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CNN Reporter Sara Sidner Assaulted on Live TV in Mumbai, INDIA.

This perverted sexual molestation behavior is a result of the influence of bollywood movies and Indian music videos. Look at all these bollywood movies or music videos they always show the hero eve teasing with the girl and the girl likes it. When boys grow up watching this trash, it influences them. They think acting like a cheap roadside romeo is something that girls like. This was never a part of traditional Indian culture a few decades ago. The culture our parents and grand parents grew up in, such perverted behavior was frowned upon.
I lol-ed, thanks for being an idiot :laughcry:

Exactly, many Indian males are uneducated on matters of physical boundaries with stranger women. Just because she's smiling at you and giving you a good time DOES NOT EQUATE to "Please come and grope me"
The video is from November 28 2008 during terrorists attacks in Mumbai.Such reactions are totally understandable.

So instead of paying attention to an unfolding national tragedy, Indian men decided to put aside their patriotic fervor and opportunistically grope a foreign reporter.

And you are DEFENDING such actions?
India is a not a safe country for women. India should issue bodyguards to all women when India becomes a suppa powa in 2030.
So instead of paying attention to an unfolding national tragedy, Indian men decided to put aside their patriotic fervor and opportunistically grope a foreign reporter.

And you are DEFENDING such actions?

That's indian manhood for you, slippery customers these indians, a case in point, have taken young women (both indian and foreign) to various functions and events in india and outside, (it helps when you have some eye candy on your arm), leave for a minute and these indians start staring, accidentally bumping in, trying to grope, have had to knock some sense into them.

One Swedish girl that was with me was surrounded by these idiots, when I had to take a phone call (busty girl) actually slapped the $hit out of a few indians, should have seen the show, lesson for indians don't mess with VIKINGS lol.:cuckoo:
That's indian manhood for you, slippery customers these indians, a case in point, have taken young women (both indian and foreign) to various functions and events in india and outside, (it helps when you have some eye candy on your arm), leave for a minute and these indians start staring, accidentally bumping in, trying to grope, have had to knock some sense into them.

One Swedish girl that was with me was surrounded by these idiots, when I had to take a phone call (busty girl) actually slapped the $hit out of a few indians, should have seen the show, lesson for indians don't mess with VIKINGS lol.:cuckoo:

It's a surprise you didnt wake up in a hospital without a kidney...
It's a surprise you didnt wake up in a hospital without a kidney...

LoL - it's not what you know, it's who, have support in india, in some surprising quarters.
That's indian manhood for you, slippery customers these indians, a case in point, have taken young women (both indian and foreign) to various functions and events in india and outside, (it helps when you have some eye candy on your arm), leave for a minute and these indians start staring, accidentally bumping in, trying to grope, have had to knock some sense into them.

One Swedish girl that was with me was surrounded by these idiots, when I had to take a phone call (busty girl) actually slapped the $hit out of a few indians, should have seen the show, lesson for indians don't mess with VIKINGS lol.:cuckoo:

know what I met the same Swedish girl recently and she told me you were a jack@$$

And can you imagine if it would still happen today? of course it will. Indian sexual crimes are getting big airplay in the world because of prevalent groping and attacks. Disgusting. And many Indians in here defend these actions. These guys would condone these assaults because they would participate in it.

Its sad. We all should condemn sexual assaults, no matter where and when and how.
And can you imagine if it would still happen today? of course it will. Indian sexual crimes are getting big airplay in the world because of prevalent groping and attacks. Disgusting. And many Indians in here defend these actions. These guys would condone these assaults because they would participate in it.

Its sad. We all should condemn sexual assaults, no matter where and when and how.

Stop mouth farting and quote members who are defending these actions !!! Its kinda pathetic that you people have to throw brownie points for it , but no amount of proper links or stats from credible agencies is going to stop Rape perverts to have an orgasm every time a rape happens in India.... Disgusting attitude ... when someone asks me what a rapist on the internet looks like, ill point out at certain Chinese , Taiwanese and Pakistani members...
I don't think a foreign reporter or a local reporter has ever been sexually harassed in Pakistan or even a foreign tourist for that matter.

This daily occurrence of gang rapes in India will be terrible blow for India's tourism.
I don't think a foreign reporter or a local reporter has ever been sexually harassed in Pakistan or even a foreign tourist for that matter.

This daily occurrence of gang rapes in India will be terrible blow for India's tourism.

It already is, since not every tourist can afford a bodyguard.

Tourists to India hiring bodyguards for protection

Tourists to India hiring bodyguards for protection

Security personnel surround pop star Madonna during her visit to Mumbai in 2008. Photograph: Arko Datta/REUTERS
A growing number of Indians and tourists visiting the country are hiring bodyguards for protection after a series of violent attacks. Security agencies say business is booming as western visitors and local business people join celebrities and the super-rich in acquiring greater security.

"We get a lot of calls for personal security officers, often at 2 or 3am, from western business executives or people from west Asia," said Anubhav Khiwani, co-owner of Denetim Services, a newly established company in Delhi. "Once or twice a month a single woman or a holidaying family will also ask for a bodyguard."

Until now these bodyguards were mainly seen accompanying international celebrities. Last year three of Oprah Winfrey's escorts made news when they were picked up by police near Delhi for attacking photographers.

"The gang-rape of a physiotherapist in Delhi last December impacted the psyche of people across the world. A friend from Brazil, for instance, had to cancel her trip to India as her mother wouldn't let her go. So now we see two kinds of tourists, especially among women − those who feel that such things happen everywhere and don't worry about it, and those who are scared and want to avoid trouble," said Khiwani.

Shaleni Nigam, a 44-year-old Canadian tax accountant, used to feel safe travelling alone in India, but plans to hire a bodyguard for her next visit.

"What's worrying is that attacks on women seem to be taking place in routine situations − in a bus, in a hotel room, near a village," she said. "I know such attacks occur in other countries too, but it's a different world in India today than it was in the 1990s. A foreign visitor wasn't targeted in the same way."
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