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The west is actually for jamaat.

Its nothing to be happy about. If its true than it will be bad for the image of Jamat. Because people are suspicious about western motive. Most people think West is always with :devil:.
Once a wise person said.. Church (Religion) should not meddle with state, Jamat is religious organization, it must not have any place in politics.

@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=21690" target="_blank">India</a></u>: I hate to see Church and Mosque passing dictates for voting against any particular party, or to vote for a party.. This kind of activity is bad for both religion and state.
These Islamic party promote Islamic studies (Koran) for Muslims. Muslim feel that they are served, where as they are been pushed to dark age.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...l-war-has-started-again-14.html#ixzz2LJyvHVwa

We are not aspiring for a Jefersonian Democracy here.Majority of the people of this country are Muslim.Islam dictates their life.So it is clear that the state should follow the ideology of the majority of its population.Islam and Judaism are religions that come with a code of life that encompasses every aspect of a human life.Islam was created to be both a religion and system.Chrisitanity and Hinduism weren't.You can only compare the religious aspect of Islam with Hinduism.But you cannot compare the Shariah with the Hindu law as the Shariah has been successfully implemented for a pretty long time where as Hindu law hasn't been done so.I agree with you later comment about madrasas pushing muslim to the dark ages.But it does not mean that we should shut them down,it only means that we should reform them.Ulugh Begh madrasa in Uzbekistan had its own observatory!We need to get our past glory back.
You claim to be a progressive.I hope you became a progressive after studying about stuff you comment about.Because if you did you would not present the stupid idea of Jihad=War.And if you believe '******' Islamists attack your idolized progressive west because the are backward here's a short clip for you.

This guy was head of the Bin-Laden cell of the CIA.
Next time you think about preaching your 'progressive' thought think first.
Oh!One more thing you know which system actually successfully implemented the separate church and state policy and are still the flag bearers of the progressivism you preach about?Socialists and Communists.Guess what their system failed miserably!

BTW,does anyone know why the word '******' is censored?


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Civil war is distant possibility in my opinion because Jaamat is not known to do any thing unethical or unlawful in their 40 years in Bangladesh politics and in the history of 70 years of their politics in subcontinent . when Jamat was Banned from 71 to 78 they work silently try to get worker made people etc. and when the wind turn positive they start their politics openly . todays world situation is not suitable for any mainstream political party to go under ground and start fighting against establishment . this act would certainly damage the image of Islam and and bring damage to countries economy and stability . which i think would damage Jamat more then what happening now . so i do believe jamat leader would take rational decision for the well being of Bangladesh as well as for their party .
These Islamic party promote Islamic studies (Koran) for Muslims. Muslim feel that they are served, where as they are been pushed to dark age.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...l-war-has-started-again-14.html#ixzz2LJyvHVwa

We are not aspiring for a Jefersonian Democracy here.Majority of the people of this country are Muslim.Islam dictates their life.So it is clear that the state should follow the ideology of the majority of its population.Islam and Judaism are religions that come with a code of life that encompasses every aspect of a human life.Islam was created to be both a religion and system.Chrisitanity and Hinduism weren't.You can only compare the religious aspect of Islam with Hinduism.But you cannot compare the Shariah with the Hindu law as the Shariah has been successfully implemented for a pretty long time where as Hindu law hasn't been done so.I agree with you later comment about madrasas pushing muslim to the dark ages.But it does not mean that we should shut them down,it only means that we should reform them.Ulugh Begh madrasa in Uzbekistan had its own observatory!We need to get our past glory back.
You claim to be a progressive.I hope you became a progressive after studying about stuff you comment about.Because if you did you would not present the stupid idea of Jihad=War.And if you believe '******' Islamists attack your idolized progressive west because the are backward here's a short clip for you.

This guy was head of the Bin-Laden cell of the CIA.
Next time you think about preaching your 'progressive' thought think first.
Oh!One more thing you know which system actually successfully implemented the separate church and state policy and are still the flag bearers of the progressivism you preach about?Socialists and Communists.Guess what their system failed miserably!

