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Combat Aircraft Projects & Designs - Index in 2nd post


A, real project or a wild CGI?


Nothing beyond the Raptor is officially flying.




Interestingly, LGB targeting pods seem to be often carried by single-seat F-16s, though flying an airplane in the face of enemy defenses while trying to keep crosshairs on a target sounds a bit tricky. F-16s have carried electro-optic guided bombs (EOGBs) such as the GBU-15 glide bomb, which requires carriage of an AN/AXQ-14 datalink pod. It appears that EOGBs are usually carried by two-seat F-16s.

Block 50/52 machines with the HARM Targeting System also carry the AGM-88 HARM, and the Block 50/52 has been qualified to carry the AGM-84 Harpoon antiship missile. Foreign users also carry their own stores. For example, Norwegian F-16s carry the Penguin Mark 3 antiship missile and Israeli F-16 have carried the big Rafael "Popeye" electro-optic guided standoff missile.

F-16s have now been qualified to use the latest generation of US guided weapons, including the "Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM}" GPS-guided bomb; the "Joint Stand-Off Weapon (JSOW)" glide bomb; the "Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD)" inertially-guided cluster bomb; and the "Joint Air To Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)" cruise missile.

* F-16s have been adapted to the reconnaissance role, carrying a range of reconnaissance pods. In 1986, an F-16D was modified into a more optimized reconnaissance configuration, carrying a multisensor bathtub-style pack on the centerline. The pack was big enough to make ground clearance minimal. This experimental fit was at least informally referred to as the "RF-16D", and labeled "F-16 Recce" (pronounced "recky") on its tailfin. Nothing came of this experiment.

In the mid-1990s, after almost giving up on the tactical reconnaissance mission, the Air Force decided to try again to give the F-16 a reconnaissance capability, with the reconnaissance mission to be handed to the USANG. Lockheed Martin developed a prototype pod, the "Electro-Optical 1 (EO-1)" with a digital camera controlled by a laptop computer. This led to the production of four interim pods known only as the "Richmond recce pod", with a digital camera, magnetic-tape recorder, and a GPS receiver to help log image coordinates. The Richmond recce pod saw service in the Balkans. It was replaced by the definitive "AN/ASD-11 Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance System (TARS)", with a number of improvements. All three of these pods are carried on the centerline station.

The USAF has flown their F-16s with external jammer pods, usually mounted on the centerline pylon, with the aircraft initially carrying the AN/ALQ-131 pod. The current USAF jammer pod is the Raytheon AN/ALQ-184(V)9, which can carry four Raytheon AN/ALE-50 towed decoys. As discussed later, several foreign users have selected their own countermeasures suites. The Per Udsen company in Denmark has come up with a tidy "Pylon Integrated Dispenser System (PIDS)", which fits chaff-flare dispensers to the rear of the outboard stores pylon on each wing. PIDS is in service with a number of foreign user as well as the USANG and USAF Reserve, and the company has now developed a "PID+" with missile warning capabilities.

One of the more usual external stores carried by the F-16 is the "MXU-48" cargo pod, which is used to carry the pilot's personal effects and other gear when the fighter is being deployed to a new base.

@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=13390" target="_blank">ANTIBODY</a></u>

there is a video on this new Iranian plane F-313 that you mentioned in the bottom of your post.
now I never claimed to be an aeronautical engineer but does the wing design allow for a take off and a lift at all? very ambitious and exotic design I must say. the comments on the youtube are very suspicious and typically hostile towards Iran
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the jury is still out if its a mock up/model/prototype/technology demonstrator/ research platform --- didnt the rc model fly in the video? generally uavs have intakes on the top as they dont need to fly at high altitudes

looks like cross among x-36,m-atf, f35
@<u><a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=13390" target="_blank">ANTIBODY</a></u>

there is a video on this new Iranian plane F-313 that you mentioned in the bottom of your post.
now I never claimed to be an aeronautical engineer but does the wing design allow for a take off and a lift at all? very ambitious and exotic design I must say. the comments on the youtube are very suspicious and typically hostile towards Iran

Here's a Boeing prototype:


But the difference b/w the two is that the Boeing design has no tail rudder. The end of the wing facing downwards like that supposedly decreases drag and does not generate vortices much like a winglet, but it also affects the role of the rudder and tailplane and hence the rudder is removed. But the Iranian plane also has a rudder.

So aerodynamic design is kind of suspect in a way that this has never been tested before or used...and Iranians aren't really all that advanced in that field IMO to introduce a radically new design (no disrespect).

This aircraft does look like a mockup model and unlikely to be flying anytime soon.
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I think it's awesome that this plane has a little kitchen and a toilet. If i'd be a rich mofo i'd buy one of these instead of business jet. :smitten:

It has a Brazilian AF insignia.

Decals on the tail look USAF.

Anyhow, a visit to the address listed on the pic reveals:

This was an experimental work. I had a propouse for a book cover for aircrafts of the 21 century. It needed it to looks like an next generation fighter with an agressive aspect. I did a fusion among Sukhoy-35, F-22 and F-35 and a little of exagerated shapes. It borns &#8220;Xperimental Gino Marcomini-01&#8243; (XGM-01) &#8211; No criativity for names&#8230;

http://www.oxygino.com/site/?cat=1&paged=3 at the bottom.
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