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chinese withdrawal

Kiss your Chumar outpost good-bye. Your GOI capitulated to Chinese demands to get the PLA to withdraw and here you clowns are pretending to be a shupa-powa :lol:

You are an idiot unworthy of a reply. You sound more Pakistani than Chinese to me. Go herd your goats and play with your salwar kameez now :P
Kiss your Chumar outpost good-bye. Your GOI capitulated to Chinese demands to get the PLA to withdraw and here you clowns are pretending to be a shupa-powa :lol:
@PlanetWarrior, you were right, this guy alone singlehandedly embarrasses the whole Chinese population. :D - if he's a Chinese to begin with.
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Whatever the local issue was has been resolved and we are back to status quo - which was our agreement all along.

The local area sure seems troublesome as its obvious there is no agreement on the actual line of control there. Our border has been peaceful for two decades and glad it stays that way, despite the fapping of cheerleaders.
What happened? Can anyone summarize please? Thanks
Quid pro quo behind India-China de-escalation? - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: It seems there was some sort of "a quid pro quo" behind the mutual withdrawal of Indian and Chinese troops from the 16,300-feet face-off site in the Depsang Bulge area of northern Ladakh on Sunday evening.

With India furiously working the diplomatic channels ahead of foreign minister Salman Khurshid's visit to Beijing on May 9, in preparation for Chinese premier Li Keqiang's trip to India on May 20, two back-to-back flag meetings were held between local commanders at Spanggur Gap area between Daulat Beg Oldi and Chushul sectors on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

By 7.30pm on Sunday, the two forces - with 30 to 40 troops each - had begun to withdraw from the 20-day-old standoff site along the Raki Nala, which India perceives to be 19-km inside Indian territory, after a handshake between the two local commanders at the fifth flag meeting held earlier in the day.

Though there was no immediate official word on what were the exact terms of disengagement but sources said "there was some give-and-take" to resolve the face-off. "There had to be some face-saver for the Chinese," said a source.

China, since the very beginning and through the first three flag meetings on April 18, 23 and 30, had remained adamant that India should dismantle its forward observation post at Chumar in eastern Ladakh since it overlooks Chinese highways and can detect any troop movement there.

India, in turn, was demanding that the over 32 Chinese troops, who had pitched tents at the face-off site and were getting their supplies through regular vehicular support, should return to their pre-April 15 positions. India was worried about the deep Chinese intrusion in the Depsang Bulge area, a table-top plateau, since it threatened to cut its access to around 750 sqkm area in the region.

The face-off site was just about 40-km south of the strategic Karakoram Pass, which is at the tri-junction of China-Pakistan-India borders, and overlooks the Siachen Glacier-Saltoro Ridge to the west and the Indian observation post in the Chumar sector to the east.

Though already angry with India's re-activation of advanced landing grounds at Daulat Beg Oldi, Fukche and Nyoma and building of other infrastructure along the LAC over the last four-five years, China had made the dismantling of the Chumar post as a pre-condition for de-escalation.

The Chinese, in fact, had earlier even tried to "immobilize" the surveillance cameras positioned at the Chumar post by cutting wires there. In June last year, Indian troops had intercepted two Chinese personnel on mules across the Chumar post. Though they were subsequently let off, with language being a barrier, China got hugely irritated about the incident. Holding that the two Chinese were from its revenue department, Beijing since then has been pressing hard for the Chumar post to be dismantled.
@PlanetWarrior @illusion8 Hong wu is chinese mate :D

Some of the posters from China are like that, I have long list like greyboy2,sinochallenger etc..etc...

They won't agree defeat and they will always post one more than you in an argument and feel they won :lol:

Of course he is, I just said otherwise to avoid embarrassing CD. :D
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Whatever the local issue was has been resolved and we are back to status quo - which was our agreement all along.

The local area sure seems troublesome as its obvious there is no agreement on the actual line of control there. Our border has been peaceful for two decades and glad it stays that way, despite the fapping of cheerleaders.

Yes it surely seems so - we better get a grip on it before things turn nasty next time around.
What happened? Can anyone summarize please? Thanks

Long time back Jetli, Jackiechan and few from shaolin temple went to Daulat Beg Oldie monastry to see drunken monkey style kungfu.

After seeing it they decided not to leave.

The master of the monastry MuM-Mo-Singh-Tai told them to go back to mainland china and eat schewan style noodles and make merry.

But the young warriors decided not to.

After a few talks they rode back to their village in a pony.

Their official talk transcript in chinese

Chi Warriors- Ti ni Po ni -- ref to small horse they riding.
MMS- - Y Yu Hai Dingg? Y Yu kum Hia ? what are u doing? why u have come..
Chi Wa-- Wai U Shao Ting why are u shouting??
MMS- Sum Ting Wong... something wrong..
Chi Wa- Dung On Mai Shu.. * deragatory terms too hot for pdf*
MMS-Fat Ho .. no pah king. * deregatory remark*.. no parking..
Ch-Wa--- okie--Wai So Dim-- we go. Why so series .. we are going..
MMS- Fa Kin Su Pah *deragatory term*... super...

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