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Chinese subs in Indian waters sends jitters - report

1.More horrors await IN. China has been offering us a pair of subs for free. They also proposed to build bases for them. That's not all. PLAN has been proposing to base one nuclear sub in BD. These could not materialize because of the BAL govt cannot take such decisions without clearance from Delhi. Right now BAL govt is in total disarray with leaders busy thinning out of the country. Hasina's Govt will fall any day.

2.BN would then get 2 old subs for training and familiarization followed by two new ones. In return we would be happy to host a PLAN nuclear sub.

1. Coundnt care less about your internal politics.

2. Do let us know when all theese free ships from the Chinese Navy become a part of BN. Until then, stop dreaming and speak some reality based on facts.
1. Coundnt care less about your internal politics.

2. Do let us know when all theese free ships from the Chinese Navy become a part of BN. Until then, stop dreaming and speak some reality based on facts.

1.You are the people dreaming. Dream on. BN crew and technicians have been in China for sometime to familiarize and take delivery. Some Chinese technicians have been working in Chittagong with BN for some days. We will do all we can to protect ourselves.

2. It should be no surprise to you that we work closely with our Chinese allies to streamline our doctrine, force make up and response to various contingencies. India being our only headache, China and BD find total agreement in these.
Troll title..... nowhere in the article it is stated that chinese subs were "IN" Indian waters... classical case of posting what OP wanted to see rather than actually happened...
America is stationing 2/3 of her naval fleet in Pacific. China will give you subs if they will have a spare after making arrangements for pacific and South China sea. Till then stop dreaming. :lol:

I just identify the huge flaw in your reasoning.

China is the largest manufacturer in the world. If China starts to gear into weapon building up, I doubt your concern even worth a penny.
I just identify the huge flaw in your reasoning.

China is the largest manufacturer in the world. If China starts to gear into weapon building up, I doubt your concern even worth a penny.

America's defence budget is alone greater than the next nine, apart from America China have to face lot many countries and diverting resource to Indian ocean won't serve China's interest
'Indian' ocean is our backyard, we do what we want, when we want. India can keep crying. We have control of Gwadar port in Pakistan, next will be Hambantota port in Sri Lanka, we will get Bangaldesh port and we have access to Mysnmar ports. You can clearly see a string of pearls being established, little by little, give 10 more years and the picture will be alot more clearer.

We have India cornered from all sides, get used to it. Just like South Africa treated India like dirt, we will, can and have sent our Navy to 'Indian' ocean to keep our friends and allies protected from Indian bullying.

Just to remind you, your subs were detected 22 times. It's just the matter of one torpedo [In worst case] and your bubble of being the BOSS will burst. But for kids like you, i'll prefer not be rude and to let you enjoy the felling of being the bid bad *** in indian oceane. Enjoy.
While lots of the points you've made are valid, India has no navy that worths mentioning.

Indian surface ships: can any take on 054A for the starter?

Indian subs (armed ones thuse excluse the Russian lease): can any take on China's ssn, ssbn and the conventionals?

Indian "carreir": please...:lol:

Southern Sea Fleet of PLAN alone can rock entire Indian navy into stone age within hours.

The only thing India has is airforce along the coastline.

Not even worth answering......shows the level of information you have..best answer to you would be ignore you.
I wonder what if the Chinese sub killed Indian fishermen, what would happen? China needs to be careful.

Will not happen. Indian Fisherman will stay away from it as they will know of its presense long before they come anywhere close to it.

OT The Chinese seriously need to improve the stealth of their subs. Whats the point of having a sub which gets detected everytime it enters Indian Ocean. I mean better send a destroyer.
America's defence budget is alone greater than the next nine, apart from America China have to face lot many countries and diverting resource to Indian ocean won't serve China's interest

The budget has nothing to do with the current capability. You are obviously dodging the point.
SAARC is a dead horse. No use beating it.

Additionally, India will never allow China to join.

I am confused. By what logic China is a South Asian Country that it needs to be part of SAARC.
We own India. We massacred them in war. Now we are patrolling in their backyard building ports, bases and alliances with their neighbours.
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