deleted and one more warning is issued.
I think the MODS are doing an excellent job on keeping a check on the filth that is coming out of certain WAB people on this forum these days. I just wish that all the idiotic fustrated personal remarks coming out of these very same people is put to a stop. If they feel like "chatting" then there are countless other forums. Although i know it would be BULLocks to expect that these members are constantly babysitted...but it would be a RAY of hope if all the bickering and the endless tirade of the most juvenille personal attacks would stop.
Bull said:
"Bull: Consider this a warning. You have repeatedly ignored requests to stop 'chatting' on the main forum, the PM feature is there for you to use. Any further 'chat up' posts will be deleted without warning as has already been done to other such posts of yours in this thread."

Sid has warned me for something which i wasnt the accused party.I was just responding to what sigotoka asked me.If he wanted to warn let him warn him.Not me.I dont want to know anything more abt any more members out here,i know all those whom i want to already?So thanks but no thanks you can keep you PM-ing system to yourself.

And above all why create such a fuss abt writing just a few lines to know with whom you r debating?

We just asked each other abt the age that was enough for Sid to come down with his hammer!Absurd isnt it.

He has just warned me once and i have just asked one personal question,so whats this "repeated ****" abt?

Mods continue bashing the members on public forum and when u state the reason,its deleted and one more warning is issued.

Yes I know how easy it is to play the 'victim card', but trust me it wont get you or anyone else anywhere. When members have their own intellect to go through forum rules and understand them as well as consider online forum etiquettes, we, the Mods, wouldn't have to babysit people like we've ended up doing. Trust me, we have more important things to do, like actually 'Moderating'.

Its not just about the 'age' asking part that got deleted and you were warned. It has been an issue for quite some time now. NO ONE is bashing the members on the public forum. Your irrelevant sattirical remarks on other members and your habit of starting a casual chat in the main discussion thread is something that will NOT be tolerated because THAT is what ruins the discussion on the public forum by degrading the discussion thread in to a casual chat network.

Once again, kindly use the PM feature for any correspondance with other members and/or the Moderators.

Sid said:
Yes I know how easy it is to play the 'victim card', but trust me it wont get you or anyone else anywhere.

****, [Mod Edit: Tone it down please] you made me a victim ,what else shoud i say other than that im a victim.

Sid said:
Its not just about the 'age' asking part that got deleted and you were warned. It has been an issue for quite some time now.

You didnt do that and when i was bought into a chat by another member and the mere response of mine to that was enough for you to come down with the stick of board etiquettes.

Sid said:
It has been an issue for quite some time now

hmmm i see..

Sid said:
Your irrelevant sattirical remarks on other members and your habit of starting a casual chat in the main discussion thread something that will NOT be tolerated because THAT is what ruins the discussion on the public forum by degrading the discussion thread in to a casual chat network.

If you saw me making personal or satarical remarks abt any other member,then u shud have warned me over there.
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