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Clean chit to Modi in Guj riot cases: sources

It's not a question of proof.

When a company gets clobbered in the stock market, the CEO takes responsiblity.
When a military operation goes horribly wrong, the commander takes responsibiliy.

The massacres happened under Modi's watch. The police and senior law enforcement officials were directly involved. Modi was at the helm and he should resign. That's the least he can do rather than rot in jail, as he rightly should.

You are willing to give Modi credit for Gujarat's economy, why not hold him responsible for its state-sanctioned massacre?

That is what you always do? Blind your eyes and follow the book? That is the work of school going children, and even they manage better. You fail to see the issue in its completeness, but I guess that is nothing to do with your ability, but your interests, as you already have pronounced judgement on the person. The people know that Gujarat has only gained because of his presence. It is another issue that you have no concerns for the future of ordinary citizens there.

"We want the facts to fit the preconceptions. When they don't it is easier to ignore the facts than to change the preconceptions. "
- Jessamyn West
Lolzzzz...SP (Mulayam 'Muslim' Singh) and RJD (Lalu Yadav of the Muslim,Yadav fame) accusing.

Any surprises....?? Looks like they want to re-capture the Muslim vote-bank that has recently deserted them.

Lolzzz.....Then according to your logic Nitish Kumar should be Nitish Muslim Kumar .

He dint allow Modi to Campaign in Bihar to whoo so called Muslim voters
c'mon every corprate house is strong supporter of modi ji. He is not only a great adminstrator but also a strong personality too. Cong and its dirty politics is known to everyone . SIT WAS CONSTITUTED BY CONG GOVT BUT MODI FACED THEM PEACEFULLY,THEY EVEN GRILLD HIM FOR 8HOURS BUT STILL HE REMAIN CALM AND COMPOSED . Just compare the muslim community development in gujrat and rest of the states....... He gotta serious potential to be our prime minister.

C'mon every Corporate House were Strong Supporter for Mr Raja to be Telecom Minister.

Let people of India decide who to be the next PM
I am an Indian and he is not.

I have no reason to believe your words over the words of the eminent words of the Supreme Curt appointed Commision.Period.


Thats why i told, speak on your own behalf only. use word "me", not "us" as you dont represent whole India.

Okay now believe Supreme courts word.
Listen, despite being under political pressure, supreme court was only able to say, not written

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The people know that Gujarat has only gained because of his presence. It is another issue that you have no concerns for the future of ordinary citizens there.

Your attitude reminds me of a famous science fiction story.

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the story, Omelas is a utopian city of happiness and delight, whose inhabitants are smart and cultured. Everything about Omelas is pleasing, except for the secret of the city: the good fortune of Omelas requires that a single unfortunate child be kept in perpetual *****, darkness and misery, and that all her citizens should be told of this on coming of age.

After being exposed to the truth, most of the people of Omelas are initially shocked and disgusted, but are ultimately able to come to terms with the fact and resolve to live their lives in such a manner as to make the suffering of the unfortunate child worth it. However, some few of the citizens, young or old, silently walk away from the city, and no one knows where they go. The story ends with "The place they go towards is a place even less imaginable to us than the city of happiness. I cannot describe it at all. It is possible it does not exist. But they seem to know where they are going, the ones who walk away from Omelas."

At some point, people have to stand up for principle.
Thats why i told, speak on your own behalf only. use word "me", not "us" as you dont represent whole India.

Isnt it incumbent on us,Indians to accept the 'word' of the highest court of law in India ?

Reminds me of a famous quote - "You are entitled to your opinions,not to your own facts".

Okay now believe Supreme courts word.
Listen, despite being under political pressure, supreme court was only able to say, not written

YouTube - Narendra Modi's True Face

I love it when people out of sheer frustration resort to posting 'You Tube' videos to prove their point.

