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Compare between the two Koreas military

Go compare sadam's forces with DPRK, North Koreans have > 1 millions troops available.
And how many of them are actual combat troops? The ratio of support to combat troops today is about 3:1 and if you think that those combat troops can actually 'swarm' over the border, you are foolish as you are ignorant. Terrain dictate corridors and all probable corridors are already marked. North Korean troops will die on their way to Seoul.
Said a US citizen, how about US is at stake, will you allow Washington to be taken in order to organize a further resistance? People will surely put everything on the line in order to defend the heart of their nation.
I did not say just to be expediently cruel to the South Koreans. That is the potentiality that the South Koreans know and I know they know that because I trained with their ROK Marines.

Yeah, the same thing goes for US military think tank that ensured Truman to ignore 300.000 PLA stationed near Yalu river, saying that those 300.000 PLA were only for defending China's hydroelectric power generator and boom !! 300.000 PLA guys secretly crossed Yalu river and push you guys back to the border. What makes you think that the signs will not be ignored as before? Besides, surprise attack is usually done with Blitzkrieg style, keeping the enemy off balance by advancing in various location to disperse the defending army's power projection and keep the main spearhead in the guise of flanking or secondary attack. That will take weeks for the defending army to realize that the invading army's main force already reach the nearest point of the defending army's main defense objective.
The North Korean troops will float over the DMZ mines?

If we are talking about supply lines, then we are talking about how many goods that are successfully delivered not how many supplies that are destroyed. Ho Chi Minh Trails were surely pounded heavily by US sorties, but that didn't stop the NVA and its partisans to send supplies to the Vietcong, the final result was Vietcong never short on supplies and even was able to launch the massive Tet offensive.
And people continues to believe that Americans are stupid when they are ignorant of the history of the thing they uses to criticize Americans. :lol:

It was the politics of the Vietnam War that allows the trail to have respite from air attacks. And do you know what happened to the Viet Cong after Tet 1968? Almost destroyed in South Viet Nam. The military bottom line is that the trail was vulnerable and could have been completely severed if politics were not involved.
And how many of them are actual combat troops? The ratio of support to combat troops today is about 3:1 and if you think that those combat troops can actually 'swarm' over the border, you are foolish as you are ignorant. Terrain dictate corridors and all probable corridors are already marked. North Korean troops will die on their way to Seoul.

:omghaha: Plz tell me why do it in Kosovo War

It was the politics of the Vietnam War that allows the trail to have respite from air attacks. And do you know what happened to the Viet Cong after Tet 1968? Almost destroyed in South Viet Nam. The military bottom line is that the trail was vulnerable and could have been completely severed if politics were not involved.

But war is politics :azn:
:omghaha: Plz tell me why do it in Kosovo War

But war is politics :azn:
Stop trying to sound smart. It ain't working. Your shift stupor-visor must be running short on scripts.
Stop trying to sound smart. It ain't working. Your shift stupor-visor must be running short on scripts.

:rofl:Well,keep on,US Citizen.

Battle of Mogadishu,Invincible US army , Soldiers vs civilian
When Korea war happen again, US will sent its nuke carriers, warships, helicopters....to help South Korean run for their lives like in Vn war 1975.



If carrier doesn't have enough space for more people, then Oki, let's throw some Heli down to the Ocean :omghaha:

That's how US will 'Help' its allies :omghaha:
south korea does come up at the top when u take all the factors into consideration. .the usa factor being the most prominent one..
I did not say just to be expediently cruel to the South Koreans. That is the potentiality that the South Koreans know and I know they know that because I trained with their ROK Marines.

Yes, but that may be the last thing that ROK generals would consider. Surrendering capital city could down the defending army's moral, and that's an unlikely situation for ROK armed forces to leave Seoul.

The North Korean troops will float over the DMZ mines?

The NK troops will be so stupid to not to think about how to cross DMZ minefields before invading it? The french built Maginot line with minefields, trenches, tank traps, and fortified gun bases, that didn't help France to hold German invasion in WW2 through unguarded Ardennes. There will always be a way to cross that minefields and do you think NK is that stupid?

And people continues to believe that Americans are stupid when they are ignorant of the history of the thing they uses to criticize Americans. :lol:

It was the politics of the Vietnam War that allows the trail to have respite from air attacks. And do you know what happened to the Viet Cong after Tet 1968? Almost destroyed in South Viet Nam. The military bottom line is that the trail was vulnerable and could have been completely severed if politics were not involved.

Politics make up the secondary factor of any successive attempts in the battlefield, the main point is the NVA men were able to deliver such numerous amount of supply to the Vietcong, so it will not be an impossible thing for DPRK military forces to replicate the effort done by the North Vietnamese.

I know that the Tet offensive ended up a failure for the communist Vietnam, but back to our discussion, the effort (including sending the supplies) to make the Tet offensive become a reality was successfully done by the NVA.

Funny to note the fact that you mentioned politics in your previous paragraph, and then you said that the absence of politics would completely destroy the supply lines through trails. War is a continuation of politic, every war is backed by politic, what makes you think that politics will not be involved in the future Korean war?
:rofl:plz tell me how much tomahawks? and 1 tomahawk can kill how many persons

Dude us has thousands of tomahawks & other missiles also South Korea has massive missile stockpiles which will completely destroy NK & set the *** of Kim boy on fire
Dude us has thousands of tomahawks & other missiles also South Korea has massive missile stockpiles which will completely destroy NK & set the *** of Kim boy on fire

Tell me the number.:azn:

NK cant Victory,but it not means that 1 Million Soldier can be killed by tomahawks :rofl:

The United States Navy has a stockpile of around 3,500 Tomahawk cruise missiles of all variants, with a combined worth of approximately US $2.6 billion.

Well, seem like some China hungry for war of Korean and think they could be a boss behind the scene and control North Korean, :lol:
Well, seem like some China hungry for war of Korean and think they could be a boss behind the scene and control North Korean, :lol:

No,You idiot. Kim is crazy,we only dont want millions Civilian killed by him.
Dude us has thousands of tomahawks & other missiles also South Korea has massive missile stockpiles which will completely destroy NK & set the *** of Kim boy on fire

Cruise missiles are expensive to launch. Pretty much USA loses millions of dollars just to destroy NK.
Your world is stuck in the 1950s? I guess you believe the Soviets still lives.

The Soviets are still there but with a different flag. You're too naive or perhaps a bit too willy. We don't buy the crap that the US has its ABM system in Poland for countering the Iranian missiles.
I haveto tell you that your army too weak than North Korea.:coffee:

Keep peace is the most important thing for a small country as you Tunisian.
i don't think so
1 dos NK have UAVs
we manufacturing them you can see this TATI

2 dos they have ship to ship missiles in there ships
we have Exocet Missile

the only thing that NK is butter than Tunisia is the number of soldiers

if NK attack SK . USA will bomb all the missile and nuck bases in NK by surgical strike

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