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CNN:Are China's economic statistics accurate?

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I just want to know - how many white servants you have? And how many white servants you have in your dream.


These people always feign their disinterestedness with White people, yet at the same time they foam at the mouth when our women walk by, when they see our prosperous nations, when pretty much anything related to our people comes up.

Just look at the logical hypocrisy of the imbecile trying to argue that Greeks are not Western/White, when in fact they are/were the NUCLEUS of our people.
Greece was always of White European descent. Shut up and deal with it jealous Hindu.

And how come Turkey isn't? Or Persia? What is the genetic basis of your classification? Tell me which genes of the Greeks are common with Scandinavians but markedly different from the Turks ?

So basically, the earliest known wheels were found in Europe.

Again, misleading.

So, an "increasing amount of evidence" says it happened in modern-day Ukraine, but there is no consensus. Again, stop lying.

Not a very impressive "technological" advancement (if it even is one!), but again, who knows if they were White/European? The historians don't, and nor do you.

Christianity - All I can say is... lol

Archery? Where is your source?

I don't know what you mean by "mobile towers"? Explain?


1: I was asking Indians to mention their amazing and notable inventions. Almost NONE of these are Indian in origin, and many are White/European

2: Why are they all ancient? What? You couldn't find any newer and more difficult innovations to ascribe to non-Whites?

3: Why are they all so un-sophisticated? Not to mention that many of them were built by Europeans, but seriously, Christianity? Cards? Archery? What benefits have they provided to Humanity? I see the computer or chemotherapy or the automobile or the aeroplane and I say praise the White race!

My ancestors also built almost every single modern convenience around you dumb simian.

Greece was always of White European descent. Shut up and deal with it jealous Hindu.

Beverly Hills is a tiny town turd-face. Maybe if you poop-flinging cavemen understood basic geography, you would know that there is no such thing as a Beverly Hills race... But there is such thing as a White race or European people.

You are trying to play a game of lame-logic that drives around the central issue. My race invented Democracy, and none of you third world people can deny that.

Mobile towers were huge towers on wheels that were used to capture fortresses , Persian-roman wars were the most sophisticated wars before the invention of gunpowder , so the ancient Persians must have been more than simply sand-niqqers.

The most famous archers of the antiquity were the Persians and scythians , so archery must have definitely been their idea.


These people always feign their disinterestedness with White people, yet at the same time they foam at the mouth when our women walk by, when they see our prosperous nations, when pretty much anything related to our people comes up.

Just look at the logical hypocrisy of the imbecile trying to argue that Greeks are not Western/White, when in fact they are/were the NUCLEUS of our people.

why are they all doing crappy jobs there if they are so nucleaus to you?
2- Some modern technologies can be traced back to non-whites to , the Pentium and hyper threading technology were inventions of non-white employees of intel

So a couple people of non-White descent worked on Pentium and hyper threading, therefore it becomes a non-White invention. See, this is it right here. How many people worked on Pentium and hyper threading? How many were non-White?

3- Well , European golden age is long over , if they are functioning now it's because of USA , not chemotherapy

European golden age is over, which is why the only people that even compare to us in living standards are East Asians. That's it. We are not being overtaken, it's just that the Japs, Koreans, and Chinese have joined the club. Oh, and the Chinese still have yet to innovate for themselves, so, nope.
So a couple people of non-White descent worked on Pentium and hyper threading, therefore it becomes a non-White invention. See, this is it right here. How many people worked on Pentium and hyper threading? How many were non-White?

European golden age is over, which is why the only people that even compare to us in living standards are East Asians. That's it. We are not being overtaken, it's just that the Japs, Koreans, and Chinese have joined the club. Oh, and the Chinese still have yet to innovate for themselves, so, nope.

man , I never thought i'de run into a white supremacist in a Pakistan forum , anyhow if you think whites are supreme , I can't convince you otherwise , I've been to the white land and there I crtiticized some people a little and I was surprised by how defensive white people were of those people
And how come Turkey isn't? Or Persia? What is the genetic basis of your classification? Tell me which genes of the Greeks are common with Scandinavians but markedly different from the Turks ?

