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Chinese think tank suggests division of India

we should leave Jammu and Kashmir peacfully so that we can concentrate on Khalistani insurgency and Maoist insurgency that is active in our 30 states....after that we can talk and resolve the issue of A.P with China,,,,Bengladesh is claiming west bengal and orissa,,,we will see what to do about it later on:)

West Bengal belongs to Greater Bangladesh

Kerala and Tamil Nadu can be given autonomy instead of surrendering it to sri lanka in totality:agree:

Damn that sent , electric current down my spine and into my senses

You don't say think tank


I think there is a 10% possibility that , well that the west India would likely want to separate from northern and eastern India the distribution of wealth is just too much

But just how exactly would that be acomplished India is not a Cake you can cut etc

Damn that sent , electric current down my spine and into my senses

You don't say think tank


I think there is a 10% possibility that , well that the west India would likely want to separate from northern and eastern India the distribution of wealth is just too much

But just how exactly would that be acomplished India is not a Cake you can cut etc

India can be divided on Soviet Union model...all states will get their rights :tup:
we should leave Jammu and Kashmir peacfully so that we can concentrate on Khalistani insurgency and Maoist insurgency that is active in our 30 states....after that we can talk and resolve the issue of A.P with China,,,,Bengladesh is claiming west bengal and orissa,,,we will see what to do about it later on:)

West Bengal belongs to Greater Bangladesh

Kerala and Tamil Nadu can be given autonomy instead of surrendering it to sri lanka in totality:agree:

False Flag, do we laugh at you now??
As if we are in hands of china and china is about to cut us like piece of cake :rofl: ... If china wants to stop its growth then it should mess with India

Damn that sent , electric current down my spine and into my senses

You don't say think tank


I think there is a 10% possibility that , well that the west India would likely want to separate from northern and eastern India the distribution of wealth is just too much

But just how exactly would that be acomplished India is not a Cake you can cut etc

wat about baloochistan

That is not my understanding. Several states have been re-organised; a quick summary follows. The great work of consolidation was undertaken by a team consisting of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and a civil servant called V. P. Menon, who wrote up the process in a tome called "The Re-organisation of the Indian States". Sardar Patel (Sardar is an honorific found on both sides of the India-Pakistan border, which approximately connotes a tribal or rural leader of some stature; by courtesy, it extends to all Sikhs - Patel was not a Sikh - who are typically Sardar Ajit Singh Majithia. On some other occasion, I will explain how to parse that name) was reputed to be a very strong leader, the strong fundamental on whose strength Nehru found the freedom to waft around the globe faffing on subjects that caught his fancy, including his patronising, condescending behaviour towards Mao Zedong and Zhu Enlai. Patel welded the vast number of Indian princely states that opted for India (the majority out of 562) into informal, temporary groupings, for instance, PEPSU, the Patiala and East Punjab States Union, which included the major state of Patiala and some other smaller tracts besides. The map of India from 47 to 56 was quite curious; like a map of gerrymandered political constituencies.

In 1956, there was a re-organisation and states were structured by language. The big concessions were the carving out Andhra Pradesh, which a Bangladeshi chucklehead habitually confuses with Arunachal Pradesh, from Madras, making Andhra Pradesh the repository of Telugu as well the successor state of the princely Hyderabad, and making Madras a Tamil province; and the carving out of Gujarat from Bombay, leaving Maharashtra to promote the Maratha language.

In later years, at no concerted point of time, really, some small configurations were promoted to full-fledged states, and several states were separated out. For instance, Uttaranchal out of the hilly bits of Uttar Pradesh; Bihar being split into two, Bihar and the largely forested Jharkhand (scrubland); Madhya Pradesh had Chhatisgarh carved out. Notably, Jharkhand and Chhatisgarh represent the forests with forest-dwelling tribals with major grievances against the regular settlers who come in and rip them off.

Now, can they take on a life of their own from that point onwards? No, as you saw in the case of the linguistic re-organisation, these states can be carved up with or without their consent. All three that I mentioned before, UP, Bihar, MP were states formed in 56, more or less.

More or less true.

I knew I'd get an answer out of you this way. I'll post a more thoughtful answer/discussion/query when I have the time (moving right now)
Let's take a look a the benefits shall we?

1. Each Indian state can use their own funds to enrich the lives of Indians within their own separate country instead of lumping them together for state schemes.

2. If one state gets attacked the others will not be dragged in because they are now a separate country.

3. Each state can determine their own economic model and their own way of implementation.

4. Can develop ties with whichever nation they want.

5. All border disputes will be much easier to settle.

Basically, ordinary Indians will benefit the most. Indians should show the world they do democracy better than the British or the Americans. :victory:

First understand the meaning/concept of democracy (which is understandably an alien concept to you).
democracy does not mean division of the country itself.
democracy means a "multy-party" system within a country, not a multi-country system. several countries may form a union to help each other...like the european-union and each european country is a democracy....the european-union itself in not called a democratic system........understood the meaning of democracy??
If not, then let me explain it acc. to your own points respectively:-

1. After India is divided, how can the new countries be called "Indian States"....LOL

2. Yes! this way they will be weaker individually and easier to overrun (the main motif of the chinese, pakistanis and may be others also).

3. yes! each seperate country will then have the autonomy to choose their own governing system (democracy/autocracy etc.).........understood the meaning of democracy?? (according to your theory, if a country-now seperated from india, chooses democracy again, then the country will have to be divided again...and the cycle will go on until there is nothing left to be divided...LOL.

4. ofcourse, as seperate countries....common sense

5. again yes, due to point 2.

and.....after India is divided into seperate countries, who will be called "ordinary Indians".......LOL

Now, Indian democracy is better than british or American or not, is a seperate question altogether...........
Even as an Indian I doubt it myself......
Division of India not a good idea but there is need to give lesson by occupying northern areas & it is workable idea to bring their mind on place.
Division of India not a good idea but there is need to give lesson by occupying northern areas & it is workable idea to bring their mind on place.

What lesson ? Can you please elaborate ? How do you plan to "bring our mind on place " ?
Hmmm should we support it to free Kashmir and make south asia free for arm race ??

We could also live toghter in peace and work as friends. Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, India, Iran, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh ++++. damn that would have been nice. coparate inn all feilds first of all eduction !!!!
If Indians value democracy they should give these Indians what they want; what the people want. It would be ideal for India to be carved into a dozen pieces for Indians who want to live the way they want. Give them their democracy and freedom.

Let me tell you the truth behind the so called "seperatist movements" which you people are taking about.
These are NOT movements to seperate away from India....all they want is to have their own seperate state within India based on culture and ethnicity(N.E Gorkhaland movement) or to change the regime/governing system of India (Maoist/Naxallite movement).....and the kashmir trouble is not created by Kashmiris. The pakistanis got it wrong when they thought the kashmiris will support them in 1965.......
Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So, basically there isn't any seperatist group that want to seperate away from India .
........and believe me, India with all its diversity is still a very difficult country to break. Indians have learnt from their previous mistakes(excelling only in academic fields and culture and neglecting warfare--Indus Valley Civilization).
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