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chinese withdrawal

so the withdrawal is unconditional right? Back to earlier position?

It is. But there can be no peace in our time. Peace has to be everlasting. Indian leadership must engage with both Chinese and Pakistani leadership on the border dispute issues. Or else we are living on illusion
so the withdrawal is unconditional right? Back to earlier position?
Quid pro quo behind India-China de-escalation? - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: It seems there was some sort of "a quid pro quo" behind the mutual withdrawal of Indian and Chinese troops from the 16,300-feet face-off site in the Depsang Bulge area of northern Ladakh on Sunday evening.

With India furiously working the diplomatic channels ahead of foreign minister Salman Khurshid's visit to Beijing on May 9, in preparation for Chinese premier Li Keqiang's trip to India on May 20, two back-to-back flag meetings were held between local commanders at Spanggur Gap area between Daulat Beg Oldi and Chushul sectors on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

By 7.30pm on Sunday, the two forces - with 30 to 40 troops each - had begun to withdraw from the 20-day-old standoff site along the Raki Nala, which India perceives to be 19-km inside Indian territory, after a handshake between the two local commanders at the fifth flag meeting held earlier in the day.

Though there was no immediate official word on what were the exact terms of disengagement but sources said "there was some give-and-take" to resolve the face-off. "There had to be some face-saver for the Chinese," said a source.

China, since the very beginning and through the first three flag meetings on April 18, 23 and 30, had remained adamant that India should dismantle its forward observation post at Chumar in eastern Ladakh since it overlooks Chinese highways and can detect any troop movement there.

India, in turn, was demanding that the over 32 Chinese troops, who had pitched tents at the face-off site and were getting their supplies through regular vehicular support, should return to their pre-April 15 positions. India was worried about the deep Chinese intrusion in the Depsang Bulge area, a table-top plateau, since it threatened to cut its access to around 750 sqkm area in the region.

The face-off site was just about 40-km south of the strategic Karakoram Pass, which is at the tri-junction of China-Pakistan-India borders, and overlooks the Siachen Glacier-Saltoro Ridge to the west and the Indian observation post in the Chumar sector to the east.

Though already angry with India's re-activation of advanced landing grounds at Daulat Beg Oldi, Fukche and Nyoma and building of other infrastructure along the LAC over the last four-five years, China had made the dismantling of the Chumar post as a pre-condition for de-escalation.

The Chinese, in fact, had earlier even tried to "immobilize" the surveillance cameras positioned at the Chumar post by cutting wires there. In June last year, Indian troops had intercepted two Chinese personnel on mules across the Chumar post. Though they were subsequently let off, with language being a barrier, China got hugely irritated about the incident. Holding that the two Chinese were from its revenue department, Beijing since then has been pressing hard for the Chumar post to be dismantled.
Quid pro quo behind India-China de-escalation? - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: It seems there was some sort of "a quid pro quo" behind the mutual withdrawal of Indian and Chinese troops from the 16,300-feet face-off site in the Depsang Bulge area of northern Ladakh on Sunday evening.

With India furiously working the diplomatic channels ahead of foreign minister Salman Khurshid's visit to Beijing on May 9, in preparation for Chinese premier Li Keqiang's trip to India on May 20, two back-to-back flag meetings were held between local commanders at Spanggur Gap area between Daulat Beg Oldi and Chushul sectors on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

The Chinese, in fact, had earlier even tried to "immobilize" the surveillance cameras positioned at the Chumar post by cutting wires there. In June last year, Indian troops had intercepted two Chinese personnel on mules across the Chumar post. Though they were subsequently let off, with language being a barrier, China got hugely irritated about the incident. Holding that the two Chinese were from its revenue department, Beijing since then has been pressing hard for the Chumar post to be dismantled.

For a change... post the full lyrics of Paradise City by Guns and Roses.
Good News!

Lets hope this withdrawal is unconditional other than going slow on infrastructural projects.

I hope the rumor about chumar post in not True!

I'm neither a mod nor a webmaster. To do so would be illegal

Dude! If u can access his IP than pls post it here and expose him!

Don't care about illegal or not!
It's confirmed... :lol:

Ladakh stand-off ends as China agrees to pull out troops - The Times of India

Did India make a deal?

The Chinese had been insisting that India dismantle its security and monitoring posts built in Chumar and other areas. India had resisted this because Chumar is considered to have strategic significance, particularly since Indian soldiers can monitor troop movements across the Line of Actual Control from there.

