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Chinese diplomat and Rauf Klasra in bitter tweeting match over CPEC

Chinese dude owned him!
Bro im Electrical Engineer with 3 years of experience in Network Protection in K-Electric. Got friends all around worlds. Im telling u just to tell u authenticity of my credentials. Anywys, when last time u have seen me saying idiot to anyone?
Bro, it is true coal plants are being closed BUT after reaping all benefits from coal and highest base generation. We need electricity! Currently we are burning fossils, we can close them and burn coal!!
Yes renewable is best option BUT AGAIN who is willing to install renewable? Tell ur 'best journalist' to bring an investor for just $1M? My point, get whatever u can get and whatever is available. We are begger and thus cant chose.
Further going technical again, an average life of coal based plant is around 30 years. So untill 2047 there still will be many coal based plants operational around world.
This journalist dont know L of electricity production and took some google reports and started criticizing cpec lolx
If he is a good journalist, why dont he speak on fact? Why dont he search https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_power_stations_in_China#Coal
for current coal based projects in china? Is he fool enough not to generate all in renewable lol?

Sorry my post maybe disoriented but if u are an intelligent person, you can google urself the facts. Summary when a journalist try to bcm a he-know-everything type character in fields they know L, i hate them!!
totally agree with u , couldnt have said it better
It's good to see Pakistani journalists exercising independent judgement. We must question everything. A free and independent press is a symbol of a first world progressive and liberal society.

U shud atleast have some back ground knowledge... klasra was behaving like how indian trolls.behave on pdf
U shud atleast have some back ground knowledge... klasra was behaving like how indian trolls.behave on pdf

Your hatred and your animosity towards is pulling you towards China which is making some of you blind. China is a great country. I am with a few people in PDF from India who actually see that Asian rise is associated with the support of China to neighouring countries... But be mindful of the fact that, there is a caveat when you deal with China. If you see the success story of China and its engagement with other countries, it is either those nations are too strong that China thinks that they are with equal status to them or they are too meak and weak that China simply executes the project the way they like it. This is the way China is governed as a communist nation and it works out for their country. It is good for them.
But they do trade and business with nations where democratic set up exists, they always face challenges. Think about CPEC project. It is a great project with lot of promise and potential. But why there is lack of transparency from Pak Gov is providing all the details about the project to the people of Pakistan???? Why do you and your Army Supporter simply want to shut off all the voices from your people? The moment things are not transparent, people will ask question. Because Pakistan is not China as a non democratic nation.

China is successful in African countries because African countries do not have power to oppose any of the steps by China's investment not any challenges with the business in their country. But they are having issues with the countries where Gov is somewhat democratic and voice to ask question to China.
We should look into who or which country funds this fellow

I totally agree. We should hand over the country to Chinese asap. Chinese don't believe in religion and in fact consider religion a problem. That would mean a secular Pakistan finally and we would be able to get rid of Mullahs, BS two nation theory and fake Nazriyya e Pakistan once and for all.

Surely Chinese masters can't be worse than the Mullah/religious extremists masters we have right now who don't allow anyone anything.

Please China take over everything TODAY!
Indians & their Pakistani friends [from abroad] trying to defend that paid dog Klasra.
Thanx Mr. @Lavrentiy dollar animals like u r beyond rehab when u don't see Pakistan in your future than who the hell are u to malign someone who will. PAkistan govt. should have had single citizenship so these animals stay out and lick their western masters' feet. Pakistan is better off without them.
I don't know why these journalists with agendas are picking twitter fights with Chinese diplomats. Round about half of labour is from China and half from Pakistan. When was the last time Pakistan build coal power plant? Never! When was last time Pakistan build 1100MW nuclear power plant? Never! and so on.
It has become a fashion for journalist to comment on everything and impose their point of view on others. Journalism means to reveal facts without their own personal bias. Let reader decide what is right or wrong. But that is the way channels are getting their ratings and increasing the price tag on these journalist. Gen PM should have made some code of conduct before unleashing the media.

Indians & their Pakistani friends [from abroad] trying to defend that paid dog Klasra.
Thanx Mr. @Lavrentiy dollar animals like u r beyond rehab when u don't see Pakistan in your future than who the hell are u to malign someone who will. PAkistan govt. should have had single citizenship so these animals stay out and lick their western masters' feet. Pakistan is better off without them.
Pakistanis should demand ban on dual nationality.
All seculars should support Chinese so we can beat Punjabi mullahs together. In a Chinese world productivity would be the key decider for value of a person and at this point, good for nothing, Punjabi Mullahs would fall flat.
Rauf Kalasra is a piece of BS..................
How shameless a nation we could be when a US CIA agent Raymond Davis gets caught in Pakistan, kills a dozen of Pakistani civilians and still goes scot free because the American masters demanded it while these people stay silent but when it comes to our true friend who is investing billions in Pakistan these people come out like rats from holes.

