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Chinese government, nervous about comparisons between Tahrir and Tiananmen

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In a democratic country like us media has guts to show the true color of society,for the country where every thing is under media control, who knows whats going on??? World knows what happen when communist curtain was pulled out from USSR.. Who knows whats hidden beneath Chinese communist curtain..

We Indian have seen communist working at Kolkata and Kerla, they have make these two places Hell... The HDI at these communist state are worst than any other province of India.....

West Bengal and Kerala are pretty good. In fact they're doing far better than the rest of India which is mired in poverty, starvation, disease, caste violence and corruption.

List of Indian states and territories by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2 Kerala 0.814
19 West Bengal 0.625
- All India 0.612

Our media is more free than yours. I dare one of your medias to write "India should be colonized by China for 300 years"?
what China needs to do is to develop an aggressive offensive policy and work with Pakistan. China can't attack india but China can counter-attack india in self defense as China needs to legitimize any military offensive. therefore, provocation should be made so that the enemy makes a slight mistake and out of frustration attacks China. and the region which can draw the enemy into this trap is Kashmir. indian media has already started highlighting about Chinese lands attaching them to Kashmir, things are going in the right direction. let them open fire first.
The situation is analogous to Sino-Vietnam War of 1979. Soviet Union and Vietnam entered into a formal military pact against China. China's response was to defend against Soviet Union along the north and then attack Vietnam in the south. PLA fought to the outskirts of Hanoi as a "punitive campaign."

If and when there is a crisis situation between China and USA + allies, China should defend against USA and Japan in the east, while going on the attack against India in the southwest. New Delhi lies undefended and exposed to air strikes, missiles strikes and even long-range artillery rocket strike from Tibet. This is the weakest point in the enemy's armor and striking it hard will put India completely out of commission. Then China can turn its attention to USA and Japan in the east.

Japan and USA are weakening over time, so time is on China's side on the Pacific front. But India is buying more and more advanced weapons and growing more hostile politically over time. Time is not on China's side against India. It's better to deal with this nascent threat at its infancy than wait for it to become too strong to contain.
I am a very reasonable person. Through objective observation, I can say that there's about 30% indians here that are also reasonable people, and 70% hardcore racists. But we should try to get along to keep the quality of the forum up. Otherwise it will degenerate to another Youtube filled with low IQ KKK members.
I'd give it 70% hardcore racists, 20% people who don't criticize hardcore racists but pretend to be reasonable, 10% who are reasonable.

** The above is intended for polite company
The situation is analogous to Sino-Vietnam War of 1979. Soviet Union and Vietnam entered into a formal military pact against China. China's response was to defend against Soviet Union along the north and then attack Vietnam in the south. PLA fought to the outskirts of Hanoi as a "punitive campaign."

If and when there is a crisis situation between China and USA + allies, China should defend against USA and Japan in the east, while going on the attack against India in the southwest. New Delhi lies undefended and exposed to air strikes, missiles strikes and even long-range artillery rocket strike from Tibet. This is the weakest point in the enemy's armor and striking it hard will put India completely out of commission. Then China can turn its attention to USA and Japan in the east.

Japan and USA are weakening over time, so time is on China's side on the Pacific front. But India is buying more and more advanced weapons and growing more hostile politically over time. Time is not on China's side against India. It's better to deal with this nascent threat at its infancy than wait for it to become too strong to contain.

I agree with you, China doesn't have the luxury to afford more time. whatever China should do, China needs to do it right NOW, because more delay means giving more time to the enemy to strengthen itself more.

China needs to make deals with the US ensuring that US won't interfere in any affairs between China and india, Taiwan's KMT which also lays claim on South Tibet can play a vital role in this negotiation. similarly a message should be sent to Russia that if it comes to india's aid, China will support Japan's claim on Kuril islands and also will provide open help to Georgia. look, to get something, someone needs to lose something. in order to defeat india, China has to make compromises to Japan and the US so that they stay away from any conflict. when things are settled, go for an all out war and completely annihilate the enemy without leaving any traces. at the same time, make allies with the warring communities inside the enemy territory. in fact, PLA needs a war to test the latest arsenal, no matter how much you train, battlefield experience has no substitute.
With the exception of a handful Indian members on PDF, or any forum for that matter, debating them is hazardous to our mental health. Chinese-Dragon is a prime example of having his hopes of better Sino-indian relations dashed. Indians grow up on a steady media-fed diet of self-aggrandizement and overblown ego. It is therefore little wonder that they become allergic to anything and everything that does not conform to their beliefs. I would urge all Chinese members to take Indian arguments (with a few exceptions of course) with a sense of humor and move on.

On the topic of the coming collapse of China, it is nothing new. In fact it has been around in various forms ever since the founding of the People's Republi of China. Indians are free to be buyers of such an argument. It is futile for Chinese members to even attempt to convince them that they are mistaken. Do Not Even Bother.
The most important thing is that the Chinese government should be aware of India's evil intentions. Also, Chinese people in general are too complacent about the hungry wolf that is sneaking up behind China's back. Chinese people think "Indians ...... poor people ....... ha ha ........ no threat" -- that is WRONG and very dangerous.

I hope Phoenix TV brings more attention to this issue.

If waging a war across the Himalayas, that is stupid.

If the deterioration of relations with India, we should cut off the Ganges water, forcing Indian troops to enter the plateau.
Then we just need to blow up their escape route through ballistic missiles, Plateau and hunger will help us win.

The plateau can not be used helicopters, tanks, etc... The performance of Indian troops in Siachen Glacier, it shows that the Indian army do not understand to do battle in the plateau. We only need to send the PLAAF to destroy their transport aircraft, And wait for them to starve and freeze to death.

That also has an advantage, the aggressor is the Indians, we will not be blamed.
Ganges is India sacred river, India can not tolerate the Ganges without water.
We can also build nuclear power plants in dams, They dare not destroy the dam.

If the Indian government did not send troops into Tibet, We can wait for the anger Indians to overthrow their government.
China has more than enough means torment India Government, For example, we can use hot money to destroy prices in India, or fund make the short position, or military assistance to Maoist...
So war is not efficient to use.
India has iron ore and the market we need. We had better make money through cooperation.
What a great idea! we can use our USD funds to massively funnel hot money into India through black channels and inflate food prices to cause starvation and riots. The New Delhi regime will easily collapse in the face of massive peasant protests and waves of starving workers storm Parliament, shoot Singh, and establish a new, free government.
What a great idea! we can use our USD funds to massively funnel hot money into India through black channels and inflate food prices to cause starvation and riots. The New Delhi regime will easily collapse in the face of massive peasant protests and waves of starving workers storm Parliament, shoot Singh, and establish a new, free government.

anything wrong with u?
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