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Chinese coast guard opens fire on Vietnamese ship

:lol: US assistance? Look at these indians begging for help just like in 1962. But USA and Soviet Union didn't help india and we proceeded to crush india, just like we crushed Vietnam in 1974, 1979, 1984 and 1988!

:lol: So your 'protection' from india is really just a big mouth talking. That's what indians are known for.

The truth is when the Chinese lock and load our rifles, indians run away crying from help from USA or Soviet Union just like 1962. Just like in Vietnam when we killed a bunch of your people in 1974, 1979, 1984 and 1988.

LOL at indian self-delusion. PLA engineers are already in Pakistan-administered Kashmir to build transport links. Soon we'll help Pakistan retake indian-occupied Kashmir. Most likely afterwards Pakistan will want to make the valley majority Muslim again. Looks like you'll have to find another home :)

Only weak countries talk about chivalry. Strong countries like China simply kill our enemies until nobody is left to complain about us. We already opened fire on Vietnam, but our biggest enemy is actually india :)


I strongly belive if a war started then you are the one who will peed yourself. That how and the talk-active person are !!!

Don't worry, if that day happening and every China soldiers has been taking down by me and then I will lable my nick [dunhill] on their forcehead as well. So you won't be missed.

Instead of talking nonsense with your Chinese and wasting bandwildth of PDF, we Vietnamese save our breath for a real battle with your China. That time we will show you how tough we are and we will see how strong, power from you delusion of yours China.

Thanks for all friends of Vietnamese whose standing up for Vietnam and I appreciated as well.

If talking tall make you grow faster, be my guest.
Last time i went to Sanya Hai Nan Province, a local fisherman told me that even a illiterate China farmer knows Vietnam Navy is easily defeated. We have our South Sea Navy fleet at Sanya, whole lots of Destroyer, landing ships, nuclear submarine, frigate down there. Vietnam Navy will be destructed by our fleet with a puff.:china:
So little vietnam still have chance to surrender before peed on your pants. As a loser, your computer will be confiscated by PLA, no more chance to talk big on PDF again.
China could call 10 million troop to beat little vietnam with just spitting over you.
India's cost of war -causalities, reward- control over Arunachal Pradesh

So you never had control over South Tibet before ? :rofl: ... You are talking like if you occupied some Chinese territory ... :lol:
IA could only pray to God that China leaves South Tibet by herself and only dared to enter after the ceasefire ...
India's main cost of war was Aksai Chin ( some 38 000 + km2 to be exact ) lost , add some territory from NEFA front too ...
Do confirm it with Wikipedia now :P
So you never had control over South Tibet before ? :rofl: ... You are talking like if you occupied some Chinese territory ... :lol:
IA could only pray to God that China leaves South Tibet by herself and only dared to enter after the ceasefire ...
India's main cost of war was Aksai Chin ( some 38 000 + km2 to be exact ) lost , add some territory from NEFA front too ...
Do confirm it with Wikipedia now :P

Coming from a country whose butt was broken into two by the same army in a matter of days permanently. :wave:
Then why you lost in 1979

Because we felt bad about destroying vietnam and leaving them with 150k dead and soil which will never grow again. What else you want China to do? Vietnam already retreat from other SEA nations and watch their entire nation burn to the largest extent. Do you want the Chinese to wage genocide on the Vietnamese before you are satisfied troll?
Because we felt bad about destroying vietnam and leaving them with 150k dead and soil which will never grow again. What else you want China to do? Vietnam already retreat from other SEA nations and watch their entire natiohin burn to the largest extent. Do you want the Chinese to wage genocide on the Vietnamese before you are satisfied troll?

Console yourself. Everybody except Chinese members (Due to restricted access of information) know that you lost badly in 1979

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