Has Rauf Klasra ever spoken against the US?

He did mention Bob woodwards book on the issue of Raymond Davis where Woodwards claims how Gen Pasha made sure Davis is released.

The issue of davis is a micro problem compared to drone attacks on civilians with "active approval" from our military establishment. Body of civilians were incinerated like animals by the US and in response a famous statement from the then Major General Ghayur Mehmood (ex divisional commander FATA.) He was promoted to Lt. Gen afterwards.


Even after killing 26 pakistani troops, Pakistani officers continue to attend US/other western war colleges, military aid is readily accepted and open NATO supply carries on. Guys like Klasra are just puny fishes, the big so called salahudin's will be questioned by Allah if not in this life.
The entire industrial revolution of Europe, America and China is built on coal..before oil boom..coal was the most sought after commodity for energy..France imposed penalties in coal on Germany for world war 1...coal fired power plants produce a very essential building material called fly ash...without this we cannot build stronger and lighter concrete...fly ash is essential to sustain Pakistani cement exports..

Even after killing 26 pakistani troops, Pakistani officers continue to attend US/other western war colleges, military aid is readily accepted and open NATO supply carries on. Guys like Klasra are just puny fishes, the big so called salahudin's will be questioned by Allah if not in this life

The question is...do we have an alternate? what do we do? alienate ourselves like soviet union? When you do not have the power to do something it is better to swallow the pride and keep quiet..and wait for your chance..every dog has a day!
Pakistan government signed on the Coal plants so Rauf should not be questioning the Chinese about it. He should be asking Development Minister Ahsan Iqbal instead!
China is spending money on infrastructure has right to see their benefits butt should every thing has to be open ...
We love to through our brother in fire to make other happy .....when Pakistani will learn to protect there flesh and blood.
Wth is this man and a lot of you guys talking about? China will 'give' what it can and whatever it wants. If you don't want it or can get anything better then by all means, don't let anyone else stop you, which they aren't.

You think Solar and Wind Energy is efficient or even affordable? I've got news for you buddy. Your coal power plants are being built on loans and you're dreaming of building solar/wind parks instead? Pakistan needs a cheap and rapid increase in its energy production if it wants to save its economy, economy which would, a fair bit many years later, maybe allow you to afford solar and wind energy parks. Hydro power is one of the best clean electricity source due to its efficiency and nature has gifted the country with tons of potential for it. But guess what? I don't see any Chinese laying hurdles in the way of Kalabagh or Bhasha.

If you really are that worried about your environment then pray do discard your draconian ethnicism.

This "journalist" is tweeting for an agenda, which is all too obvious. Were his intentions anywhere near clean he could have googled all of the above or at least accepted his idiocy when corrected by the Chinese diplomat instead of further spewing 'facts' produced out of his behind.

Right or wrong....He as a Pak has every right to question....

Right to question is very different from purposeful slander and obvious propaganda.

Hey don't start calling everyone idiot.. perhaps you should act upon your suggestion yourself. Rauf Klasra is one of the best journalists in Pakistan and a very patriotic person... and I totally side with Rauf Klasra, coal is being closed everywhere in the world including China. and China itself installing huge wind farm and has the largest world's largest wind power installed capacity leaving USA behind in dust, similarly China is investing in solar, nuclear and hydroelectric power generations...furthermore. China is not a role model for environmental planning as most of its major cities suffer with extreme polluted atmosphere and recently we had smog covering Lahore and areas of Punjab for a few weeks, now double the concentration and perpetuate that to get the glimpse of air in some of the major cities in China. ....
Pak and China are doing cooperation on equality basis and Pakistan should not be selling its autonomy to any country...CPEC is a profitable deal both for Pakistan and especially for China thus Pakistanis should keep that in mind and do not let any country to dump its old and obsolete junk into Pakistan. I totally support Rauf Klasra..

Apart from everything that I have stated above, how is China being sold our autonomy? What in God's name are you talking about?

It's a good thing ... Eventually the truth comes out and the ill intentioned or ignorant party is recognised... Win win.

Case in point Kalabagh? Sui? PIA? Railways? Steel Mill? What are you talking about mate? In a country full of toxic gullible idiots you think the truth is ever given room to breathe?
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