BTW,does anyone know why the word '******' is censored?



I saw this video, it is not new about CIA, CIA is the main terrorist organization in the world who is making the world unstable.

'*******' also censored
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soviet union was established by only 10 percent
Bangladesh is so much smaller
5 percent can start civil war if they are well funded and trained

@ For most of my young life I was serving in the conflict oriented countries like Kosovo, Bosnia, Congo, Darfur(Sudan), South Sudan (now Independent Country), Ethiopia etc. Basically I was serving in a NGO. In many areas I have closely observed how these civil war occurs. I have seen the conflict between orthodox Christian and Roman Catholic Christian, between Serbs and Croats, between Croats and Muslims, between Muslims and Serves. In Africa, I have observed how the people of different ethnic origin are fighting each other and finally ethnic cleansing.

@ Now, back to Bangladesh. I said earlier also in this forum that blood matters a lot on human behavior. The people of Bangladesh are not homogeneous rather hecto- geneous. There are various ethnic bloods in our country. Some are from Afghan, some are from Persia, some are from Arab and Middle East and some are from Central Asia. Now, these bloods are pure Islamic blood and they are not ready to compromise with the Hindu oriented culture. Another group are convertee Muslims and this group is ready to compromise with the Hindu oriented culture.

@ Now, about the first group of people, mostly are oriented with Islam oriented political parties. It was this group under whose leadership Pakistan movement started and achieved their goal. This group is majority in Bangladesh. After the achievement of Pakistan, the convertee group became very weak. Soon the Bengali Hindus both inside and outside (refugee who fled to India) joined hands together. Side by side many new progressive and left oriented people also joined together. And finally with the direct involvement of India Bangladesh came into being. From the very beginning this group had been trying to eliminate the other group. And it is said that they killed roughly around 19,000 people in the name of collaborating with the Pakistan Govt.

@ After 1975 the first group again rehabilitated themselves. Soon Islamic help started coming from Middle East and within a short spun time they proved themselves as competent too. Now, as per Hammer fist the strength of this group is only 4.6% ???? My dear Hammer fist you are totally wrong. You are talking only of Jamaat. There are much more than this figure. Why you are not counting the other Islamic groups ?????

@ Now, presently AL is thinking to ban Jamaat and they are moving in that direction. History shows a revolution can be made just with only 10 to 15 % people in the society and rest remains as silent spectators. If AL and their left oriented parties continue to finish Jamaat then we are heading for that. Rather primary stage is already started. Let&#8217;s see what&#8217;s happen--------
@ Now, back to Bangladesh. I said earlier also in this forum that blood matters a lot on human behavior. The people of Bangladesh are not homogeneous rather hecto- geneous. There are various ethnic bloods in our country. Some are from Afghan, some are from Persia, some are from Arab and Middle East and some are from Central Asia. Now, these bloods are pure Islamic blood and they are not ready to compromise with the Hindu oriented culture. Another group are convertee Muslims and this group is ready to compromise with the Hindu oriented culture.
The Prophet Muhammad said, "No babe is born but upon Fitra (as a Muslim). It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Polytheist." (Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Number 6426)

Islam is the religion of all Prophets, Adam to Muhammad. Children are not born out of any sin, original, inherited or derived. They are born on the religion of their nature, i.e., Islam.


The question which arises here is, "How can all people be expected to believe in Allah given their varying- backgrounds, societies and cultures? For people to be responsible for worshipping Allah they all have to have access to knowledge of Allah. The final revelation teaches that all mankind have the recognition of Allah imprinted on their souls, a part of their very nature with which they are created.

