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Chinese navy to actively maintain peace and stability of Indian Ocean

1. What does any of what you have said above have to do with the topic?

The topic is China in the South Asia sea.

2. The eastern half of Africa borders the south Asia sea and I am sure these states will also be happy to see China in the south Asia sea/east Africa sea (whatever you wish to call it).

3. Asian states too are happy to see China there.

These include:

Bangladesh - 150 million
Pakistan - 180 million
Sri Lanka - don't know, maybe 40-50 million (not going to Google just for that).
The Maldives

As you can see I have not even typed the name of a certain country here, because this topic is about China and not that particular country.

Better Quote me, so i can notice ur reply :)

This topic is about Indian Ocean and China. And India as a major stake holder and the largest navy in the IOR, have right to comment on this matter :)

yes we do the same warning department that Nehru in 1962 didnt take it seriously:woot:

Wrong western media hardly talk about india at all may be once every 5 month

U r wrong buddy. They just simply want to make India vs China. and Making comments about India.
Better Quote me, so i can notice ur reply :)

This topic is about Indian Ocean and China. And India as a major stake holder and the largest navy in the IOR, have right to comment on this matter :)

U r wrong buddy. They just simply want to make India vs China. and Making comments about India.

1. The topic is China in the south Asian sea/ east African sea (also known as the "Indian" ocean) a maritime entity which is not the exclusive property of any one country.

2. My posts contained no mention of your country - and if you notice carefully I am not saying the name of "your country".

3. If you out of hatred for China want to bring your country in to this topic and then compensate for your inferiority complex by boasting how supposedly great, wonderful and powerful your country is there is nothing I can do about that.

To all Chinese posters.

1. The topic is China in the south Asian sea/ east African sea (also known as the "Indian" ocean) a maritime entity which is not the exclusive property of any one country.

2. My posts contained no mention of your country - and if you notice carefully I am not saying the name of "your country".

3. If you out of hatred for China want to bring your country in to this topic and then compensate for your inferiority complex by boasting how supposedly great, wonderful and powerful your country is there is nothing I can do about that.

To all Chinese posters.


Being Civic all the time can be unhelpfull at times buddy :)

Baby u can cry all the time. Even if BD PM raise the issue, nobody will hear . Not the least U.

China is welcome to IOR, without compromising South Asian country's security :)

Indian Ocean is the third largest Ocean in the world :)
When the South Pakistani Ocean is free from india, then peace in South Asia will prevail at last.

As opposed to the North Pakistani Ocean I assume. By the way, I'd love to look at your atlas. Does it also have Atlantis?
What a ton of crap submarines can't go through Malacca Straits. :rofl:

Andaman & Nicobar Islands are Chinese territory since ancient times and we will take it back with our aircraft carrier and amphibious landing ships. india stands no chance. Supreme Leader Xi is sending a clear message to india: time for war!

Your one retarded f**k you really should be in a mental asylum. So who is going to come and take it you and your pimp daddy army. Actions speak louder than words you retard we are waiting.

continue barking.
Your one retarded f**k you really should be in a mental asylum. So who is going to come and take it you and your pimp daddy army. Actions speak louder than words you retard we are waiting.

continue barking.

We have nothing to prove to Indians. The only time China and India went to war, we crushed you so bad you have been living in fear and paranoid for 50 years. We didn't just whoop your a$$, we inflicted permanent psychological damage to India. All Indian boasting came to nothing when the war started. You fought and lost to a superior military, your pride has been damaged and your dignity has been stripped, now live with the shock, keep it bottled up inside you silently.
SinoChallenger makes my dull day bright with much needed comic relief.

We have nothing to prove to Indians. The only time China and India went to war, we crushed you so bad you have been living in fear and paranoid for 50 years. We didn't just whoop your a$$, we inflicted permanent psychological damage to India. All Indian boasting came to nothing when the war started. You fought and lost to a superior military, your pride has been damaged and your dignity has been stripped, now live with the shock, keep it bottled up inside you silently.

That was half a century ago. We have moved on. No such thing as psychological damage remains today. Perhaps with the old-timers they do, but not to us.

Anyway, China can come to IOR, it is an international water body, any Navy can come to the Indian Ocean. Just stay clear of Indian waters. There would be no tensions here unlike the SCS.
We have nothing to prove to Indians. The only time China and India went to war, we crushed you so bad you have been living in fear and paranoid for 50 years. We didn't just whoop your a$$, we inflicted permanent psychological damage to India. All Indian boasting came to nothing when the war started. You fought and lost to a superior military, your pride has been damaged and your dignity has been stripped, now live with the shock, keep it bottled up inside you silently.