Europeans are highly related to each other; Turks and Persians correlate more closely to West Asia:

man , I never thought i'de run into a white supremacist in a Pakistan forum , anyhow if you think whites are supreme , I can't convince you otherwise , I've been to the white land and there I crtiticized some people a little and I was surprised by how defensive white people were of those people

I'm not a supremacist anymore than a Chinese or an Indian is an Indian supremacist. I'm proud of my race like anyone else. Everyone here tries to show off their peoples accomplishments, but because of the jealous against Whites, we are "racist" in doing so.

Just ******** losers.

And you didn't answer the question. If 95% of the designers of the Pentium line were White, and there just happened to be a handful of high position non-Whites, then you'll, like all ******** people, give the credit to the non-Whites. Whites have done way too much. It's time to share the credit a little with the other races for doing some work.

How do you explain Russians then? :lol:

Russians are White... obvious really. Anyone who even implies that they're not is retarded.
I'm not a supremacist anymore than a Chinese or an Indian is an Indian supremacist. I'm proud of my race like anyone else. Everyone here tries to show off their peoples accomplishments, but because of the jealous against Whites, we are "racist" in doing so.

Just ******** losers.

And you didn't answer the question. If 95% of the designers of the Pentium line were White, and there just happened to be a handful of high position non-Whites, then you'll, like all ******** people, give the credit to the non-Whites. Whites have done way too much. It's time to share the credit a little with the other races for doing some work.

Well the problem with American public is that every non-white to them is no differnet than a niqqa , and that's not fair , the intel employees who were non-white for example , were some indian , bangladishi , Israeli or so , not necessarily niqqa
Europeans are highly related to each other; Turks and Persians correlate more closely to West Asia:


I l be thankful if you can give me some explanation for this map. Which Gene clustering is indicated? And I dont find Greece here though I can see that Georgians and the Cypriots kind of cluster with the Middle Easterns. In any case, it is a kind of continuum, a spectrum with no radical breaks. Doesn't really support your point of European whites being a distinct race. In fact, if we take cypriots as a proxy for Greeks, it proves my point about the Greeks being closer to Near East than to Western Europeans.
We find no evidence that recently reported Chinese GDP figures are less reliable than usual."

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...onomic-statistics-accurate.html#ixzz2ZIcn6JqI

What does this mean? It means that this time it is not more unreliable means as unreliable as they were in previous year.
it doesn't mean that they are reliable.

Wow how much more illiterate can one be?

The article is saying the the official data from the Chinese government are more or less in tune with what those researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco could compile.

Pose this question to a group a China watchers and you're likely to receive a variety of responses. Some observers are convinced that China is cooking its books. Others believe state statistics are largely reliable and useful for drawing conclusions about the world's second largest economy. Still others will debate the accuracy of certain data classes, pointing to more meaningful alternatives.

Now we have an opinion from researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Their verdict? The statistics are pretty good.

The researchers compared Chinese government statistics with other economic measures that the researchers say are "less susceptible to official manipulation."

"Importantly, these models suggest that Chinese growth has been in the ballpark of what official data have reported. We find no evidence that recently reported Chinese GDP figures are less reliable than usual."

This brief paper from the San Francisco Fed won't settle the matter. But mark another tally in the "legit" category.

The paper, written by John Fernald, Israel Malkin and Mark Spiegel, can be read here.

Of course, it's worth noting that China is not the only country to have its official statistics questioned. Just last year, former General Electric (GE) CEO Jack Welch suggested on Twitter that the Obama administration, calling them "these Chicago guys," had manipulated the monthly jobs report for September in order to make the economy look better than it actually was just weeks before the election.

Welch then doubled down, writing in the Wall Street Journal that data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics might not be "precise" or "bias-free." He raised questions over three key statistics -- the labor-force participation rate, the growth in government workers and overall job growth -- saying big one-month gains "have to raise some eyebrows."

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...onomic-statistics-accurate.html#ixzz2ZIhP15xR
Wow how much more illiterate can one be?

The article is saying the the official data from the Chinese government are more or less in tune with what those researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco could compile.

You are in the wrong place.. This thread is all about white supremacy.:D
Well the problem with American public is that every non-white to them is no differnet than a niqqa , and that's not fair , the intel employees who were non-white for example , were some indian , bangladishi , Israeli or so , not necessarily niqqa

OK, that's fine, congrats to them. And even "niqqas" who are smart (Neil Degrasse Tyson for example) should be given credit. Those that are not though, should not be compared to intelligent Whites.
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