Pakistan has a more robust and mobile air defense system compared to India. The less said about this the better.
Well, the same was said about the FC-20 deal on unconfirmed reports until it came to naught. It's better it is researched and looked upon to ascertain capabilities.
For e.g. .. SIPRI does thorough research on Arms Transfers and keeps a good track of shipments(Which ARE mostly publicly available) and is a good reference. Here are the methods used:
The one common criterion is that the sources are open; that is, published and available to the general public. The sources include:
Newspapers and other periodicals;
Monographs and annual reference works;
Information from industry;
TV broadcasts; and
Blogs and other Internet publications.
Some governmental publications also contain considerable amounts of information, such as:
Defence white papers and other defence policy documents;
The UN Register of Conventional Arms (UN Register);
Pentagon notifications on government-to-government arms transfers to the US Congress;
National reports on arms exports and imports; and
Defence budget documents and parliamentary records.
An example is missile transfers to Pakistan. I am not sure how the values for AIM-120 delivery and SD-10 units have been compiled.
It gives one a respectable picture of what has been brought in through international sources(specifically through international shipping services and channels. System brought over by the Country themselves using their own transportation methods may slip under the radar).
So in terms of sensor systems.