In Todays judicial system,not even a Panchayat will accpet Youtube videos as proof to convict a person. :lol:

"We want the facts to fit the preconceptions. When they don't it is easier to ignore the facts than to change the preconceptions. " - Jessamyn West
I fail to understand why everybody wants Modi's head on a platter. After Gujrat there were Hindu-Muslim riots in Sangli (Maharashta), Somewhere in UP and Somewhere in Andhra. In both the first two instances the administration was blamed to have slided with the minority community. How come then nobody wants Vilasrao Deshmukh's or Mayawati's head on the platter or the media makes huge hue and cry as it makes in the case of Gujrat
I fail to understand why everybody wants Modi's head on a platter. After Gujrat there were Hindu-Muslim riots in Sangli (Maharashta), Somewhere in UP and Somewhere in Andhra. In both the first two instances the administration was blamed to have slided with the minority community. How come then nobody wants Vilasrao Deshmukh's or Mayawati's head on the platter or the media makes huge hue and cry as it makes in the case of Gujrat

Because more than 3000 innocent people were killed by both sides.
The moron simply watched
Because more than 3000 innocent people were killed by both sides.
The moron simply watched

3000 ---- Another beefed up figure and a far cry from the official figures of about 750 Muslims and 300 Hindus.

Please stop just quoting numbers from your mind to prove a point.
"We want the facts to fit the preconceptions. When they don't it is easier to ignore the facts than to change the preconceptions. " - Jessamyn West

Is it coincidence or is it copy-paste? :)

---------- Post added at 02:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 PM ----------

At some point, people have to stand up for principle.

And we are very sure that this is not the time for it. Let the people decide what is best for them, will you?
3000 ---- Another beefed up figure and a far cry from the official figures of about 750 Muslims and 300 Hindus.

Please stop just quoting numbers from your mind to prove a point.

Official figures from a government which let the crime happen.
u people are seriously debating on a topic whcig is just still a rumor. please remember that supreme court of indian is till to see the report and announce its verdict.

and yes i donot remember any cm of indian state resigning on moral grounds on account of riots happen in its state

i donot know whether this point was debated here or knot but i would like to tell there was riot which occurred in state of west Bengal against Hindu community
not in very big scale but whole community was removed from big area during DURGA PUJA . now what do u say about moral responsibility of an CM beloning to CPI(M).wasnt his duty to protect his pupil and he failed so why hasn`t he resigned till yet or why hasn`t culprit begin caught . just because culprit (belongs to muslim community) and is menber oppositie part must have been good foder for CPI(m) to catch and held him guilty.

sad thing about this riots is that our torch bearer of secularism the so-called newspaper never published this report even if published it was so short like advertisement in newspaper. only one newspaper which is close to bjp published it like a news

for modi to become PM BJP REQUIRES majority of its own , which i donot see that happening in far future untill there is 2 party system in india.so he would like to remain CM of Gujarat.
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and how come members here see indian court always against Muslim wasn`t case of Shah Bano, a 62 year old Muslim woman was in her favour . old lady just wanted her alimony from former husband which was denied by her husband .

congrees lead by rajvi gandhi with absolute majority in house nullified this verdict of supreme court

The Passing of Muslim Women Protection Act allegedly sent a message of Muslim appeasement practised by the Congress party. To counter this charge Rajiv Gandhi began his election campaign in 1989 from Ram Janma Bhumi ( birth place of Lord Rama ) in Ayodhya. This led to revival of the Ram Janma Bhumi - Babri Masjid dispute which was lying in cold storage for about forty years which in turn led to bringing down of the Babri Masjid on 6 December 1992 and thereby causing bloody riots all over India in which thousands of people were killed and over dozen powerful bomb blasts in Mumbai ( Bombay ) on 12 March 1993 in which hundreds of people mainly Hindus were killed and/or maimed

we are still reaping for the seed winch where sowed by our reformed western educated PM
Isnt it incumbent on us,Indians to accept the 'word' of the highest court of law in India ?

Reminds me of a famous quote - "You are entitled to your opinions,not to your own facts".

I love it when people out of sheer frustration resort to posting 'You Tube' videos to prove their point.

In Todays judicial system,not even a Panchayat will accpet Youtube videos as proof to convict a person. :lol:

"We want the facts to fit the preconceptions. When they don't it is easier to ignore the facts than to change the preconceptions. " - Jessamyn West

Dont act like quote book. I have read them before.

Enough of your brain farts, you asked for voice of supreme court when i provided you the first original voice, you tried to run away and started laughing on video from youtube.

I know things dont get in your head or maybe you dont want them to come.
Now least interested in banging my head on wall. Pathetic :tdown:
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