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Chinese swear their revenge on Japanese (Sino-Japanese War)

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Chinese can certainly hold a grudge and can hold it for a long time, but if by "revenge", you mean the same massacring of the innocent civilians and myriad acts committed by imperial Japan, then no, we are never going to lower ourselves to the that level.

The modern day political tension between China and Japan is mostly caused by China-US political conflict in East Asia. So the common folks may be focused on old grudges, the ones that actually leads the nation has a clearer sight.
Why blame the current generation of Japanese people for the crimes of their ancestors?

Should I find the closest Japanese I can find in Hong Kong (there are plenty) and crack their skull open with a hammer?

No, because they are not responsible for the crimes of Imperial Japan. They had nothing to do with it.

Many of the worst war criminals were executed 70 years ago. Any soldier who was 18 at the end of WW2 is now 90 years old, or dead.

That said, we will never forget the crimes against our ancestors committed by the Imperial Japanese Army. And if the modern Japanese government wants to follow in their footsteps, they are our enemy. Hopefully they will be more sensible this time, and seek peace instead.
Why blame the current generation of Japanese people for the crimes of their ancestors?

Should I find the closest Japanese I can find in Hong Kong (there are plenty) and crack their skull open with a hammer?

No, because they are not responsible for the crimes of Imperial Japan. They had nothing to do with it.

Many of the worst war criminals were executed 70 years ago. Any soldier who was 18 at the end of WW2 is now 90 years old.

That said, we will never forget the crimes against our ancestors committed by the Imperial Japanese Army. And if the modern Japanese government wants to follow in their footsteps, they are our enemy.

I applaud your very rational and pragmatic comment :tup:
Chinese can certainly hold a grudge and can hold it for a long time, but if by "revenge", you mean the same massacring of the innocent civilians and myriad acts committed by imperial Japan, then no, we are never going to lower ourselves to the that level.

The modern day political tension between China and Japan is mostly caused by China-US political conflict in East Asia. So the common folks may be focused on old grudges, the ones that actually leads the nation has a clearer sight.

No, its pretty much between China and Japan. I mean after all look how the Chinese reacted over the islands owned by Japan. Who did they target? I rest my case.
Chinese don't need to get revenge. The old Japanese warriors finished after the nukes. The japs were raped by the US & are continuing to be raped. Their used to it now, Chinese need not do anything. It's a shame they no longer have honour as they used to, Japs need to grow balls.
No, its pretty much between China and Japan. I mean after all look how the Chinese reacted over the islands owned by Japan. Who did they target? I rest my case.

Chinese reacted, but no Japanese were harmed.

We do not intend any harm whatsoever to any Japanese living in China or elsewhere for what their ancestor has done in the past or what their government is doing at present.

In fact, my good former classmate from Japan, right after the nationalization of Diaoyu Dai, had a trip across China that he had long planned, and later he told me he faced no enmity or discrimination when he traveled Chinese cities and rural areas.

Our basic policy is do never let past atrocities be repeated again, but also never wish harm upon Japan.

Our conflict is not racial, social, sectarian or cultural, it is purely geopolitical and, maybe slightly economic. So, the conflict is to be resolved by the related parties whereas the general population is going to live their lives. Country is run by experts and statesmen, not by public sentiment.

China-Japan conflict is not indicative of a wholesale hatred against Japan. Our trade volume and people-to-people relationship bear witness to that.

Other than petty crimes maybe, no Japanese or no Chinese tourists, students or businessmen got ever hurt in our respective countries.

Chinese don't need to get revenge. The old Japanese warriors finished after the nukes. The japs were raped by the US & are continuing to be raped. Their used to it now, Chinese need not do anything. It's a shame they no longer have honour as they used to, Japs need to grow balls.

Jap is a racist term. Better use the nation's name in full.
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No, its pretty much between China and Japan. I mean after all look how the Chinese reacted over the islands owned by Japan. Who did they target? I rest my case.

Yes and no. I did mention that the common folk was more focused on the more immediate and apparent conflict, but the higher ups has a better picture. The conflict surrounding Diaoyu island has been there for several decades already, but the issue was really brought up after US' pacific pivot.

Historically, as part of its unconditional surrender for WWII, Japan was not suppose to keep any outlaying territory except its four home islands. After the founding of PRC, US' strategic frontier in East Asia was pushed back from China to Japan. As a result, US begun to rebuild Japan as its front post during cold war. This is how the territorial disputes between China and Japan started.

