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chinese withdrawal

The fact that not much reporting from our side of media should give a clue to GOI this is not something that cannt be solved by diplomacy between the two countries
@Secur, the Indian media is highly hawkish and literally took the GOI to the cleaners over this, do you think they'll allow them to compromise on anything important other than a rather mundane bunker? - that is if they even did it for arguments sake. See, the chinese have aired their grievances - what India has told them is first go back to the status quo and let's discuss about your problem and see if we can find a solution.
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All's well that ends well!!! Am just glad that good sense prevailed... Both sides helped de-escalate a silly local problem quickly and that is quite an achievement on part of both sides!

It shows so much more that the language of diplomacy is so much more well accepted and appreciated than the language of gun and it is nice to see India and China resolve it on our own, without letting any external factors influence it... Really proud of this achievement!

Sir aap ki dahshat hiii bohat thiii ! :yay:
No shupa-powa for India! Just more inferiority and humiliation today.

Quid pro quo behind India-China de-escalation? - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: It seems there was some sort of "a quid pro quo" behind the mutual withdrawal of Indian and Chinese troops from the 16,300-feet face-off site in the Depsang Bulge area of northern Ladakh on Sunday evening.

With India furiously working the diplomatic channels ahead of foreign minister Salman Khurshid's visit to Beijing on May 9, in preparation for Chinese premier Li Keqiang's trip to India on May 20, two back-to-back flag meetings were held between local commanders at Spanggur Gap area between Daulat Beg Oldi and Chushul sectors on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

By 7.30pm on Sunday, the two forces - with 30 to 40 troops each - had begun to withdraw from the 20-day-old standoff site along the Raki Nala, which India perceives to be 19-km inside Indian territory, after a handshake between the two local commanders at the fifth flag meeting held earlier in the day.

Though there was no immediate official word on what were the exact terms of disengagement but sources said "there was some give-and-take" to resolve the face-off. "There had to be some face-saver for the Chinese," said a source.

China, since the very beginning and through the first three flag meetings on April 18, 23 and 30, had remained adamant that India should dismantle its forward observation post at Chumar in eastern Ladakh since it overlooks Chinese highways and can detect any troop movement there.

India, in turn, was demanding that the over 32 Chinese troops, who had pitched tents at the face-off site and were getting their supplies through regular vehicular support, should return to their pre-April 15 positions. India was worried about the deep Chinese intrusion in the Depsang Bulge area, a table-top plateau, since it threatened to cut its access to around 750 sqkm area in the region.

The face-off site was just about 40-km south of the strategic Karakoram Pass, which is at the tri-junction of China-Pakistan-India borders, and overlooks the Siachen Glacier-Saltoro Ridge to the west and the Indian observation post in the Chumar sector to the east.

Though already angry with India's re-activation of advanced landing grounds at Daulat Beg Oldi, Fukche and Nyoma and building of other infrastructure along the LAC over the last four-five years, China had made the dismantling of the Chumar post as a pre-condition for de-escalation.

The Chinese, in fact, had earlier even tried to "immobilize" the surveillance cameras positioned at the Chumar post by cutting wires there. In June last year, Indian troops had intercepted two Chinese personnel on mules across the Chumar post. Though they were subsequently let off, with language being a barrier, China got hugely irritated about the incident. Holding that the two Chinese were from its revenue department, Beijing since then has been pressing hard for the Chumar post to be dismantled.


Don't forget to vote for Congress!
:woot: 2 days not here, 26 pages already! :omghaha:


It went like this:

Day N+0: 50 PLA troopers went camping deep inside India.

Day N+1: Indians went freeking bananas, sending 1,000 men setting up tents in front of the 50 masters.

Day N+2: 50 PLA masters demanded Indian bunkers dismantled

Day N+3: India added another 2 mountain brigades on top of1, 000 men. As the response, PLA added 1 alert dog to these 50 masters.

Day N+4, India added another 2 parachuting brigades to the area. As the response, you guessed it, PLA added another dog.


