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Chinese troops in ?

So I hope you are just there for a Chinatown, no more. ;)

You guys really overestimate us. :P

Even the sole superpower America, is currently being embarrassed by a bunch of Taliban with AK-47's.

And obviously, China is nowhere near America's level of power.
On the contrary, it is no business for China to be here!


15 inch isohyet line in china with population density

Internally, China must be divided into two parts: the Chinese heartland and the non-Chinese buffer regions surrounding it. There is a line in China called the 15-inch isohyet, east of which more than 15 inches of rain fall each year and west of which the annual rainfall is less. The vast majority of Chinese live east and south of this line, in the region known as Han China — the Chinese heartland. The region is home to the ethnic Han, whom the world regards as the Chinese. It is important to understand that more than a billion people live in this area, which is about half the size of the United States.

Chinese belong to the East of that desert!

The greed for the buffer land should not increase to such an extent. ;)

It was meant for protecting the Han regions as they didn't have a defensible border. Now it is being taken to the extreme.

I don't think so. If any foreigners invaded Xinjiang, the Uighurs would be the first to pick up guns and drive them out. Same with Tibet. They are proud Chinese citizens. I am sure it is the same way for Maoists and Nagaland Rebels in India, despite disagreements with the government.
I don't think so. If any foreigners invaded Xinjiang, the Uighurs would be the first to pick up guns and drive them out. Same with Tibet. They are proud Chinese citizens. I am sure it is the same way for Maoists and Nagaland Rebels in India, despite disagreements with the government.

I can vouch for that, the Uighur's love China, it's just the CIA sponsored militant's who are causing trouble/
If the Chinese troops are really there,Pakistan has already kissed the area any any pretensions of sovereignty goodbye.

Anyway, it was just waiting to happen. The client state relationship has just got stamped for all to see.

For God sakes those troops belong to the PLA Engineering Core :hitwall::hitwall:. They are helping build road and rail links that are being constructed between Pakistan and China, there is no presence of any Chinese combat brigades in Pakistan. The reason why the PLA Engineering Core was called in due to their experience of building road and rail links in mountainous terrain as we can see the PLA Engineering Core has done a marvellous job in Tibet.

God, you people are soo gullible, you just buy anything that your media and government feeds you.
Now think, how much you are afraid of India that have to 'call in' China. :lol:

No we are not and never will be afraid of a soft state like india, the aftermath of Mumbai has proven how impotent you are.
I can vouch for that, the Uighur's love China, it's just the CIA sponsored militant's who are causing trouble/

Vouching how? As a Chinese? A Uighur? Or spokesperson for the Ummah?

Sometimes I wonder how great Pakistan would be if its citizens spoke out to better their own country than being the bonified representatives for other cultures that have sqaut to do with them!
I don't think so. If any foreigners invaded Xinjiang, the Uighurs would be the first to pick up guns and drive them out. Same with Tibet. They are proud Chinese citizens. I am sure it is the same way for Maoists and Nagaland Rebels in India, despite disagreements with the government.

that's totally wrong statement.
No we are not and never will be afraid of a soft state like india, the aftermath of Mumbai has proven how impotent you are.

Impotency is for those who can't defend own land and call others for aid. :lol:

I can vouch for that, the Uighur's love China, it's just the CIA sponsored militant's who are causing trouble/

What a Love in you for China.
Impotency is for those who can't defend own land and call others for aid. :lol:

What a Love in you for China.

Well said::lol:
NEW DELHI: Ironically, at a time when the US is said to be helping India emerge as a counter-balance to China, comes evidence that the fading superpower was of little value for New Delhi when it desperately needed help to keep the same China at bay in the 1962 war.

While bringing back memories of perhaps the worst humiliation independent India suffered, the disclosure in the US of details of letters written by then PM Jawaharlal Nehru to President John F Kennedy seeking "comprehensive assistance" from the US against China shows the pragmatic dimension of his policy of non-alignment.
Jawaharlal Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times Of India
Well said::lol:
NEW DELHI: Ironically, at a time when the US is said to be helping India emerge as a counter-balance to China, comes evidence that the fading superpower was of little value for New Delhi when it desperately needed help to keep the same China at bay in the 1962 war.

While bringing back memories of perhaps the worst humiliation independent India suffered, the disclosure in the US of details of letters written by then PM Jawaharlal Nehru to President John F Kennedy seeking "comprehensive assistance" from the US against China shows the pragmatic dimension of his policy of non-alignment.
Jawaharlal Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times Of India

You really dont want to go there.....

Do u really want us to bring out the humiliation Chinese and China have faced from the Japanese to the Viets over the years?

Lets remember that skeletons exist on both sides of the border...Quit playing with matches if you dont want to deal with the fire!

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