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Chinese troops in ?

You really dont want to go there.....

Do u really want us to bring out the humiliation Chinese and China have faced from the Japanese to the Viets over the years?

Lets remember that skeletons exist on both sides of the border...Quit playing with matches if you dont want to deal with the fire!

First of all, don't give me those "A B C kid's game", typical loser mentality or unless you by any chance having Japanese or vietnamese blood in you.
Secondly, we won both wars and you got your butt kicked hard in 1962 , a humiliating history of Indians for years to come period

Fire? what fire? we are cool and calm, don't know about Indians whether they still on fire at their rear though. :lol:
First of all, don't give me those "A B C kid's game", typical loser mentality or unless you by any chance having Japanese or vietnamese blood in you.
Secondly, we won both wars and you got your butt kicked hard in 1962 , a humiliating history of Indians for years to come period

Fire? what fire? we are cool and calm, don't know about Indians whether they still on fire at their rear though. :lol:

And chinese were never humilated right ??? Or wait china only remembers their high points like 1962 not their lowest point like 1969 chola incident :disagree: am sure chinese kids still got no clue about it and you are one of those :D
And chinese were never humilated right ??? Or wait china only remembers their high points like 1962 not their lowest point like 1969 chola incident :disagree: am sure chinese kids still got no clue about it and you are one of those :D

We know all about it. 4 Indians killed and 1 chinese killed with 9 wounded.


Compares quite well to the 8,000 Indian casualties and POWs, versus the 2,300 Chinese casualties in 1962.
If thats a victory to you then its fine with me.

But seriously you are grasping at straws here.

who's talking about victory mate ?? We just talking about equal retaliation ,when everything is in place unlike 1962, when no airforce and we had weak leaders on top..
We know all about it. 4 Indians killed and 1 chinese killed with 9 wounded.


Compares quite well to the 8,000 Indian casualties and POWs, versus the 2,300 Chinese casualties in 1962.

don't worry.....once India has overtaken china in population, they all will be coming after you.....:P
We know all about it. 4 Indians killed and 1 chinese killed with 9 wounded.


Compares quite well to the 8,000 Indian casualties and POWs, versus the 2,300 Chinese casualties in 1962.

2300 chinese casualties is a small number for ya ??? Even after numerical advantage and better equipments to fight than indians ...
who's talking about victory mate ?? We just talking about equal retaliation ,when everything is in place unlike 1962, when no airforce and we had weak leaders on top..

Certainly sounded like thats what you were implying. You compared 1969 with 1962 which was much larger and still a tiny skirmish in Chinese eyes. And then you said we ran away with our tails between our legs. Don't try to misconstrue things.
2300 chinese casualties is a small number for ya ??? Even after numerical advantage and better equipments to fight than indians ...

It is when they are the attacking side against a dug in force in mountain terrain. All things being equal the casualties on the Chinese side should have been 9 times higher than the Indian side.
Well said::lol:
NEW DELHI: Ironically, at a time when the US is said to be helping India emerge as a counter-balance to China, comes evidence that the fading superpower was of little value for New Delhi when it desperately needed help to keep the same China at bay in the 1962 war.

While bringing back memories of perhaps the worst humiliation independent India suffered, the disclosure in the US of details of letters written by then PM Jawaharlal Nehru to President John F Kennedy seeking "comprehensive assistance" from the US against China shows the pragmatic dimension of his policy of non-alignment.
Jawaharlal Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times Of India

hence proved who is impotent from the start, calling Us for the help secretly, while in public you people pretend as super power. chchch
Of course i dont expect you to remember the brutal rape of your country and people at the hands of a nation 1/20th the size of your country....

We remember just fine. However you are not Japanese so stop riding on their coattails, as well as the fact that you seem to take that as a achievement in the first place. We killed Indian soldiers who knew what their role was and took half as POWs whom we released. You also seem to forget that India was Raped and ruled for 200 years by the British who were much smaller as well. You still use their language, government, trains ,and etc. Japan on the other hand was long ago conquered by China culturally. It uses a derivative of our language, and have even copied entire cities.

Why would you...Probably living in Japan, you've pretty much accepted Japanese superiority over your kind.....why else would you be living in a country that has humiliated yours and treated your people like dirt? Pathetic!

America has given Pakistanis weapons to kill Indians with and treated Indians cries for help in 1962 as a joke. Why do you live in the US who still supplies Pakistan and you to kill each other with for a quick buck? Freaking loser

Talk of others humiliation does not bode well coming from you....Its quite laughable to say the least.

Its quite easy when we do not have to bring in other countries to support a bilateral argument

Nevertheless, unlike you, Indians are a resilient breed....and we dont forget our past

Apparently you have with all the boasting that 1969 was a year where India beat China, and that we could not possibly repeat 1962 despite China actually improving its position vis-a-vis 1962.

So 62 may have been a battle won, but the war is not and last time I checked, the Indian flag flies ever so high in the hills of AP!

Unintelligible nationalistic crap.

There is no humiliation as everyone loses sometime....but it must hurt to know that all that talk of power and you still cant get what you think is yours from someone you think you can run over...LOL!

There is humiliation for everyone but especially those who think others disgusting history and infamy are yours to claim as pride.

Consider this my last reply to you being that I have no interest in digging up dead skeletons and upsetting other Chinese members that dont deserve being insulted as a result of your actions...

Might as well go ahead because we can pull up far more.
I don't think so. If any foreigners invaded Xinjiang, the Uighurs would be the first to pick up guns and drive them out. Same with Tibet. They are proud Chinese citizens. I am sure it is the same way for Maoists and Nagaland Rebels in India, despite disagreements with the government.

Just read the Startfor article on this issue.

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Certainly sounded like thats what you were implying. You compared 1969 with 1962 which was much larger and still a tiny skirmish in Chinese eyes. And then you said we ran away with our tails between our legs. Don't try to misconstrue things.

It was a tiny skirmish!

It was good in a way as it taught our pacifist leaders why a strong army is a must have. They were thinking that the army is only to be used for building roads before that skirmish.
For God sakes those troops belong to the PLA Engineering Core :hitwall::hitwall:. They are helping build road and rail links that are being constructed between Pakistan and China, there is no presence of any Chinese combat brigades in Pakistan. The reason why the PLA Engineering Core was called in due to their experience of building road and rail links in mountainous terrain as we can see the PLA Engineering Core has done a marvellous job in Tibet.

God, you people are soo gullible, you just buy anything that your media and government feeds you.

These were reports in the international media!

I won't be surprised if they are true.

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