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Compare between the two Koreas military

Ha ! Your point is to show Tunis military force right? Cheap trick.

By the way, this joke is not told right, why not draw DPRK's nuclear arsenal to the comparison? That will be a sight. Anyway, everyone knows that SK military forces are far more advanced than their counterpart in the north, SK forces are all developed to the teeth, but never make a joke about NK military forces, especially with their moral and will to fight. I mean who's got the better will to fight a war if it's not the brainwashed people, right?

Conventional war between SK and NK will surely favor SK, but nuclear can change anything although the current possibility of NK using its nuclear bomb is still low to nothing. But again, who knows, the NK's leader is sick as ****.

i just want to show the deference between Tunisian armed forces and NK military yeah nukes change every thing if they dear to use it , i don't thing USA will Allow NK to launch i guess they will be destroyed before even Nk think to use here nukes
and about if the NK soldier ready to fight we Tunisians ready to die but we know Tunisia will never think to help the south in that war
i just want to show the deference between Tunisian armed forces and NK military yeah nukes change every thing if they dear to use it , i don't thing USA will Allow NK to launch i guess they will be destroyed before even Nk think to use here nukes
and about if the NK soldier ready to fight we Tunisians ready to die but we know Tunisia will never think to help the south in that war

Since when NK needs any permission from US to do anything?

That depends on how quick SK can defeat NK.
The biggest difference is, south has a lot to lose and every life is considered precious. North is like a suicide bomber willing to destroy itself to cause some damage to the other.

Still i think only reason they try to challenge every one is because they have a nuclear edge so balance that equation out by giving them some. I really believe that will be a huge psychological setback for NK and might even bring them to negotiation table.
As soon as tomahawks start to rain on north they will be decimated

Such sudden prediction are always proven wrong, don't see NK troops the way you see Republican National Guard which was quickly decimated after the first Tomhawk landed on Baghdad.

i mean the 1st step in the war is destroying all NK nuclear sites

Pre emptive attack will surely be a strategy, but will it be as easy as destroying Iraq nuclear site? NK nuclear facility is buried underneath the earth, there's a 50:50 chance for this kind of strategy to be success. Still can't determine that NK will lose in at least the first week of war which is enough to prepare their nuclear arsenal.
Still i think only reason they try to challenge every one is because they have a nuclear edge so balance that equation out by giving them some. I really believe that will be a huge psychological setback for NK and might even bring them to negotiation table.

South is already in American nuclear umbrella.
South is already in American nuclear umbrella.

Do they have a nuclear stockpile in SK? Well lets hope that NKoreans dont try anything funny because even they know that they are outgunned in conventional sense.
Seoul is pretty close to north korea... within range of basic artillery fire. Seoul will be toast in under an hour if war broke out with the North.

Tomahawks also does little against, North Korea's mountainous terrain for every base the US can pick up on a satellite i am sure the North Koreans have several other ones. Historically, they managed to dig across the DMZ and when the American/SK tried to investigate they boobytrapped it and killed a dozen GIs.

The north koreans are some crazy mofos, they are indoctrinated and not afraid to die.
ahh it's really funny North Korea looking for war or for DPRK doomsday :devil::devil::devil:
Yeah, look at modern weapon in nice picture and think you can win a war so easy.... die for sure.
American defeat Iraq so easy, but they must stay in there long time and waste money.
South Korea will be devastated if a war broke out. North Korea SPH, MLRS, and ballistic missiles will cause massive civilian infrastructre damages upon the South considering Seoul is well within range. Using cruise missiles to attack mobile military assets of North Korea will just result in wasted munitions. The best that SK can hope for is by using their planes to attack North Korea and SK will have to accept massive losses of their planes and pilots to achieve air superiority. Otherwise, the war between the two Koreas is just two sides bombarding each others with NK has nothing to lose while SK has everything to lose
South Korea will be devastated if a war broke out. North Korea SPH, MLRS, and ballistic missiles will cause massive civilian infrastructre damages upon the South considering Seoul is well within range. Using cruise missiles to attack mobile military assets of North Korea will just result in wasted munitions. The best that SK can hope for is by using their planes to attack North Korea and SK will have to accept massive losses of their planes and pilots to achieve air superiority. Otherwise, the war between the two Koreas is just two sides bombarding each others with NK has nothing to lose while SK has everything to lose
This sounds NOTHING like a credible analysis supported by research but a communist trying to support another communist.

South Korea will be devastated if a war broke out.
Depends on who fire the first shot. And even then, victory is not guaranteed. You really think NKR is going to escape unscathed?

North Korea SPH, MLRS, and ballistic missiles will cause massive civilian infrastructre damages upon the South considering Seoul is well within range.
And Pyongyang is within strike distance of just about every weapons in the US/SKR arsenal. It is less than 150 miles or 250 km.

Using cruise missiles to attack mobile military assets of North Korea will just result in wasted munitions.
I take it you speak from extensive personal experience with cruise missiles? In order to survive a cruise missile assault, literally EVERY military assets must be mobile, which is not possible. Besides, cruise missiles will be used against vital command/control targets that usually are not mobile, or air defense radars, or ships. Enough of these destroyed or crippled and the North Korean military is dead. Please stop making a fool of yourself.

The best that SK can hope for is by using their planes to attack North Korea and SK will have to accept massive losses of their planes and pilots to achieve air superiority.
The best that NKR can hope for is to have SKR remains cool while that young punk establish his authority so he can have a land to rule.

Otherwise, the war between the two Koreas is just two sides bombarding each others with NK has nothing to lose while SK has everything to lose
This will not be a war between the two Koreas. It will be a war between North Korea and the South Korea and US alliance. China will not get involved in this shooting match. China will either let NKR go or yank the leash on this dog so a shooting match will not occur.

Stop sucking up to North Korea. Vietnam have no stake in this.

Yeah, look at modern weapon in nice picture and think you can win a war so easy.... die for sure.
American defeat Iraq so easy, but they must stay in there long time and waste money.
There is a difference between a 'battle' and a 'war'. Too bad you are too young and ignorant to understand that difference. For Iraq, you can bet whatever sorry salary you are making that the US did beat the Iraqi military that easily.
Such sudden prediction are always proven wrong, don't see NK troops the way you see Republican National Guard which was quickly decimated after the first Tomhawk landed on Baghdad.
North Korean troops are malnourished and physically inferior to their South Korean counterparts. Think again if you believe that an average NKR trooper can ruck the same distance as his SKR cousin.

The biggest difference is, south has a lot to lose and every life is considered precious. North is like a suicide bomber willing to destroy itself to cause some damage to the other.
I disagree. North Korea may be in dire poverty, but it is still a land with people and resources to exploit for the benefits of the few. What little wealth there is in comparison to the South, it is just as precious to preserve and use.
DPRK has a bigger weapon, known as insanity!

If it comes to conventional fighting, S.Korea will terminate the north on its own but the DPRK is in the possession of nukes or at least the dirty bombs & they are stupid enough to use them.
Don't worry about DPRK, it took the Americans 10 years to deal with Iraq.
But we are in Iraq, just like if there is a war in the Korean peninsula, the US will be in northern Korea just like we are in Iraq. The difference here is that we have no regional allies to help US in Iraq while in the Korean peninsula, we have the southern Korean people to help US. You think Chinese troops are going to play the insurgency in Korea? :lol:

Go compare sadam's forces with DPRK, North Koreans have > 1 millions troops available.
Carpet bomb them enough, and it would not take much, and their minds will crack as easily as their malnourished bodies will.
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