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Chinese diplomat and Rauf Klasra in bitter tweeting match over CPEC

Stop being a western stooge, China is not only our friend but our brother compared to the back stabbing US, for once put our nation's interest first than your own western centric lifestyle.
They are many traitor Pakistanis. Beware. Outside looks Pakistanis and claim Muslim but Inside them they are western boot licker.
They are many traitor Pakistanis. Beware. Outside looks Pakistanis and claim Muslim but Inside them they are western boot licker.

Yes there is a term for them here in Pakistan Pseudo Liberals, they come from the elitist richest families in Pakistan with majority of their family's wealth stashed away in the west, receives the most western centric education possible while not even able to read or write Urdu, they are Pakistanis in name only while in every other way western, they will never put the nations interest first rather than their own.

How shameless a nation we could be when a US CIA agent Raymond Davis gets caught in Pakistan, kills a dozen of Pakistani civilians and still goes scot free because the American masters demanded it while these people stay silent but when it comes to our true friend who is investing billions in Pakistan these people come out like rats from holes.

Has Rauf Klasra ever spoken against the US?
Yes there is a term for them here in Pakistan Pseudo Liberals, they come from the elitist richest families in Pakistan with majority of their family's wealth stashed away in the west, receives the most western centric education possible while not even able to read or write Urdu, they are Pakistanis in name only while in every other way western, they will never put the nations interest first rather than their own.

How shameless a nation we could be when a US CIA agent Raymond Davis gets caught in Pakistan, kills a dozen of Pakistani civilians and still goes scot free because the American masters demanded it while these people stay silent but when it comes to our true friend who is investing billions in Pakistan these people come out like rats from holes.

Has Rauf Klasra ever spoken against the US?

The pattern is the Same,.
Our investment in Indonesia also have the same image..
Indonesia media spread a lie, saying that there is 10 million Chinese worker coming to Indonesia , and this causing local people rejected us.. too much lie in social media until the Indonesia government itself need to clarify that only 21 thousands Chinese worker in Indonesia.. not only the lie causing sinophobia, some of them also accused us to spread communism in Indonesia..
And this all make our work even harder..
They are many traitor Pakistanis. Beware. Outside looks Pakistanis and claim Muslim but Inside them they are western boot licker.
Media too wants to get a slice of CPEC cake thats why they come up with this non sense but let me tell u nobody trusts these ppl and even if Chinese workers r working in Pakistan then that means they r paying rents for their accommodation in Pakistan and brought their expertise which will benefit our people and ofcourse they do have to send money back home so we get good money out of them and they buy local stuff to eat and drink so basically it is a win win situation for both soo chill let third class people burn out of jealousy :) :pakistan::cheers::china:
Most chinese don't have good manners. It's just that because pak and china are friends or whatever you want to call it, the former can't/refuse to see what the arrogant and badly behaved chinese are really about.

Basically chinese are not groomed in this way... we have a democratic culture where someone is accountable... in one party system such thing is not existent and LEADER has the last word! ..
Stop being a western stooge, China is not only our friend but our brother compared to the back stabbing US, for once put our nation's interest first rather than your own western centric lifestyle.
Well i was expecting a mediocre response and here you are with your hogwash.
He has no right to insult China and you should condemn him for it.
In fact the right to free speech including right to ridicule is fundamental part of a democracy.

We have to get out of this narcissism about the affairs of our country. We tend make things unnecessarily sacrosanct. Blasphemy law does not apply to every damn thing.

The diplomat was under no compulsion or obligation to respond to Klasra. This however, does not mean that Klasra can't state his opinion about China or CPEC.
Sorry bro. I will not condemn him for something he is entitled to as a citizen of Pakistan.
Everything being built is by loan from China, but how to.payback ?? If unable to payback, yes thy will take over everything to get their money.
Well i was expecting a mediocre response and here you are with your hogwash.
This is typical of the so-called patriotic Pakistanis. They keep on labelling justifiable scepticism as treachery.

You can only expect such responses. Army, China, CPEC, in fact every damn thing is sanctimoniousness for them.

Fascism runs deep in our veins. We can witness it even in our homes.
In fact he right to free speech including right to ridicule is fundamental part of a democracy.

We have to get out of this narcissism about the affairs of our country. We tend make things unnecessarily sacrosanct. Blasphemy law does not apply to every damn thing.

The diplomat was under no compulsion or obligation to respond to Klasra. This however, does not mean that Klasra can't state his opinion about China or CPEC.
Sorry bro. I will not condemn him for something he is entitled to as a citizen of Pakistan.

By that logic I should freely insult and taunt your mother, daughter and sister on the street and you should not be offended and or stop me since it's free speech, take that nefarious illogicality to someone else not going to work on me, that "journalist" insulted a sovereign nation who happens to be our closest ally and friend and he should be tried and prosecuted for trying to sabotage the national interest of Pakistan, there are ways to question CPEC in a well thought out, researched paper and raise your questions to your government rather then to ridicule a foreign diplomat and a foreign nation in a mud slinging contest on social media, just like you this guy has his own personal agenda, probably receives a lot of money to try to sabotage the development of Pakistan.

