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Chinese find India a potential partner unlike Japan-Leo Wang

If you think it can help your economy overall, then you should do it regardless of any other political issues.

Nope. Doesn't work like that. Sanctioning countries with whom you seek a better relationship is not done. As it is, many Chinese companies having been working hard, probably with the Chinese government's backing to erase doubts about security considerations in many areas to enable them to enter lucrative sectors. That took a serious beating now. Any sanction will be driven by the state of bilateral ties. It is not to suggest that India does not benefit from cheaper Chinese imports but that GoI was anyway worried about the skewed nature of trade ties & this will only give the hawks a lift. As I said an absolutely disastrous move for the ties between India & China. If India was circumspect before on siding with the Japanese & the Americans, you can bet that this has pushed them more that way. Any opposition to such a tie-up probably got a body blow with the recent events.

Personally,looking at it objectively (as much as I can), I still don't understand the Chinese rationale & thinking on this incident. No matter how I look at it, I simply cannot see how this helps China in the long run. Making it clear to India that China remains a threat is completely befuddling if the Chinese wanted to stop India from joining any anti-China alliance. I have no idea how you see this but I believe this was among the most bizarre moves that China has done among a whole series of such (involving other neighbours) in the last couple of years.
Nope. Doesn't work like that. Sanctioning countries with whom you seek a better relationship is not done. As it is, many Chinese companies having been working hard, probably with the Chinese government's backing to erase doubts about security considerations in many areas to enable them to enter lucrative sectors. That took a serious beating now. Any sanction will be driven by the state of bilateral ties. It is not to suggest that India does not benefit from cheaper Chinese imports but that GoI was anyway worried about the skewed nature of trade ties & this will only give the hawks a lift. As I said an absolutely disastrous move for the ties between India & China. If India was circumspect before on siding with the Japanese & the Americans, you can bet that this has pushed them more that way. Any opposition to such a tie-up probably got a body blow with the recent events.

Personally,looking at it objectively (as much as I can), I still don't understand the Chinese rationale & thinking on this incident. No matter how I look at it, I simply cannot see how this helps China in the long run. Making it clear to India that China remains a threat is completely befuddling if the Chinese wanted to stop India from joining any anti-China alliance. I have no idea how you see this but I believe this was among the most bizarre moves that China has done among a whole series of such (involving other neighbours) in the last couple of years.

What, do you think we should have just allowed India to build fixed posts on the LAC (in violation of our tacit agreement) without doing anything at all, because it would help business ties?

The CPC has done many stupid things in geopolitics, but I don't think this one of them.

And setting up tents in a disputed zone in response to the setting up of bunkers is not an escalation in any sense of the word. In fact it was quite a light response, it was just the Indian media that took it and drove the issue into a media frenzy.

Imagine the Chinese media printed "Indian soldiers have intruded 20 km into Chinese territory!" every time there was a conflict of perceptions on the LAC? That would be pure warmongering, since everyone knows there is a difference of perceptions regarding the LAC.
What, do you think we should have just allowed India to build fixed posts on the LAC (in violation of our tacit agreement) without doing anything at all, because it would help business ties?

The CPC has done many stupid things in geopolitics, but I don't think this one of them.

But in the end, does China get any of the posts removed? If not, than India wins this face off. Worse for China, this has drive India closer toward the US camp. If any Indians are gun ho about not having any foreigners station troops in India, having US place some marines or fighter in India now look like a good idea.
What, do you think we should have just allowed India to build fixed posts on the LAC (in violation of our tacit agreement) without doing anything at all, because it would help business ties?

The CPC has done many stupid things in geopolitics, but I don't think this one of them.

Well, fine then. Atleast someone understands.

Keeping an incursion for long enough for a large build up by Indian forces won't help. The fact that Indian forces pitched tents close to Chinese ones made it clear that this was a case of diminishing returns by the day. Dragging it out for so long that the Indian FM had to warn about a possible cancellation of diplomatic trips does not strike me as particularly bright. As I said, no matter how I look at it, there is no real upside for China in this matter. A big downside though. Not just in India but probably watched by many of your other neighbors too. Guess which way they will go after this?

I consider myself as being able to separate jingoism from rationality & can get a reasonable idea of what the other is thinking. In this particular case, I'm completely at sea.
Well, fine then. Atleast someone understands.