In Soorah Al-A'raaf, Verses 172-173; Allah explained that when He created Adam, He caused all of Adam's descendants to come into existence and took a pledge from them saying, Am I not your Lord? To which they all replied, " Yes, we testify to It:'

Allah then explained why He had all of mankind bear witness that He is their creator and only true God worthy of worship. He said, "That was In case you (mankind) should say on the day of Resurrection, "Verily we were unaware of all this." That is to say, we had no idea that You Allah, were our God. No one told us that we were only supposed to worship You alone. Allah went on to explain That it was also In case you should say, "Certainly It was our ancestors who made partners (With Allah) and we are only their descendants; will You then destroy us for what those liars did?" Thus, every child is born with a natural belief in Allah and an inborn inclination to worship Him alone called in Arabic the "Fitrah".

If the child were left alone, he would worship Allah in his own way, but all children are affected by those things around them, seen or unseen.

The Prophet (PBUH) reported that Allah said, "I created my servants in the right religion but devils made them go astray". The Prophet (PBUH) also said, "Each child is born in a state of "Fitrah", then his parents make him a Jew, Christian or a Zoroastrian, the way an animal gives birth to a normal offspring. Have you noticed any that were born mutilated?" (Collected by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim).

So, just as the child submits to the physical laws which Allah has put in nature, his soul also submits naturally to the fact that Allah is his Lord and Creator. But, his parents try to make him follow their own way and the child is not strong enough in the early stages of his life to resist or oppose the will of his parents. The religion which the child follows at this stage is one of custom and upbringing and Allah does not hold him to account or punish him for this religion. (By Abu Ameena Bilal Phillips )

In Bangladesh there is no big fight between Shia-Sunni or others. In Middle east there is big fight going on between Shia-Sunni or others.. So I will be more happy if that So called pure Islamic blood stay out of my motherland or they will create problem in Bangladesh.
Just read your post, thanks for the update as you are a reliable source of information unlike some here who are actual members of a political party spreading propaganda for their party.

Good to see Jamati thugs couldn't cause as much damage as they did last time, when they ended up killing people.

I will wait to see what @animelive says.

The ones wrecking havoc should be arrested/encountered whatever the police sees necessary. Since they are committing violence against state and destroying several middle class lives, one would believe that they are old enough to know the consequences.
But having said that, Shahbag guys should be beaten off the street if they don't get up from there, with batons and water gun maybe. They are stopping transports to pass a big road which in turn increases Traffic jams in the already jam packed other roads. They should either do their protest on footpath or take their biryani and sod off the streets.

The pictures that Kobiraaz has posted, if not selective propaganda, seem to indicate that the Jamat hartal has certainly made an impact.

Is that true, for those reliable Bangladeshis e.g. @animelive @PlanetSoldier @ShadowFaux @madx who are in Dhaka right now?

I went to Banani, bro went to Uttara, not a single barricade, several stores were open and transport wasn't hard to find.
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The ones wrecking havoc should be arrested/encountered whatever the police sees necessary. Since they are committing violence against state and destroying several middle class lives, one would believe that they are old enough to know the consequences.
But having said that, Shahbag guys should be beaten off the street if they don't get up from there, with batons and water gun maybe. They are stopping transports to pass a big road which in turn increases Traffic jams in the already jam packed other roads. They should either do their protest on footpath or take their biryani and sod off the streets.

I went to Banani, bro went to Uttara, not a single barricade, several stores were open and transport wasn't hard to find.

i agree,shahagh protest need to move some where else, they are causing traffic.
because you ppl are our neighbour,and a civil war in your country would be dangerous for us too... look at afghanistan and pakistan

Bangladesh is much more stable than India, we dont have any armed militants but you guys do. Hell, last week the army had to intervene in your northeast to stabilize the situation. You guys are likely to become afghanistan and pakistan.
Bangladesh is much more stable than India, we dont have any armed militants but you guys do. Hell, last week the army had to intervene in your northeast to stabilize the situation. You guys are likely to become afghanistan and pakistan.
i've never said that bangladesh is on the verge of civil war or something.. but if it happens,we guys would be as much of a loser as you..and regarding your last statement,saying the second fasting growing economy in the world along with world's 3rd largest army,4th largest air-force and 5th largest navy that it will turn into another pakistan or afghanistan..i would say,you made me lol'ed :lol:
Its nothing to be happy about. If its true than it will be bad for the image of Jamat. Because people are suspicious about western motive. Most people think West is always with :devil:.

