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Chinese coast guard opens fire on Vietnamese ship

Console yourself. Everybody except Chinese members (Due to restricted access of information) know that you lost badly in 1979

I never knew in Australia we had restricted access of information and I never knew everyone in the world thought China lost 79. Strategically USSR could not help Vietnam like they would (win), Vietnam was set back 30years (win), Vietnam withdrew from Chinese allied territories (win), Vietnam ceased to become a threat to China (win), China K/D ratio was 6:1 (win)

But hey hey I am talking with a troll who doesn't know anything about 79 so...shall you stop trolling?
So you never had control over South Tibet before ? :rofl: ... You are talking like if you occupied some Chinese territory ... :lol:
IA could only pray to God that China leaves South Tibet by herself and only dared to enter after the ceasefire ...
India's main cost of war was Aksai Chin ( some 38 000 + km2 to be exact ) lost , add some territory from NEFA front too ...
Do confirm it with Wikipedia now :P

You guys love to bloat numbers don't you? The area is 15,000 Sq Km of east Ladakh which was encroached on BEFORE the 1962 war because we had withdrawn our troops from the borders due to initial compliance to Panchsheel.

How difficult is that to get across?

See even when you try to be their new sidekick, at least know what you're talking. NEFA IS Arunachal today, genius. :coffee:

... The Vietnamese are not exactly pushovers and history is witness to that. :butcher:

Your Indian history is very funny! LOL! It is only good for illiterates.

Vietnam no pushover? Vietnam peaceful?

Nay! It has just been as violent as any other countries.

Read this:

1471 Vietnamese invasion of Champa under Emperor Lê Thánh Tông was a military expedition that is widely regarded as marking the downfall of Champa. The Vietnamese forces attacked and sacked the capital Vijaya, and decimated the Cham army. As a result of the conflict, Champa was forced to cede territory to Vietnam and from thereafter ceased to pose a threat to Vietnamese territory.

By 1470, the Chams had converted from Hinduism to Islam. This and their earlier attack on Angkor led the Cambodians to ignore the Cham's request for assistance when Vietnam invaded.[1]


The Cham feared an imminent Vietnamese attack, and requested that the Ming dynasty of China bring the Vietnamese back in line by force and clearly demarcate the border between Champa and Vietnam. China only verbally rebuked the Vietnamese for their invasions, which the Vietnamese ignored, proceeding to attack and destroy the Cham.[2] The Vietnamese army was reorganized to copy the Chinese army, with gunpowder weapons. Le Thanh-tong raised a massive 300,000 army which outnumbered the 100,000 Cham army, although at a massive financial cost which drained the Vietnamese treasury 1,000 gold liang each day.[3]


The Vietnamese conducted a Genocide campaign against the Cham slaughtereing 60,000 when taking the capital. The Vietnamese committed arson and theft and burned massive parts of Champa, seizing the entire country. The Cham told the Chinese that "Annam destroyed our country". The Chinese Ming Dynasty records record the Vietnamese destruction of Champa. The Vietnamese enslaved several thousand Cham and enacted forced assimilation of Vietnamese culture onto Chams. The Chams informed the Chinese that they continued to fight against the Vietnamese occupation of their land, which had been turned into the 13th province of Vietnam.[4]

The Chinese government sent a censor Ch'en Chun to Champa in 1474 to install the Champa King, but he discovered Vietnamese soldiers had taken over Champa and were blocking his entry. He proceeded to Malacca instead and its ruler sent back tribute to China.[5] Malacca sent envoys to China again in 1481 to inform the Chinese that while going back to Malacca in 1469 from a trip to China, the Vietnamese attacked them, castrating the young and enslaving them. The Malaccans reported that Vietnam was in control of Champa and also that the Vietnamese sought to conquer Malacca, but the Malaccans did not fight back due to lack of permission from the Chinese to engage in war. The Chinese Emperor scolded them, ordering the Malaccans to strike back with violent force if the Vietnamese attacked.[6][7]

The Champa kingdom was completely destroyed by the invasion, only 60,000 Cham remain in Vietnam today.[8]

1471 Vietnamese invasion of Champa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coming from a country whose butt was broken into two by the same army in a matter of days permanently. :wave:
Yeah , a great victory ... 3 million troops and an hostile population managed to defeat an 53k army which had nowhere to retreat ... Simply Incredible !