Now, during the cold war, US' main opponent is USSR. China did established itself as powerful nation back then, but unlike today, it was not to the level that it will be a threat to US' influence in East Asia. As a result, the US effort in East Asia is mainly aimed at USSR instead of China, hence the Northern island's dispute were the most common issue back in the day. Diaoyu island's dispute is more of a stand offish where neither China nor Japan was really in a position to fully claim it; therefore, the official stance on it had always been "waiting for future negotiation for resolution".

Fast forward to 21st century, USSR has long collapsed and ceased to be a challenger in the East Asia Theatre. As a result, the East Asia political conflict is mainly one between China and US. Diaoyu island's conflict is simply a proxy conflict by US through Japan. The purpose is two fold. The first one is the one aimed at China, which seeks to contain China's influence in East Asia. The second one is aimed Japan, which seeks to disrupt its economic integration process with China and South Korea. Basically, before the Diaoyu island issue (and the disputed island between Japan and South Korea as well), China/South Korea/Japan was in the process of establishing FTA and currency swap. Had this succeeded, Japan would no longer be a semi-economic colony of US and US influence in East Asia would be drastically reduced. This is why none of the Japan prime minister after Koizumi lasted long in the office. These PMs seek to establish deeper relationship with China and South Korea. In contrast, Shinzo Abe lasted longer despite his economic failure.

The issue with Diaoyu island is really just a part of the overall political conflict in East Asia. Japan is simply a board piece in the local conflict. It is by no means the player behind the moves. BTW, Philippine is pretty much the same thing.

I don't believe it is the same issue with Vietnam and I am still kinda skeptical on whether the recent riot is aimed at China or the Vietnam government itself.
Why blame the current generation of Japanese people for the crimes of their ancestors?

Should I find the closest Japanese I can find in Hong Kong (there are plenty) and crack their skull open with a hammer?

No, because they are not responsible for the crimes of Imperial Japan. They had nothing to do with it.

Many of the worst war criminals were executed 70 years ago. Any soldier who was 18 at the end of WW2 is now 90 years old, or dead.

That said, we will never forget the crimes against our ancestors committed by the Imperial Japanese Army. And if the modern Japanese government wants to follow in their footsteps, they are our enemy. Hopefully they will be more sensible this time, and seek peace instead.

Very fair comment, @Chinese-Dragon , and yes, may there always be auspicious peace between Japan and China.

Chinese reacted, but no Japanese were harmed.

We do not intend any harm whatsoever to any Japanese living in China or elsewhere for what their ancestor has done in the past or what their government is doing at present.

In fact, my good former classmate from Japan, right after the nationalization of Diaoyu Dai, had a trip across China that he had long planned, and later he told me he faced no enmity or discrimination when he traveled Chinese cities and rural areas.

Our basic policy is do never let past atrocities be repeated again, but also never wish harm upon Japan.

Our conflict is not racial, social, sectarian or cultural, it is purely geopolitical and, maybe slightly economic. So, the conflict is to be resolved by the related parties whereas the general population is going to live their lives. Country is run by experts and statesmen, not by public sentiment.

China-Japan conflict is not indicative of a wholesale hatred against Japan. Our trade volume and people-to-people relationship bear witness to that.

Other than petty crimes maybe, no Japanese or no Chinese tourists, students or businessmen got ever hurt in our respective countries.

Jap is a racist term. Better use the nation's name in full.

Despite the geopolitical differences, Japan and China are kin to each other. Japan owes much of our culture and our writing to China, which we do consider as a big brother. The Confucian culture that is seen in Japan and Korea come from China. I guess it is part of the North East Asian bond we have: Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

So, that said, let the past be the past, let us forget shameful events, and focus on the future.

Chinese don't need to get revenge. The old Japanese warriors finished after the nukes. The japs were raped by the US & are continuing to be raped. Their used to it now, Chinese need not do anything. It's a shame they no longer have honour as they used to, Japs need to grow balls.

@p4kistan , I would remind you not to use that term "Jap" as it is a racist term. Kindly exercise better judgement next time. Thank You.
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Despite the geopolitical differences, Japan and China are kin to each other. Japan owes much of our culture and our writing to China, which we do consider as a big brother. The Confucian culture that is seen in Japan and Korea come from China. I guess it is part of the North East Asian bond we have: Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

So, that said, let the past be the past, let us forget shameful events, and focus on the future.

I just can't help seeing the CJK FTA coming into fruition. That's going to create and Asian economic juggernaut to the tune of the EU.

That can form a basis for greater political relationship, including sorting out territorial disputes in such a way that all sides benefit.

In China's radar is the US in Asia; Japan may be considered a threat by China only to the degree it is aligned with the US.

What separates us from forming a great Asian union is an unwanted barbarian regime.
It is the first time for me to know that "Jap" as it is a racist term. Can someone tell me, why?
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