Day N+n: Bunkers stopped and both sides retreated

For those not that fast enough mentally ( see, I am very considerate towards Indians), consider the following analogy:

1. Indian supa pawa was sleeping in his bedroom with his wife…

2. Suddenly a Chinese trooper intruded into the bedroom demanding the bed be dismantled and the wife gone.

3. Indian supa pawa was furious, knocking on his chest and crying out to the whole neighboorhood for an hour or two...after he noticed that no one cared he took out 2 super machine guns. As a response, the Chinese trooper took out a finger.

4. After negotiating for a while, however, both Indian supa pawa and the Chinese trooper happily agreed to leave the bedroom together, let the bed and wife to darned. :lol:

5. Indian supa pawa couldn't resist such a joy that he rushed into PDF with 2 mins, solemnly declaring * victory * of this intrusion to the neighbourhood...

(I am sure that wordewide press conf and opinion pieces will soon follow in the coming days...)


Nah, still remember 81 IQ ? I told ya!

:omghaha: :lol: :rofl:
They came in a territory which is disputed , when asked to go back , they present the Indians with some demands .

Now they have withdrawn , do you think they went back without having any conditions met ?

Perhaps they did. Perhaps they didn't. Indians aren't conspiracists and neither are the Chinese. The current scenario though is that the CCP isn't claiming any moral victory whilst the Indian establishment is
Wait...what happened ? What did I miss ? :unsure:

Basically, India said we went 20 km into Indian territory for several weeks.

We then came to an agreement on slowing the border infrastructure, and now both sides have withdrawn from the DBO area.
They came in a territory which is disputed between both countries , when asked to go back , they present the Indians with some demands .

Now they have withdrawn , do you think they went back without having any conditions met ?

what makes you so sure that it is the case ? I mean other than your extra sensory perceptions and psychoanalysis of PLA that they are too proud to go like that ?
The two sides are expected to arrive at an agreement with New Delhi thinking about agreeing to go slow on construction of bunkers in the disputed area and Beijing reciprocating by pulling back its troops to their original position across the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

End to Indo-China face-off in sight

China got what it wanted. In time they will also get S.tibet and parts of ladakh. :coffee:
:woot: 2 days not here, 26 pages already! :omghaha:


It went like this:

Day N+0: 50 PLA troopers went camping deep inside India.

Day N+1: Indians went freeking bananas, sending 1,000 men setting up tents in front of the 50 masters.

Day N+2: 50 PLA masters demanded Indian bunkers dismantled

Day N+3: India added another 2 mountain brigades on top of1, 000 men. As the response, PLA added 1 alert dog to these 50 masters.

Day N+4, India added another 2 parachuting brigades to the area. As the response, you guessed it, PLA added another dog.


Day N+n: Bunkers stopped and both sides retreated : rofl:

For those not that fast enough mentally ( see, I am very considerate towards Indians), consider the following analogy:

1. Indian supa pawa was sleeping in his bedroom with his wife…

2. Suddenly a Chinese trooper intruded into the bedroom demanding the bed be dismantled and the wife gone.

3. Indian supa pawa was furious and took out 2 super machine guns. As a response, the Chinese trooper took out a finger.

4. After negotiating for a while, however, both Indian supa pawa and the Chinese trooper happily agreed to leave the bedroom together, leaving the bed and wife to darned.

5. Indian supa pawa then solemnly declares * victory * in PDF of this intrusion.

:hitwall: but wtf?

Nah, still remember 81 IQ ? I told ya! :omghaha: :rofl:

Someone was asking for speeder2 - here she is.
@Speeder2, guys here have a nice pic for you to admire.
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Basically, India said we went 20 km into Indian territory for several weeks.

We then came to an agreement on slowing the border infrastructure, and now both sides have withdrawn from the DBO area.

Good submission. But the question is why ? Why the need to escalate tension by protest when it could have been done diplomatically? Do you believe that China wants to send a message to India ?
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