What about losing 37% of Kashmir and Rann of Kutch to Pakistan ? :rofl:
How difficult is that to get across?

See even when you try to be their new sidekick, at least know what you're talking. NEFA IS Arunachal today, genius.

Ask the Chinese :rofl: ... They warned you before the war ... Whatever the compliance to the Panch Sheel was , you should have atleast defended the area ...

As for trying to enlighten me , thanks but no thanks ... I know what South Tibet was called initially ... I merely used different words to refer to the same area ... As for the claim , yes you lost territory in South Tibet/NEFA/Arunachal Pardesh too ( whatever word you prefer :lol: ) ...
During the war, 37,300 Vietnamese troops were killed, and 2,300 were captured. The Soviet Union surprised the Vietnamese by refusing to get involved in the conflict. On February 18, Moscow had denounced China’s aggression and promised that the Soviet Union would keep its commitments according to the Soviet-Vietnam cooperation and friendship treaty. Then, however, the Soviet Union did not make any major moves. Russian military intelligence did increase its reconnaissance planes and ships in the South China Sea and along the Vietnamese coast after China’s invasion. On February 24, two Russian transport planes landed at Hanoi and unloaded some military equipment. Most countries maintained a neutral position during the Sino-Vietnamese War.
LOL at Vietnamese and indians dancing like monkeys. You are proud of 1979 when China hunted down 130,000+ of you Vietnamese (30,000+ military and 100,000+ civilians) in just 28 days and humiliated you when you thought USSR was going to come to your rescue?


Instead of talking nonsense with your Chinese and wasting bandwildth of PDF, we Vietnamese save our breath for a real battle with your China. That time we will show you how tough we are and we will see how strong, power from you delusion of yours China.

Thanks for all friends of Vietnamese whose standing up for Vietnam and I appreciated as well.
LOL at Vietnamese begging for help from Chinese gunfire. Yeah see your indian allies here are jumping to your rescue? (They wish you well :lol:) See all the Americans jump to your rescue? See the Russians jump to your rescue?

:lol: So many pretty Vietnamese girls are already waiting to marry a Chinese man today. Now they know China opens fire and Vietnam surrenders or else becomes fishfood, so they all open up to Chinese even more.

Console yourself. Everybody except Chinese members (Due to restricted access of information) know that you lost badly in 1979
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Everybody knows india was ruled by the Islamic World for 800 years and then by Anglos for 200 years. That's why you delude yourself to think China is as weak as india. And you are still feeling humiliated and frustrated by your 1962 spanking. Remember the way Timur and the Central Asian conquerors wiped out all the ancient hindu kingdoms? The truth is india is nothing more a bunch of people descended from conquered slaves.

Timur himself recorded the invasions in his memoirs, collectively known as Tuzk-i-Timuri. In them, he vividly described the massacre at Delhi:

In a short space of time all the people in the [New Delhi] fort were put to the sword, and in the course of one hour the heads of 10,000 infidels were cut off. The sword of Islam was washed in the blood of the infidels, and all the goods and effects, the treasure and the grain which for many a long year had been stored in the fort became the spoil of my soldiers. They set fire to the houses and reduced them to ashes, and they razed the buildings and the fort to the ground....All these infidel Hindus were slain, their women and children, and their property and goods became the spoil of the victors. I proclaimed throughout the camp that every man who had infidel prisoners should put them to death, and whoever neglected to do so should himself be executed and his property given to the informer. When this order became known to the ghazis of Islam, they drew their swords and put their prisoners to death.

