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Chinese Flanker Family: J-11, J-16 ... Su-27SK/UBK, Su-30MKK

Modernization of J-11B and J-11BS has started according to reports that emerged a few days ago。

The modernization is speculated to include an AESA radar、new avionics and 4th gen air-2-air missiles such as the PL-10 and PL-15。
US and her allies--pussy mentality. Good for beating up Iraq, Panama, Grenada, but balked when Iran called them out.

You forgot, we put a boot up the Russian as* for over 6 decades and broke them into fragments :usflag:. You also forgot Hitler, Japanese, etc, etc? You only remember what you want to remember to do propaganda. Iran didn't bark at anyone, Iran gave up what we wanted. And if they don't, you can trust the B2's will fly from the Whiteman air base on a 30 hour direct flight to bust the land open for oil exploration. As the building structure would be buried under thousands of metric tons or rubble!!!

You also forgot another place called China. Two F-18's visit Taiwan and your media and half the political system was on TV over TWO empty jets!!! Just like there isn't a comparison between India and China as China is way ahead, China and the US have no comparison either. The US is WAY ahead!!!
J11 D is the license of the su27
that is why they cannot sale it or else Pakistan and Bangladesh would have bought it
While the Chinese-built jets are not able to match US-built fighters one-for-one, China is building a lot of them," US defense expert Dave Majumdar pointed out in his article for the National Interest.
Majumdar insists that the US F-22 Raptors and F-35 Joint Strike Fighters are superior to their Chinese counterparts. However, US fighter jets need bases to operate from or tankers to refuel from, and that is where the shoe pinches, the expert noted.

This expert said that China is building a lot of them.
( While US is building a lot more )

This expert is calling for more bases ?

Clearly he described a situation in which American attacking China

China's J-11B

The PLA Air Force J-11B fighters have been equipped with China-made engines, according to Yang Dechun, a pilot assigned to a division under the PLA Air Force.

The PLA Air Force held an aviation open-day activity in Changchun, northeast China’s Jilin province, on September 10, 2015, during which a J-11B fighter of the PLA Air Force conducted three demonstration flights.

Yang Dechun introduced that, “first, the J-11B fighter flew over the reviewing stand at low altitude and high speed, which reflects its low-altitude penetration capability and successful penetration can ensure its own survival, and then, it quickly ascended and then conducted a 2.5-circle roll flight during ascending, which showcases the J-11B fighter’s lateral turning flight performance.”

“After that, the J-11B fighter made an ultimate hover demonstration at an altitude of 300 meters, which exhibits its horizontal maneuvering performance, and such a performance can allow the J-11B fighter to win the flight-attitude superiority in a short period of time,” Yang Dechun continued.

“Finally, it flew over the reviewing stand again at low altitude and low speed, which shows its slow flight performance,” Yang Dechun added.

The configuration of J-11B fighter is greatly upgraded as compared with the previous fighter models, for example, the very simple human machine interface in its cockpit possesses very powerful functions and can help pilot perform all-weather combat missions against air, sea and ground targets, Yang Dechun introduced.

Yang Dechun expressed that J-11B fighter’s fire-control system can carry China’s current most advanced short-range and medium-range air-to-air missiles, and in addition, it can also carry the new-type air-to-ground ammunition, allowing it to make a certain breakthrough in enhancing its air-to-ground attack capability.

Above all, the J-11B fighters have been equipped with China-made engines, and “Our pilots feel most proud that the J-11B fighters are equipped with completely China-made engines,” Yang Dechun said.

The biggest wish of the pilots of the PLA Air Force is that their fighters are equipped with more and better engines so as to allow the PLA Air Force’s combat capability to be further upgraded, added Yang Dechun.
China Air Force’s J-11B Fighter Equipped With China-Made Engines | Air Force & Aerospace News at DefenceTalk
Guys ... please do not open for each and ever individual post anew tread especially if already a tread exists for thta topic ...

I will merge all treads regarding the J-11-family into this one !

according to Chinese members here, it happened 5 years ago. @Deino

5 years ago was 2010, the j11b was in production. Probably that's what Deino meant?

What's your comment on j11b upgraded with AESA & avionics to j11d level? Put aside stealth aircraft since air engagements nowadays would involve conventional fighters such as F15J, f16A/B/C, mirage2000, chingkuo, Mitsu F2, F/A-18e/f over sea skirmish. F22s are limited to defending inner japan unless the j11b penetrated deep into Japanese airspace.

J11b+ is lighter giving it better thrust to weight ratio, having AESA radar with user friendly LED displays and could carry mixture of Russian and Chinese air to ar & air to ground armaments ideal for present multi role fighter. They forgo Russian engines and avionics for local made, probably managed to obtained tech from Russian, French & Americans. If russian missiles less effective, they have their local missiles fitted with seekers that combined russian & western tech as backup.
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Hmm ... surely this could be an option, but why don't they then have the new radome like the J-11B or even J-15 ?
Hmm ... surely this could be an option, but why don't they then have the new radome like the J-11B or even J-15 ?
Is it necessary in the first place just to paint the radome like J-11B so as to have Chinese radar?
We have even seen Su-30MKK loaded with PL-12 missile. I dont think PLANAF bother to spend so much time to crack the source code and then spend another huge amount of time programming and try intergrating Russian radar for PL-12 BVRAAM. Simply replace the Russian radar with a domestic one sounds more logical and easier.

Good point, but the naval Flankers always had that white radome.
My point is simply why then did the J-11B get a new black radome if only a new radar could be installed under the old Russian radome ? Surely since the Chinese radar was not compatible with the Russian radome ... why however I don't know.

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