Tell me has this guy or you for that matter ever spoken against the US when their agent was killing our civilians and going scot free later and or violating our sovereignty and killing our children by drone strikes? and or threatening us by bombing us back to the stone age and or arming India with even more WMD while simultaneously trying to weaken and sabotage ours?, of-course you didn't because your western centric lifestyle and your bank balance preserved in western banks doesn't allow you to speak against your masters.
By that logic I should freely insult and taunt your mother, daughter and sister on the street and you should not be offended and or stop me since it's free speech, take that nefarious illogicality to someone else not going to work on me, that "journalist" insulted a sovereign nation who happens to be our closest ally and friend and he should be tried and prosecuted for trying to sabotage the national interest of Pakistan, there are ways to question CPEC in a well thought out, researched paper and raise your questions to your government rather then to ridicule a foreign diplomat and a foreign nation in a mud slinging contest on social media, just like you this guy has his own personal agenda, probably receives a lot of money to try to sabotage the development of Pakistan.

Tell me has this guy or you for that matter ever spoken against the US when their agent was killing our civilians and going scot free later and or violating our sovereignty and killing our children by drone strikes? and or threatening us by bombing us back to the stone age and or arming India with even more WMD while simultaneously trying to weaken and sabotage ours?, of-course you didn't because your western centric lifestyle and your bank balance preserved in western banks doesn't allow you to speak against your masters.

Yeah you can insult my mother, daughter and sister. Thank you for notifying me in advance.

In return, I will continue to insult and question all these sanctimonious things in Pakistan. China will be criticised and questioned. Their diplomats can either choose to not answer or engage in a troll fest.

You will have to bear more criticism of the Army, China and all other so-called strategic issues whether you like it not. You can't control Klasra's tongue.

So stop riding the high horse and take a chill pill. Move to China if you don't like the free press in Pakistan.

And as to drone strikes, sovereignty, blah blah blah, ask your so-called great generals.

I am proud of my western life style even though all of my money is actually still in Pakistan. Eventually, I will bring it to the West.

Yeah you can insult my mother, daughter and sister. Thank you for notifying me in advance.

In return, I will continue to insult and question all these sanctimonious things in Pakistan. China will be criticised and questioned. Their diplomats can either choose to not answer or engage in a troll fest.

You will have to bear more criticism of the Army, China and all other so-called strategic issues whether you like it not. You can't control Klasra's tongue.

So stop riding the high horse and take a chill pill. Move to China if you don't like the free press in Pakistan.

And as to drone strikes, sovereignty, blah blah blah, ask your so-called great generals.

I am proud of my western life style even though all of my money is actually still in Pakistan. Eventually, I will bring it to the West.

"your so-called great generals", well since you have generously accepted that you are a traitorous bastard (free speech) then why don't you actually move out instead of just your wealth, oh wait you can't because forever you have been unfortunately tagged as being a Pakistani and if Pakistan ever moves away from western influence your wealth and western styled family would be threatened, damn maybe if you change your nationality and become an Indian this problem might solve itself, I mean you already are a traitorous bastard (free speech) why not go full circle?

If you ever decide to leave Pakistan make sure you take all your girl friends and your sisters many boyfriends away with you as well (free speech), we don't want that filth here (free speech).

Regarding me living in China, I would love to visit, such a great nation and civilization rich in history and culture, it would be an honor to visit, but I will never leave Pakistan, unlike you this is my nation Islamic Republic of Pakistan and I will build it.
Trump has given name "Mia Khalifa" an ambassador for Pakistan if its true than feel his intention guys. KlasraRauf
"your so-called great generals", well since you have generously accepted that you are a traitorous bastard (free speech) then why don't you actually move out instead of just your wealth, oh wait you can't because forever you have been unfortunately tagged as being a Pakistani and if Pakistan ever moves away from western influence your wealth and western styled family would be threatened, damn maybe if you change your nationality and become an Indian this problem might solve itself, I mean you already are a traitorous bastard (free speech) why not go full circle?

If you ever decide to leave Pakistan make sure you take all your girl friends and your sisters many boyfriends away with you as well (free speech), we don't want that filth here (free speech).

Regarding me living in China, I would love to visit, such a great nation and civilization rich in history and culture, it would be an honor to visit, but I will never leave Pakistan, unlike you this is my nation Islamic Republic of Pakistan and I will build it.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: You are severely triggered. This means that my job is accomplished. Hurting the egos of jingoists and army fan boys is not only great fun but also the need of the hour.

I live in the West but not permanently as I am pursuing my PhD. However, I do plan to permanently settle in the West afterwards. In the mean time, I will be shifting my money abroad. I can easily integrate in the West. You don't have to worry about that.

And by the way, my sister has only one boyfriend. It's her life and her choice. I ain't concerned about that.

If Riyal Sharif, oops Raheel Sharif can pursue money abroad, then so can I.

ریال شریف کو میرا سلام دیجیے گا۔
Really...this is your level :devil:...say that you are joking

What's the total cost of coal fired power projects? I don't think those are free.
Coal/Furnace oil etc require lowest amount of capital costs. Fast to build but their per unit price is little higher than wind, hydro and nuclear.

:rofl::rofl: What a fallacy Pakistanis have in their minds. Your govts are formed by USA, KSA and others..you just go to cast votes to legitimise their decision...2013 was the worst rigged election and your establishment was very much part of it...Have to ever thought why your politicians take circle around the US embassy, try to have personal connections with US senators and secretaries and presidents. Read wikkileaks and you will know who is the real king maker in Pakistan
If we go by this definition, even army chiefs are made with US consent. Still we had Gen Raheel Shareef as one of the greatest generals around world. Until 2018 only 2 years are left. Wait and see loadshedding will completely finished by then
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