One hundred thousand infidels, impious idolaters, were on that day slain. Maulana Nasiruddin Umar, a counselor and man of learning, who, in all his life, had never killed a sparrow, now, in execution of my order, slew with his sword fifteen idolatrous Hindus, who were his captives....on the great day of battle these 100,000 prisoners could not be left with the baggage, and that it would be entirely opposed to the rules of war to set these idolaters and enemies of Islam at liberty...no other course remained but that of making them all food for the sword.[31]
Now China knows your little secret. We know why hindus have such an inferiority complex. We know why hindustan is like a parasite always trying to take advantage of its neighbors. It's because you are descended from former Mughal slaves (except for Tamils) and inferiority mentality and communal / caste prejudice is part of your genetic make-up. It's time to help Pakistan restore the rightful position of Islam in the subcontinent!
LOL at Vietnamese and indians dancing like monkeys. You are proud of 1979 when China hunted down 130,000+ of you Vietnamese in just 28 days and humiliated you when you thought USSR was going to come to your rescue?

LOL at Vietnamese begging for help from Chinese. Yeah see your indian allies are jumping to your rescue? See all the Americans jump to your rescue? See the Russians jump to your rescue?

:lol: So many pretty Vietnamese girls are already waiting to marry a Chinese man today. Now they know China opens fire and Vietnam surrenders or else becomes fishfood.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Everybody knows india was ruled by the Islamic World for 800 years and then by Anglos for 200 years. That's why you delude yourself to think China is as weak as india. And you are still feeling humiliated and frustrated by your 1962 spanking. Remember the way Timur and the Central Asian conquerors wiped out all the ancient hindu kingdoms? The truth is india is nothing more a bunch of people descended from conquered slaves.

Timur himself recorded the invasions in his memoirs, collectively known as Tuzk-i-Timuri.[23][23][27][29][30] In them, he vividly described the massacre at Delhi:

In a short space of time all the people in the [New Delhi] fort were put to the sword, and in the course of one hour the heads of 10,000 infidels were cut off. The sword of Islam was washed in the blood of the infidels, and all the goods and effects, the treasure and the grain which for many a long year had been stored in the fort became the spoil of my soldiers. They set fire to the houses and reduced them to ashes, and they razed the buildings and the fort to the ground....All these infidel Hindus were slain, their women and children, and their property and goods became the spoil of the victors. I proclaimed throughout the camp that every man who had infidel prisoners should put them to death, and whoever neglected to do so should himself be executed and his property given to the informer. When this order became known to the ghazis of Islam, they drew their swords and put their prisoners to death.

One hundred thousand infidels, impious idolaters, were on that day slain. Maulana Nasiruddin Umar, a counselor and man of learning, who, in all his life, had never killed a sparrow, now, in execution of my order, slew with his sword fifteen idolatrous Hindus, who were his captives....on the great day of battle these 100,000 prisoners could not be left with the baggage, and that it would be entirely opposed to the rules of war to set these idolaters and enemies of Islam at liberty...no other course remained but that of making them all food for the sword.[31]

You were invaded by western powers and Japan. Japan beat you badly. If it's not USA you couldn't survive Japanese aggression. You have seen more humilation than us. Shall i remind you opium wars?
You were invaded by western powers and Japan. Japan beat you badly. If it's not USA you couldn't survive Japanese aggression. You have seen more humilation than us. Shall i remind you opium wars?
LOL at indian inferiority complex. Do you really think any other country in the world has been enslaved for 800 years + 200 years like india was? LOL at hindu kush mountains. Does any other people in the world have such monuments to their conquest and slavery? You really believed that indian brainwashing making you think india is "shining" and "incredible" and "will be a superpower in 20XX"?

