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CNN:Are China's economic statistics accurate?

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So democracy was invented in beverly hills....

I mean, your people are in beverly hills right?

I swear the idiocy of your people is beyond the words I have at my disposal to describe.

I'll repeat this again for. Just to note: This is the FOURTH time.

"Democracy began in Athens, a Greek city-state."

has to lead us to civilization. He actually claimed the entire european civilization (including Greeks) for himself.

No retard, I claim European civilization for Europeans. My European kin created modern civilization. Everything from the computer you're typing on, to the software that drives it, to the Western clothes you're wearing, to the cell phone and AC in your room, to the modern medicine you use, was invented by my people.

He will face reality once he goes out to work and report to an Asia or African employer. :lol:
USA today is not product of efforts of white man but every citizen and race it's made of.

Being proud is one of the virtue for man but false proud without reality check is one of the deadliest sin.!! Let him enjoy his delusion!

Asians and Africans.... lol

They are usually slave-laborers, toiling away in low-IQ positions. Hey buddy, my people also created the USA. Almost 100% of the inventions from this country were created by Whites.
This coming from the biggest liar, and the manipulator of finance markets - the US Fed, confirms that the Chinese are merrily cooking their books to inflate gdp. And it is understandable, and Chinese friends should be glad that they got the US by its balls.

For the uninitiated into the murky world of FED, it works like this

1. The US being in deep **** of recession has to resort to Quantitative easing which requires the bond returns to be low

2. Bond returns are low only as long as the US stocks are doing decently

3. The stocks health is directly linked to world economy growth , which today means China

So if the Chinese economy slumps, the stocks crash, and the bond returns rise...and the mighty US goes into deflation...

So the Chinese GDP must rise by 8-9% even if it isn t. And of course the FED never lies...and neither does China.

The FEDS don't lie, but they do exert leverage on the market.
Seems like it is Indians like you who are delusional to fantasize having whites as your servants. This India film just shows how pathetic you kind have become.

India In 2030 - YouTube

Winds changed long time ago.

Time for reality check ...
Go check how many people from your superior race are working to Asian companies like .... Huawei, Lenovo, Tata, infosis, Samsung, Honda, Toyota, TCS etc etc. ..... Also check how many of so called white companies run by infirior races
I swear the idiocy of your people is beyond the words I have at my disposal to describe.

I'll repeat this again for. Just to note: This is the FOURTH time.

No retard, I claim European civilization for Europeans. My European kin created modern civilization. Everything from the computer you're typing on, to the software that drives it, to the Western clothes you're wearing, to the cell phone and AC in your room, to the modern medicine you use, was invented by my people.

Asians and Africans.... lol

They are usually slave-laborers, toiling away in low-IQ positions. Hey buddy, my people also created the USA. Almost 100% of the inventions from this country were created by Whites.

Winds changed long time ago.

Time for reality check ...
Go check how many people from your superior race are working to Asian companies like .... Huawei, Lenovo, Tata, infosis, Samsung, Honda, Toyota, TCS etc etc. ..... Also check how many of so called white companies run by infirior races

The East Asians are intelligent, though they've barely invented anything worth recognizing.

Your people on the other hand... lol I don't even know what Tata, Infosis, or TCS are. I'm guessing they're Indian companies. How many Whites work for them again? LOL!!
I swear the idiocy of your people is beyond the words I have at my disposal to describe.

I'll repeat this again for. Just to note: This is the FOURTH time.

No retard, I claim European civilization for Europeans. My European kin created modern civilization. Everything from the computer you're typing on, to the software that drives it, to the Western clothes you're wearing, to the cell phone and AC in your room, to the modern medicine you use, was invented by my people.

Asians and Africans.... lol

They are usually slave-laborers, toiling away in low-IQ positions. Hey buddy, my people also created the USA. Almost 100% of the inventions from this country were created by Whites.

Wait I thought I got it the fourth time but I guess I'm confused now. Can you mention it a FIFTH time for clarity? Is Greece in Beverly Hills- is that what you are saying? (you could have said that clearly before). Can you clarify it horsey?
The Japanese even named their most precious fighter during the second world war , zero

Not for the reasons you are ascribing.

The A6M is universally known as the "Zero" from its Japanese Navy type designation, Type 0 Carrier Fighter (Rei shiki Kanjō sentōki, 零式艦上戦闘機), taken from the last digit of the Imperial year 2600 (1940), when it entered service. In Japan, it was unofficially referred to as both Rei-sen and Zero-sen; Japanese pilots most commonly called it Zero-sen.

Wait I thought I got it the fourth time but I guess I'm confused now. Can you mention it a FIFTH time for clarity? Is Greece in Beverly Hills- is that what you are saying? (you could have said that clearly before). Can you clarify it horsey?

It's clear you are trolling now. What part of Athens is in Greece, and Greece is in Europe is difficult to understand? Do you have mental problems or are you just trolling?
LMFAO! It's like the only one, and you guys KEEP repeating it. IS that it? Inventing the understanding that zero is a number? Can you list more than 10 notable inventions?

according to Wikipedia the brick and windmills were invented by Persians , there are more on that list , but i'm not sure if it's accurate or not
LMFAO! It's like the only one, and you guys KEEP repeating it. IS that it? Inventing the understanding that zero is a number? Can you list more than 10 notable inventions?

This guy has ruined the thread.....
I swear the idiocy of your people is beyond the words I have at my disposal to describe.

I'll repeat this again for. Just to note: This is the FOURTH time.

No retard, I claim European civilization for Europeans. My European kin created modern civilization. Everything from the computer you're typing on, to the software that drives it, to the Western clothes you're wearing, to the cell phone and AC in your room, to the modern medicine you use, was invented by my people.

Asians and Africans.... lol

They are usually slave-laborers, toiling away in low-IQ positions. Hey buddy, my people also created the USA. Almost 100% of the inventions from this country were created by Whites.

Shouldn't it be in the strange and funny section?
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