Keeping an incursion for long enough for a large build up by Indian forces won't help. The fact that Indian forces pitched tents close to Chinese ones made it clear that this was a case of diminishing returns by the day. Dragging it out for so long that the Indian FM had to warn about a possible cancellation of diplomatic trips does not strike me as particularly bright. As I said, no matter how I look at it, there is no real upside for China in this matter. A big downside though. Not just in India but probably watched by many of your other neighbors too. Guess which way they will go after this?

I consider myself as being able to separate jingoism from rationality & can get a reasonable idea of what the other is thinking. In this particular case, I'm completely at sea.

I have to disagree. We got an agreement from India on the border construction, and from the mutual withdrawal we successfully pushed the idea that DBO is part of the disputed region.

Any response is better than none considering that India moved first. The fact that the response was peaceful and that there was a mutually beneficial agreement to come out of it was an upside.

As for the media frenzy in India over the incident, I guess it may cost us some business. But there was no other choice but to respond, I can't see any other way in which it would have worked.
I have to disagree. We got an agreement from India on the border construction, and from the mutual withdrawal we successfully pushed the idea that DBO is part of the disputed region.

Any response is better than none considering that India moved first. The fact that the response was peaceful and that there was a mutually beneficial agreement to come out of it was an upside.

As you said, let's agree to disagree. I simply don't think there was any benefit whatsoever. Regardless of any temporary understanding, the IA & GoI are unlikely to forget this incident & you will see more resources being poured in. The IA will ask & receive far more on the Chinese border. Long term, not a good outcome.

My last post, we are running around in circles.
But in the end, does China get any of the posts removed? If not, than India wins this face off. Worse for China, this has drive India closer toward the US camp. If any Indians are gun ho about not having any foreigners station troops in India, having US place some marines or fighter in India now look like a good idea.

I agree with your post.... The question is not who won or lost..... what was achieved out of this episode????? Was it necessary on along run???????

Wrt Bolded part.... I dont think you would ever see that.... (not in near future atleast)
Yes, and it was a move started by India. As both sides agree that India was the first one to set up fixed posts along the LAC.

As for "thinking" about sanctioning Chinese imports, go ahead. You already have an enormous trade deficit to us, if you think sanctions will help your trade deficit then why not?

India moved very slowly and after a lot of needling from experts that the chinese have huge infrastructure buildup across the border and we lacked miserably, it was only this year that the MOD had sanctioned 1700 crores for infrastructure development in that sector and this happened.
After current turmoil, it'd make more sense if Delhi looks at Japan as a partner and a friend.
After current turmoil, it'd make more sense if Delhi looks at Japan as a partner and a friend.

true. japan has technology to turn human poop into food and india has large abundance of em. win win ..

Steak made from human poop passes taste test

Bryan Nelson
Thu, Jun 23 2011 at 4:25 AM

The steaks were first envisioned by Japanese researcher Mitsuyuki Ikeda after he was approached by Tokyo Sewage to come up with a solution for the city's overabundance of sewage mud. Although "eating it" probably wouldn't have occurred to most people, Ikeda recognized that the mud was chock full with protein-rich bacteria.

After isolating those proteins in the lab, Ikeda's team then combined them with a reaction enhancer and put them in an exploder. What eventually came out was no filet mignon, but it was edible.

India- China should resolve border issue asap so that incidents like the recent one does not repeated.
We have had no cross-border bloodshed on our borders for over 30 years.

If that is not peace, then what is?

Of course it's peace. The point I'm making is that irrespective, an incident such as this will necessarily need to be attended to. I mean your guys were having lots of fun out there...

India- China should resolve border issue asap so that incidents like the recent one does not repeated.

I don't think the issues can be resolved because neither country will relinquish the claims. Border tension will continue to exist, but as long as diplomacy can keep it in check, China and its southern neighbor will be fine.

Japan is a separate issue. Japan's strategy is still aimed at containing China's rise, and the island dispute is only a small part of it. Japan does not want to accept a stronger China, and that is not a suitable partner but an adversary.
I don't think the issues can be resolved because neither country will relinquish the claims. Border tension will continue to exist, but as long as diplomacy can keep it in check, China and its southern neighbor will be fine.

your real mainland is near the eastern coast, to which India is located west-southwest. they're only southern neighbour of Tibet, whilst Pakistan is western neighbour of Tibet and Uyghurs. :coffee:
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