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Chinese Flanker Family: J-11, J-16 ... Su-27SK/UBK, Su-30MKK

Good point, but the naval Flankers always had that white radome.
My point is simply why then did the J-11B get a new black radome if only a new radar could be installed under the old Russian radome ? Surely since the Chinese radar was not compatible with the Russian radome ... why however I don't know.

The radome color is probably just the pilot taste. They do not want glare and black color suits them. Btw, PLAAF are very frugal. Do not underestimate the price of those paint. A 20 litre drum of aviation paint may cost a few thousand dollar. Why bother repaint those radome? Plus PLAAF may want to preserve some element of surprise. Finally, PLAAF / PLANAF may run out of Russia ammo soon with many expiring since they never import Russian aviation ammo for long time.

Its time to replace it with domestic one together with the outdated Russian radar.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">PHOTOS: Latest trials for aircraft carrier Liaoning (CV 16) and her air wing of J-15 fighters in South China Sea: <a href="CombatAir op Twitter: "PHOTOS: Latest trials for aircraft carrier Liaoning (CV 16) and her air wing of J-15 fighters in South China Sea: http://t.co/YvNj88Dsbe"">pic.twitter.com/YvNj88Dsbe</a></p>&mdash; CombatAir (@CombatAir) <a href=" ">October 12, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Good point, but the naval Flankers always had that white radome.
My point is simply why then did the J-11B get a new black radome if only a new radar could be installed under the old Russian radome ? Surely since the Chinese radar was not compatible with the Russian radome ... why however I don't know.


Perhaps because the J-11B is a new-built aircraft while the MK2s in question here is merely an retrofit?
golden helmet on j11D

No, it's a mix of images !

First they show the J-11D and later on the recent golden Helmet winners from their regular J-11A's from the 33. Division.
It simply amazes me level of seriousness by China in producing Flankers .I think way they are going they will have even biggest soruce of 4+++ fighters .Great job


Hong Kong’s Singtao Daily said in its report early today that the Chinese military have published a set of photos showing that it has deployed J-11BH heavy fighters at an airport on Yongxing Island in the South China Sea, in response to a U.S.warship’s patrol of the waters within 12 nautical miles of China’s artificial islands.

Previously China deployed J-8IIs at Lingshui Airfield to patrol the South China Sea.

As the J-8II only has a range of 2,500 km, it is only able to stay for a few minutes in remote areas of the the South China Sea.

Now, China is deploying J-11BHs with a range of 5,200 km from Yongxing Island, 350 km further into the South China Sea, to effectively patrol the South China Sea in response to the U.S. warship’s patrol.

The J-11BHs belong to the Wang Wei Regiment of the PLA air force.

Wang Wei was the fighter who intercepted a U.S. renaissance aircraft in April 2001 when the U.S. aircraft allegedly came too close to China, and died due to the clash between the two aircraft.

He was later honoured as a “Sea-air Hero” and the regiment he was in was renamed the Wang Wei regiment in his memory.

For the deployment of the longer-range and more powerful and advanced fighter/bombers, the runway on Yongxing Island was lengthened to 3,000 metres last year.

That shows that China has been preparing for the U.S. planned move of patrolling the waters.

Singtao says China has plans to build more runways on the artificial islands in the South China Sea.

When those runways are put into operation, China will have much greater capabilities to control the South China Sea and expel America.

Contributed by “Tiananmen’s Tremendous Achievements” – Author of “Tiananmen’s Tremendous Achievements” and “Space Era Strategy” – Also English/Chinese translation service

Source: Singtao Daily – “Fighter jets deployed on Yongxing Island: Air force extends its strength into the South China Sea” (summary by Chan Kai Yee based on the report in Chinese)

China deployed J-11BH aircraft to deal with US patrol near artificial islands in South China Sea | China Daily Mail
I know what China will do. If USN destroyer comes into 12 nm of China islet again. Those J-11BH will fly so low that it will just scream over the mast of the destroyer by inches. It will repeatly harass the USN destroyer until it leaves the 12 nm range. It US destroyer fired at J-11BH, DF-26 ASBM will immediately fired to sink the destroyer. :D
Good video showing off WS-10(Taihang) engine on J-11BS, close up of the back exhaust and the inner ring.
The grey (for Su-27) or white (for Su-30MKK2) are original Russian paint color of radomes. The j-11s with latest Chinese radars are mostly in black. The same is for JH-7A (JH-7 is green) and J-10A. The new grey paint for J-10B might indicate ASEA radars.
Good video showing off WS-10(Taihang) engine on J-11BS, close up of the back exhaust and the inner ring.

Nice that point on that issue Yourself ... ergo: the J-20's engine can't be a WS-10.

Anyway, following the latest rumours, that "mysterious" new type flown at SAC was "only" the second J-11D-prototype !
Is that targeting pod a Sapsan-E ?? ... however it looks different at the end !

J-16 + KD-88 + targeting pod + PL-10 - 1 XL.jpg
Is the nose con diamond shape or my eyes deceiving ? If nosecon is really changed, it means we have AESA in J-11 finally.

If you mean the J-11D, then we already have it in the middle of 2015, cheers :cheers:
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