LOL - only a country as sad as China with no history of military victory would consider a minor victory in a small skirmish as some major victory in some major war. Yea, China won in 1962 - but there was no declaration of war, there was no treaty of surrender and China backed out as soon as Indians regrouped. It is as absurd as Germany invading France, withdrawing back to Berlin after capturing some outlying towns and then saying - "Hey - we won the war!" LOL.
LOL - only a country as sad as China with no history of military victory would consider a minor victory in a small skirmish as some major victory in some major war. Yea, China won in 1962 - but there was no declaration of war, there was no treaty of surrender and China backed out as soon as Indians regrouped. It is as absurd as Germany invading France, withdrawing back to Berlin after capturing some outlying towns and then saying - "Hey - we won the war!" LOL.

morover the indian army was severely outnumbered and lacked ammunition and basic supplies like winter clothing. of course the situation is completely different since then but these 50cent soldiers dont realize that
Better Quote me, so i can notice ur reply :)

This topic is about Indian Ocean and China. And India as a major stake holder and the largest navy in the IOR, have right to comment on this matter :)

U r wrong buddy. They just simply want to make India vs China. and Making comments about India.

US has the largest navy in Indian Ocean. And Indians should worry about sanitation and poverty then being a bully in
Indian ocean.
1.) There are over thousand Islands in Andaman and Nicobar chain.
2.) They are home to Indian tri service command, that means they are not only home to Indian Navy, but also have IAF bases(Su-30MKI bases) and army bases.
3. There is reason, why malacca strait is know as choke point..It is narrow stretch water space between Indonesia(Sumatra) and Malyasia running more than five hundred miles culminating in Singapore strait.

4.There can be no feasible Naval deployment from East Asia ..as not only are Malacca narrow, they are also shallow(no submarine movement can take place),
They are the worlds busiest strait.
Ships crossing the strait can be easily seen by naked eye ..from any one of neighboring countries.
A Naval fleet or a CBG crossing the strait would be discovered many hundred miles before they reach their destination.

So you have many problems if you want attack Indian stronghold in the Andaman and Nicobar ..

1. You can not achieve an element of surprise.
2. You can not deploy your submarine force.
3. You can not deploy many units at one time or resupply them
4. You will be out numbered and without air cover..fighting a well dug in force, which familiar with area and can resupplied easily from Indian mainland (no that it needs to, it is self suntanning Archipelago .

China dont have to do much to take over Addaman and Nicobar chain. Just need to throw few missiles, reduce indian installtions of whatever kind to dust and then take over the island at ease. Case closed on indian chocking point dream.
LOL - only a country as sad as China with no history of military victory would consider a minor victory in a small skirmish as some major victory in some major war. Yea, China won in 1962 - but there was no declaration of war, there was no treaty of surrender and China backed out as soon as Indians regrouped. It is as absurd as Germany invading France, withdrawing back to Berlin after capturing some outlying towns and then saying - "Hey - we won the war!" LOL.

What caused China to withdraw was American threat of intervention. Not because anything India was capable of doing at that time. If Cuba missile crisis lingered even longer China could have marched down to New Delhi. Even though in the Eastern sector, China would have to retreat because of over stretch in its supply lines. You guys have to put up a better fight against them next time. All the small countries of Asia know that the only way to prevent Chinese domination of Asia is to have American military presence in their country. If India don't learn this soon, than it would be to the detriment of India.
US has the largest navy in Indian Ocean. And Indians should worry about sanitation and poverty then being a bully in
Indian ocean.

Now what will happen to the dreams of being a 'super power' if india starts acting decently? Being a regional bully is essential before becoming a super power. So, india not being a regional thug is out of the indian agenda.
What caused China to withdraw was American threat of intervention.

Untrue. PLA could only survive a short war. It was only a hit and run operation, counting on surprise.
Their non-military supplies had to be routed through Calcutta.. and the used the pretense of "friendship" to stock up.

The "hit-and-run" operation didn't yield results because Nehru refused to accept any of the china's demand.. and as winter approached, PLA could not hold ground without supplies.

Not because anything India was capable of doing at that time. If Cuba missile crisis lingered even longer China could have marched down to New Delhi. Even though in the Eastern sector, China would have to retreat because of over stretch in its supply lines. You guys have to put up a better fight against them next time. All the small countries of Asia know that the only way to prevent Chinese domination of Asia is to have American military presence in their country. If India don't learn this soon, than it would be to the detriment of India.

If china failed to achieve anything in vietnam as late as 1979 when USA was a china's friend ... PLA has proven only "hit-and-run" even in vietnam.

What's surprising is that.. you don't find germans contesting that they actually won WWII, or japanese that they actually outsmarted US ... or even Pakistanis claiming that they actually won the 1971 war.

It's only chinese who are, basically pleading, that they won a "historic unprecedented" war in 1962.. and achieved that with only 80,000 soldiers fighting against 10,000 indian soldiers.

Well, medieval or.. actually ancient wars (e.g. Chandra Gupta Maurya's army in 300 BC was 100,000 soldiers).

Counting by numbers, 1962 was less than a medieval war, fought at our unmanned border posts.

Yes, we shouldn't have had those unmanned posts, as late as 1962 .. but probably pretense of "friendship" fluked us.

It will be your naviette, to think similar pretense will work for you again and again. Come.. try, if you want to.. come...
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