That detailed document was supposed to be classified, the document itself states as much.
You are right,the front page of that document says "restricted access"(but amazingly i got it off the internet,meaning that the document was "once" classified and now it has been de-classified). But thats not the point,the point is,the peak power of the radar is <4kW .
Here i would like to point out that the PAP of a radar is also a function(power and aperture being constant) of weighing function(or weighing coefficients ,often expressed in the form of a complex one dimensional matrix
W(nx1) where n denote the number of antennae elements) used in the antenna(for instance ,for a 1000 element linear array hanning coefficients are better than chebyscheff coefficients).
It is this weighing coefficients that are responsible for the beam steering in any phased array radar- you remove this from a PA and it'll be no different from an ordinary radar.
Apart from contributing to the PAP,these weighing functions can generate precise nulls(i.e the radar will block any signal coming from that direction) at angles that can be manipulated(this property comes in handy when you're facing a hostile electronic jamming coming from a particular direction)
As we can see,in the picture below that,this particular radar produces nulls at roughly 72, 94, 120, and 153 degrees
picture courtesy antenna
The power of a t/r module is determines by the amplifier it has(transmission path)- hence i asked you to look into x-band PAs of astra microwave
here is what i was saying earlier,PAP as a function of linear array elements(n) was plotted for various weighing functions,one can see,the hamming window,offers the highest for a 1000element array
Picture courtesy- Aris alexopoulos and andrew shaw(DSTO- australia)