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Chinese find India a potential partner unlike Japan-Leo Wang

Holy crap the indian media had me believed there was going to be armed conflict or something....so much anger was shown by these paid hosts during debates...glad to see the issue was resolved with a cool head....the last thing this region needs is more conflict....together we can prosper
now i believe this...thank you china.
-Leo Wang might see India as a potential long term partner, but now India will be cautious of chinese more than ever...the image of china was already not sogood in Indian minds, which has just got worse.
On topic, India is most certainly going to pass Japan's GDP one day. So it makes sense that India would be more important as a long-term economic partner than Japan, unless Japan can restart their economic growth.

i agree most of your points, but this one``i really doubt it, population does not always count as a bless, especially in india's case...

and it is more likely to happen if China-Japan keeps the current sour relationship, and a strong tie (economically and culturally) with China can benefit Japan greatly!

whether we like it or not atm, we have more common with Japanese than Indians (Japanese civilization is mostly based on Chinese Wu culture)
What, do you think we should have just allowed India to build fixed posts on the LAC (in violation of our tacit agreement) without doing anything at all, because it would help business ties?

The CPC has done many stupid things in geopolitics, but I don't think this one of them.

And setting up tents in a disputed zone in response to the setting up of bunkers is not an escalation in any sense of the word. In fact it was quite a light response, it was just the Indian media that took it and drove the issue into a media frenzy.

Imagine the Chinese media printed "Indian soldiers have intruded 20 km into Chinese territory!" every time there was a conflict of perceptions on the LAC? That would be pure warmongering, since everyone knows there is a difference of perceptions regarding the LAC.

So you are saying... China does not have fixed posts in that area.....you guys get filtered news...check other websites
We both withdrew from DBO (which India claims is 20 km inside her territory).

No bloodshed, no killings of soldiers, no beheadings and no mutilations.

If that is not peaceful then I don't know how you would characterize your other borders. :no:

The sentiment against Chinese in Indian population. I never seen anybody talking about China as threat till recent events.

I am happy that both countries solve it peacefully but Damage has been done
Hope India and China forget all the bitterness so far and become partners and friends again !
Disagree with poor analysis in the article. There is little substanac face to the fact that Chinese view India as a potential partners. We have seen enough what China does with Pakistan by supplying nuclear arms, missile designs etc. there is no credibility in the article written by Leo Wang. Additionally if that was the case, why China needs to deploy ten thousand troops in Gilgit. Either New Chinese President is not in control of PLA and China is like Pakistan where Army does listen to civilian Govt or Chinese think Indian are fools. overall very poor show by PLA and Chinese Govt..:coffee:
What, do you think we should have just allowed India to build fixed posts on the LAC (in violation of our tacit agreement) without doing anything at all, because it would help business ties?

The CPC has done many stupid things in geopolitics, but I don't think this one of them.

And setting up tents in a disputed zone in response to the setting up of bunkers is not an escalation in any sense of the word. In fact it was quite a light response, it was just the Indian media that took it and drove the issue into a media frenzy.

Imagine the Chinese media printed "Indian soldiers have intruded 20 km into Chinese territory!" every time there was a conflict of perceptions on the LAC? That would be pure warmongering, since everyone knows there is a difference of perceptions regarding the LAC.


Care fully have a look at the maps and you will find the infrastructure build up is well withing Indian side and Those lands are not even contested by Chinese.

Only problem for Chinese is that that these posts are giving advantage to India in over looking Chinese, that do not mean you have to protest and do incursions like a bully.

This incident is an failure in Chinese policy and there is no reason for this incursion and your concerns are not legitimate.

Only reason for this incursion might be testing Indian waters and also checking how deep Indo-Japan cooperation is.

Which again is not worth it.
China will take some time to accept India as an equal world power, they only recognize strength.
As for India, it is the not like we have to chose one between either Japan or China. we can have friendly relationship with both.
If Chinese had some objections with Indian actions at the LAC , they should have taken it up at the diplomatic level rather than trying such cowboy stuff.

It's good that this has ended , but this has hurt China's image as a mature country in many Indians eyes.
If China and India ever sign an alliance or a security pact, it will probably be the most powerful alliance mankind has ever seen.

Indians should take the Chinese olive branch and stop thinking it will give China a military, territorial and an economic leverage over them.

At the speed science and technology is moving right in front of our eyes today, I can't help but imagine whether the borders we have today, for which so many die, would have any meaning or relevance in a few hundred years time. Allahu Alam.

STFU and stop preaching to what we should do. take care of your own rear ends first lover boy.
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