people are too simplistic to understand the western ways of western intervention. example....One cancellation of padma bridge loan has affected faridpur's vote and the entire region :azn:

i've never said that bangladesh is on the verge of civil war or something.. but if it happens,we guys would be as much of a loser as you..and regarding your last statement,saying the second fasting growing economy in the world along with world's 3rd largest army,4th largest air-force and 5th largest navy that it will turn into another pakistan or afghanistan..i would say,you made me lol'ed :lol:
:angel:your army is used against your own civilians

In India&#8217;s remote northeast, civilians challenge rape, killing by security forces
By Simon Denyer, Published: February 18

IMPHAL, India &#8212; Tens of thousands of Indian troops are deployed to these remote borderlands, their mission to fight a decades-long armed separatist rebellion.

But for years, residents here have alleged that security forces have also waged a separate war of rape and murder of civilians, one they continue with impunity because federal law virtually prohibits the prosecution of soldiers in conflict zones.

Now, 1,500 miles away in the capital of New Delhi, there is a new demand to change that. A committee established last month in the wake of mass protests over a gruesome gang rape recommended that the law be reexamined. At the very least, the Justice Verma Committee said, soldiers accused of rape should be tried under civilian law.

But the government has dragged its feet. Although it implemented many of the committee&#8217;s suggestions for new protections for women in an emergency ordinance passed this month, the recommendation to curb the armed forces&#8217; immunity was set aside. The government said it was reluctant to tell the army what to do.

While the New Delhi protests prompted India to reexamine its treatment of women, the debate over soldiers&#8217; immunity &#8212; and the dark history in the border region &#8212; have underscored the limits of the power of India&#8217;s democracy to effect change when it comes up against entrenched vested interests such as the army, a supposedly apolitical institution that wields significant influence.

&#8220;We can&#8217;t move forward because there is no consensus,&#8221; Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram said in a recent speech on national security, according to local media reports.

Referring to the immunity law by its full name, the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, or AFSPA, Chidambaram continued: &#8220;The present and former army chiefs have taken a strong position that the act should not be amended. .&#8201;.&#8201;. How does the government move forward .&#8201;.&#8201;. to make the AFSPA a more humanitarian law?&#8221;

The Defense Ministry declined to comment.

Here in the state of Manipur, where a local human rights group has documented 1,528 alleged extrajudicial executions and many cases of rape and sexual assault carried out by the police and army in the past three decades, the stalling of momentum has caused little surprise.

In 2004, soldiers arrested 32-year-old Thangjam Manorama Devi in the early morning, then left her bruised and bullet-ridden body by the roadside a few hours later. Police forensics experts concluded that she had been tortured and shot at close range while lying down. They also found evidence that she might have been raped.

For months afterward, the tiny hill state on the border with Burma erupted in protest. A group of women made national headlines when they stripped naked in front of an army barracks and held up a large banner that read &#8220;Indian army rape us.&#8221;

But the Manipur incident changed nothing.

For eight years, the Indian government has blocked the release of a judicial investigation into Manorama&#8217;s death, fighting a long legal battle that has now reached the Supreme Court, nor has it made any move to prosecute those responsible.

A committee that was formed to review the AFSPA concluded in 2005 that it should be repealed. But its findings were never officially released &#8212; although they were eventually leaked &#8212; nor were they implemented.

Meenakshi Ganguly of Human Rights Watch, a watchdog group, said the pressure the army is bringing to bear on the government over the issue is &#8220;extremely worrying in a democracy.&#8221; Others, including Sanjoy Hazarika, a member of the 2005 commission that demanded the law be repealed, say the government is equally to blame.

