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Closest allies: Joint defence declaration of India and USA

yes, Our PM knows that. he never puts all the eggs in one basket. india need high end tech from Russia, France, isreal, japan and now US. it is a good foreign policy to be friendly with every country and make a beneficial deals that is what india is doing. depending on one particular country will be foolish. we have to remember one thing, there is no permanent friends or enemies in this world. russia had abounded india in 1962, us was against india in 1971. we are our own in this world, so we have to be prepared for any eventualities in the future. india must get ant thing which is beneficial to us.

well you answered it yourself and dont forget one thing brother that we are from the land of Chankya and no matter how corrupt owr beurocrats and netas are there first lessons are taught thru the centuries old "arthshastra" and we are branded as baniyas for no reason and owr enemies and potential friends know this and thats priciesli why we are getting benfits from both poles like arabs & israelies , USA & USSR and China & japan still doing good with them ...every thought how and why :azn:

now pakistabnies would love to see russia getting away from india and china fighting pakistan war with india to save pakistan but if wishes were horses fools would fly

rest the story/script is USA will help India and so will Israel, france and japan & australia and china will keep normal relations while russia will enjopy a sizable chunk of indian defence market but just to keep every one happy there will be smal episodes here and there hope u get the point bhai
ok, keep dreaming. don't get shocked when you wake up, the reality will be much different.

At other times, in the 90s it would be as you say. But now the situation is different in the United States. They will solve their problems at the expense of other states - as they have always done. And believe me, they will tell you about your uniqueness, about the indispensability of the US-Indian friendship for peace in the world. Americans - the best liars in the world. They will smile at you, and this time they destroy your companies, they will destroy your universities and so on. You will become an appendage of them, having neither military nor political, nor economic sovereignty.
I say this because Russia has experienced it all on it's own skin. And until now, we have plenty of people with besotted heads who think that America wish good to Russia.

bro, we know about US, we are not Pakistan to blindly believe in US. we saw what they had done to Saddam Hussein and iraq. what we are ding is just a joint development with us only to get high end tech. the reason behind US's offer is Russia, they want india to reduce the friendship with Russia.

in this world no one can be trusted. it is all business. be it indo-us or Pakistan-china relation.
At other times, in the 90s it would be as you say. But now the situation is different in the United States. They will solve their problems at the expense of other states - as they have always done. And believe me, they will tell you about your uniqueness, about the indispensability of the US-Indian friendship for peace in the world. Americans - the best liars in the world. They will smile at you, and this time they destroy your companies, they will destroy your universities and so on. You will become an appendage of them, having neither military nor political, nor economic sovereignty.
I say this because Russia has experienced it all on it's own skin. And until now, we have plenty of people with besotted heads who think that America wish good to Russia.

well thanks for your love for us buddy but we know how to survive and have bore the brunt of countless empires down the history and still are in more or less the orignal form we were since the beggning of recorded history and we have developed n anty dote to this kind of hegemony and we are too big and too smart for americans to manipulate us we cant be manipulated but yes we are grededy and trechrous more than the americans or the british or the russians combined and we know how to get things done and are always ready to sacrifise small things for bigger gains .... guess what americans are too cautious of us than the other way round :cheers:
I say steal whatever possible tech you can from US LEGALLY...:D

whats wrong in getting advance tech. that too legally? Russia won't mind as India getting advance tech. is good for Russia also.

India can pass on the leanings from joint products to Russia later.
Nobody minds a prostitute, but nobody wants a prostitute that sleeps around with everybody, especially when her different clients are mortal enemies. It's like India has no idea what the acceptable standards of conduct are on the international stage. I can only blame its poor, perverse, trashy upbringing.

But Chinese have zero sense of political realism. I still can't figure it out why Chinese have even agreed to give India observer status at the SCO meets. Why do the Chinese tend to commit suicides whenever given an opportunity?

India will successfully sabotage the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and bring an end to it, once it is given the full membership. What the naive Chinese fail to see is how India will turn Russia and China into mortal enemies, creating mistrusts between them.

For Kautilya, nothing is immoral as long as it serves your imperial interests. A bloody war between Russia and China serves Indian interests because it will be easy for India to invade and occupy Tibet if Chinese are engaged in war with Russia. It is not a rocket science to understand this simple matter.

Is there any other book that talks so openly about when using violence is justified? When assassinating an enemy is useful? When killing domestic opponents is wise? How one uses secret agents? When one needs to sacrifice one's own secret agent? How the king can use women and children as spies and even assassins? When a nation should violate a treaty and invade its neighbor? Kautilya — and to my knowledge only Kautilya — addresses all those questions. In what cases must a king spy on his own people? How should a king test his ministers, even his own family members, to see if they are worthy of trust? When must a king kill a prince, his own son, who is heir to the throne? How does one protect a king from poison? What precautions must a king take against assassination by one's own wife? When is it appropriate to arrest a troublemaker on suspicion alone? When is torture justified? At some point, every reader wonders: Is there not one question that Kautilya found immoral, too terrible to ask in a book? No, not one. And this is what brings a frightful chill. But this is also why Kautilya was the first great, unrelenting political realist.

Arthashastra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its good sign for strong relations between Indian And US but they should not be the at the expense of strategic ties with Russia, although US relationships looks more tempting when Russians since past one decade have become like "unprofessional businessman" with mid way jack up of prices, delay in delivery, irregular supplies of spares which are not always of high standards.

Having said this relationships with Russia are strategically very vital and must be preserved, while with US it will be based upon the issues where there is common cause between US and India
You can not be friends with Russia and the United States at the same time. If India is going to strengthen cooperation with the United States - cooperating with Russia will strart to reduce.
U.S. adhere to the ancient rule - divide and conquer. The more the U.S. influence on India, the greater tensions in the relations with its neighbors, there will be local conflicts, terrorism will increase, and so on.
United States - the successor of the British Empire, and Russia - the successor of the Soviet Union. Let the Indians themselves think, with whom they had better be friends.

They are friends only to themselves.......Indian govt. become crazy in weapons race...and they want to become superpower as soon as possible.....even on the otherside daily more slumdogs are creating.
But Chinese have zero sense of political realism. I still can't figure it out why Chinese have even agreed to give India observer status at the SCO meets. Why do the Chinese tend to commit suicides whenever given an opportunity?

India will successfully sabotage the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and bring an end to it, once it is given the full membership. What the naive Chinese fail to see is how India will turn Russia and China into mortal enemies, creating mistrusts between them.

For Kautilya, nothing is immoral as long as it serves your imperial interests. A bloody war between Russia and China serves Indian interests because it will be easy for India to invade and occupy Tibet if Chinese are engaged in war with Russia. It is not a rocket science to understand this simple matter.

kautilya== Chanakya
since 1970s russia is friend of china and india at the same time. then why not india be a friend of US and russia at the same time?

Err... that rule obviously applies only to India.:hitwall:

Nobody minds a prostitute, but nobody wants a prostitute that sleeps around with everybody, especially when her different clients are mortal enemies. It's like India has no idea what the acceptable standards of conduct are on the international stage. I can only blame its poor, perverse, trashy upbringing.

That would be the argument of a prostitute (to use your distasteful analogy) who has made too many enemies & is hoping to get rid of the competition. :lol:
too much is read into it few projects will be done where our friend Russia is not able to meet the requirements , other than that i dont see any change in the ground.we all know about US how it deals with allies and how can we forget how Russia stood by us in times of need.
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