Before the news of the troops withdrawing was announced, some sources had said India might agree to remove some of the structures as "a face saver" to enable the Chinese troops to withdraw to their pre-April 15 positions. Analysts said if the Indian government had indeed agreed to make a deal with the Chinese, this kind of incursion would be repeated over and over again.

The Chinese intransigence had created a political problem with memories of the 1962 war and India's humiliating defeat by China playing in everyone's minds. Both the ruling Congress party and the opposition had asked for Khurshid's visit to be cancelled after Chinese troops refused to withdraw despite three flag meetings with the Indian side.

Now we know whenever we want India give something up, simply do an incursion and then GOI will have to capitulate.

If thats true, China more or less got what it wanted & DBO would now be, at least in the present, a non-militarized or very minimally militarized area & that the Indian efforts to improve the infrastructure in those areas to counter the efficient & ever improving infrastructure on the Chinese side & thereby countering almost certain quick Chinese mobilization by an equally quick mobilization seems to have been put on hold !

Damn, I'd never want a skirmish between India & China, never mind a war, but this doesn't seem like an Indian victory at all except that its good that no-one lost their lives...that bit is always good !

Hold on Shah ke Wafaadar, not so fast!!!

The agreement - disagreement is only about the forward posts on the part of LAC where it is not demarcated properly. The Chinese are not building any infra there, and even if we assume Indians were and now won't, then that's just parity. Nowhere are we looking at a scenario where china is allowed to build forward posts there but India is not, and none of the supporting inland infra - that's REALLY needed for mobilization - that china is allowed to build but India won't be. This is even if we accept the speculation about the concessions by India.

Nice try BTW.

Get over yourself.....here,have a bounty:laughcry::laughcry:

about CHUMAR POST...........Indian side turned around ,bent over and told the chinese,"If u want Chumar post,Chuma rite here first":haha::haha::haha:
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It's confirmed... :lol:

Ladakh stand-off ends as China agrees to pull out troops - The Times of India

Did India make a deal?

The Chinese had been insisting that India dismantle its security and monitoring posts built in Chumar and other areas. India had resisted this because Chumar is considered to have strategic significance, particularly since Indian soldiers can monitor troop movements across the Line of Actual Control from there.

Before the news of the troops withdrawing was announced, some sources had said India might agree to remove some of the structures as "a face saver" to enable the Chinese troops to withdraw to their pre-April 15 positions. Analysts said if the Indian government had indeed agreed to make a deal with the Chinese, this kind of incursion would be repeated over and over again.

The Chinese intransigence had created a political problem with memories of the 1962 war and India's humiliating defeat by China playing in everyone's minds. Both the ruling Congress party and the opposition had asked for Khurshid's visit to be cancelled after Chinese troops refused to withdraw despite three flag meetings with the Indian side.

Now we know whenever we want India give something up, simply do an incursion and then GOI will have to capitulate.


Comprehension Fail !

No official quoted in your troll post, nothing is confirmed as of yet.

Newspaper itself is guessing about it that's why asking the question " Did India make a deal ?"
Comprehension Fail !

No official quoted in your troll post, nothing is confirmed as of yet.

Newspaper itself is guessing about it that's why asking the question " Did India make a deal ?"
Now the humiliating reality begins to set in. Clowns can no longer delude themselves about India shupa-powa.


P.S. Don't forget to vote for Congress!
Now the humiliating reality begins to set in. Clowns can no longer delude themselves about India shupa-powa.


P.S. Don't forget to vote for Congress!

It's confirmed... :lol:

Ladakh stand-off ends as China agrees to pull out troops - The Times of India

Did India make a deal?

The Chinese had been insisting that India dismantle its security and monitoring posts built in Chumar and other areas. India had resisted this because Chumar is considered to have strategic significance, particularly since Indian soldiers can monitor troop movements across the Line of Actual Control from there.

Before the news of the troops withdrawing was announced, some sources had said India might agree to remove some of the structures as "a face saver" to enable the Chinese troops to withdraw to their pre-April 15 positions. Analysts said if the Indian government had indeed agreed to make a deal with the Chinese, this kind of incursion would be repeated over and over again.

The Chinese intransigence had created a political problem with memories of the 1962 war and India's humiliating defeat by China playing in everyone's minds. Both the ruling Congress party and the opposition had asked for Khurshid's visit to be cancelled after Chinese troops refused to withdraw despite three flag meetings with the Indian side.

Now we know whenever we want India give something up, simply do an incursion and then GOI will have to capitulate.


if Indian Govt. had agreed to the terms of Chinese they will leave after the post and infrastructure is dismantled,which is not in this case.


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