Manipur, with a population of little more than 2 million, is tiny by Indian standards, and the country&#8217;s economic development of the past two decades has largely passed it by. Most of its residents are Hindus but are of Tibet-Burman origin and are thought to look more Burmese than Indian; they feel their countrymen look down on them. An armed separatist rebellion began here in the 1960s and has led to about 20,000 deaths.

For 12 years, a Manipuri woman, Irom Sharmila, has been on a hunger strike against the armed forces act. Having been convicted in court of intent to take her own life, she is under police guard in a hospital and force-fed through her nose.

Last week, Sharmila, 40, emerged from the hospital for a biweekly appearance in court, and, in an interview outside the courtroom, while being flanked by two female police officers, Sharmila said she was not optimistic that the government would relent any time soon.

The formation of committees is a tactic to deflect public anger, she said in halting English, and the people of Manipur are not given the respect accorded to other Indians.

&#8220;They treat us like stepchildren,&#8221; she said before police whisked her away.

Across town, 37-year-old Neena Ningombam has cared for her two children alone since her husband was taken away by police in November 2008. A few hours later his body, with a hand grenade planted next to it, was shown on television, supposedly that of a rebel killed after attacking the police.

In one sense, Ningombam is lucky. Witnesses saw her husband being arrested, and they have not been intimidated into silence. A local magistrate who investigated the case found that her husband had never been involved in a militant group and that he was killed in what is known here as a &#8220;fake encounter.&#8221;

Babloo Loitongbam of Human Rights Alert, a local rights group that has documented the alleged rapes and extrajudicial executions, said members of the security forces who kill militants are rewarded with cash, medals and promotions.

&#8220;An incentive structure has created vested interests in the army and police just to kill people on the flimsiest charges,&#8221; he said, &#8220;while the judicial process has completely failed.&#8221;

With Loitongbam&#8217;s help, the widows of Manipur are fighting back. Responding to a petition they have filed, the Supreme Court appointed a respected three-
person team last month to look into the alleged extrajudicial executions. Yet another committee of inquiry, it could nevertheless put more pressure on the government to roll back what residents describe as a cloak of impunity shrouding events in Manipur.

Like the other widows of Manipur, Ningombam continues her legal battle to clear her husband&#8217;s name.

In an opinion piece last week, Hazarika, the member of the 2005 commission and an expert on northeastern India, called the law an &#8220;abomination.&#8221;

&#8220;How many more deaths, how many more naked protests, how many more hunger strikes, how many more committees, how many more editorials and articles and broadcasts before AFSPA goes?&#8221; he asked.

© The Washington Post Company

the best army super duper power Indian army deployed to take down her own civilians:lol:
I have to say Kobiraaz's pictures clearly point to the fact that the Jamati hartal seems to be far more successful than some people claim. This leads to wider questions.

1. The Jamat has clearly shown the Awami League that they are still strong when the elections are only 10 or so months away.
Things will only get worse.

2. Can the Awami League actually execute Kader Molla and others?

3. Can they ban the Jamat?

We will have to wait and see.

At least this time no cars got burnt or people attacked.

The other question is what the army and US are making of all this.

Well Jamat's hartal yeasterday wasn't so live as govt. had target to make it a failure. I don't know where Zamalkhan is that kobiraaz posted some pictures. But on my way from Pallabi to Gulshan the crowd, traffic were were half and streets were heavily cordoned by security personnel. In that sense Jamat hartal was a success because for a mere strike govt. deployed troops from police, APBN, BDR, and Ansar. Also, mainstream media is acting completely biased, the're not reflecting the actual facts. Definitely 4 peoples' lives on a single day mean it was a violent day but switching channels one after one I found most of them were a copy of BTV.

People who sense things nice are predicting a civil war (huge riot) if Jamat gets banned. We don't value peoples' live otherwise current situation is almost that.

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