LOL at indian inferiority complex. Do you really think any other country in the world has been enslaved for 800 years + 200 years like india was? LOL at hindu kush mountains. Does any other people in the world have such monuments to their conquest and slavery? You really believed that indian brainwashing making you think india is "shining" and "incredible" and "will be a superpower in 20XX"?


I know your history is weak.Let me enlighten you. Every aggressor become citizen and part of today's Indian civilization which consists many religions and cultures. British invasion was the only exception. But if you see in opium war western powers and Japan brutally defeated you in war and it was no value addition to chinese culture.
You were invaded by western powers and Japan. Japan beat you badly. If it's not USA you couldn't survive Japanese aggression. You have seen more humilation than us. Shall i remind you opium wars?

Yes remind us when French, British, Americans, US + other european powers attacked China which was ruled by Manchurians and overdosed the population on drugs. It took Mao to walk those drug addicts to the edges of the village and gun them down to end Years of Western drug pushers. But why even post? wasn't India overtaken by like 10000 British soldiers or something?

OMG is this guy again the same guy who was talking sh1t about 79 until he was made to look like a fool and change topic over and over again. I really don't like this troll he seems to be very obssessive and lonely.
Yes remind us when French, British, Americans, US + other european powers attacked China which was ruled by Manchurians and overdosed the population on drugs. It took Mao to walk those drug addicts to the edges of the village and gun them down to end Years of Western drug pushers. But why even post? wasn't India overtaken by like 10000 British soldiers or something?

OMG is this guy again the same guy who was talking sh1t about 79 until he was made to look like a fool and change topic over and over again. I really don't like this troll he seems to be very obssessive and lonely.

When we were invaded there was no Nation named India. India - a republic nation came on world map only after 1947. So the attacks was not on a nation.. Don't give excuses on your performance in second world war in opium wars. And China was attacked as a nation and defeated very poorly and I wont make personal attacks coz it will bring me on your level which is not very good thing.
When we were invaded there was no Nation named India. India - a republic nation came on world map only after 1947. So the attacks was not on a nation.. Don't give excuses on your performance in second world war in opium wars. And China was attacked as a nation and defeated very poorly and I wont make personal attacks coz it will bring me on your level which is not very good thing.

You have shown yourself to consistently go off topic and rant about random bs..Do you enjoy making yourself look like a fool? Why do you even say India never existed before 47? Just because it was ruled by Muslims? Why don't you get your little *** out of this topic before you become a laughing stock? Do you want another Chinese member to point out and laugh how 10000 british troops conquered all of Indian sub continent?
So you never had control over South Tibet before ? :rofl: ... You are talking like if you occupied some Chinese territory ... :lol:
IA could only pray to God that China leaves South Tibet by herself and only dared to enter after the ceasefire ...
India's main cost of war was Aksai Chin ( some 38 000 + km2 to be exact ) lost , add some territory from NEFA front too ...
Do confirm it with Wikipedia now :P

Learn some History borders were scarcely occupied by either nations security force, during that time , take the example of 1971 when BSF troops initially started entering east of West Bengal border wearing lungi to fool the administration their as native population and played the game with the ultimate objective of slicing the enemy into two ;) and why would we need foreign nations territory? We are not an evil nations like some nations around :lol: do you think borders were as fortified as today back in those days of history :lol:

Plus regarding Aksai Chin, have you lost all hopes on you master chinis? ( I think some one else claims the particular area too well historically before the Chinese involvement :lol:) we dont ;)
When we were invaded there was no Nation named India. India - a republic nation came on world map only after 1947. So the attacks was not on a nation.. Don't give excuses on your performance in second world war in opium wars. And China was attacked as a nation and defeated very poorly and I wont make personal attacks coz it will bring me on your level which is not very good thing.

ok, thank you. Indians are an invented peoples. I didn't say it, you said it.

Japan almost defeated Republic of China (Taiwan), not PRC. PRC never lost. We always either gained territory or killed more enemies.

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