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Combat Aircraft Projects & Designs - Index in 2nd post

Nato reporting name: Flogger-J2. The MiG-27K was the final Soviet version, which added a laser designator and compatibility with TV-guided electro-optical weapons. Originally armed with the GSh-6-23M gun, but this was soon replaced with the GSh-6-30 cannon. Around 200 were built.

The prototype of MIG-27, the MIG-23B.
history leading to the MRCA / Tornado/ MiG-23 /Su-24 / F-111-- takeoff from short airfields
The early MiG-23 and Su-24had direct lift jet engines



Mirage G 8

VG wings have also another problem, they do move the center of lift with respect the gravity center this creates stability problems and makes the aircraft too stable and not so maneouvrable increasing trim lift drag ratio.
In the F-14 they fixed this a bit with the wing gloves and in the MiG-23 with wing notches and wing dogteeth
With exception of the MiG-23 and F-14 all the swing wing aircraft have max overloads of 6gs or 7.5Gs at the most.

Both the F-14 and MiG-23 suffered structural problems at the wing pivot section.
Despite the F-14 was always advertized as a 9g aircraft it was always a 6.5g aircraft.

In reality VG wings are only useful for bombers and attack aircraft that need STOL capability and high speed at low altitude or high altitude in example the Su-24 and the Tu-160 blackjack

T-58VD (Su-15VD)

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All Pratts are small-mouths. All GEs after 86-0261 are big mouths-ALL P&W-powered F-16s are "small mouths". ALL GE-powered F-16s after 86-0261 (block 30) are big-mouths. 86-0261 and previous GE jets are small-mouths.

The shapes are NOT a perfect match. The newest 50/52's and 60's have a larger nose tire which required the intake to be reshaped to accomodate the new tires size. If you can find a newer intake you should be able to see a noticeable bump about 4 feet in on the lower surface.

Here is a Small-mouth...
Notice the inlet is the same width as the fuselage behind it. On a Big-Mouth, the inlet is wider than the structure behind it.

For comparison here is an F-16A Block 5.
Prior to September 1987 ALL Vipers had "Small-Mouth" inlets like the ones PW powered blocks still have today. (With or without the little lump inside the intake.)

blk60/52+ with big mouth
F-16C Block-30C 86-0261 is the last Block-30 for the USAF with the "Small Inlet" and F-16C Block-30D 86-0262 is the first with the "Big Inlet". #262 is also a MIG-killer.

For the two-seaters F-16D Block-30C 86-0043 is the last for the USAF with the "Small Inlet" and F-16D Block-30D 86-0044 is the first with the "Big Inlet".
note--i'm still researching for more data
wow ! 30,000 views on a nonspam thread

it just started off as a humble idea -- thanks to the friends who pitched in to make it more interesting aswell!


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