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Chinese coast guard opens fire on Vietnamese ship

You can repeated it even more but only make you look more stupid.

---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ----------

It is in China's EEZ and the Viets here are for the fish without permission from China's maritime administration.

Police always has right to shoot the thief when he is stealing.

It is fruitless to debate them. Their minds are too busy searching for their stolen Arabic numbers. They could write but that's about all.
This news report is fake, original source came from Japan for no apparent reason.

Chinese side denied it, and Vietnam side never said anything.

Whether it is true or false, Vietnam gonna soon have their life lesson. :coffee:
No offence but I thought people like HongWu, ChinaToday and rcmj were one of their kind, ultra-nationalist fascists. But then I see so many average Mr.Chang liking their posts just goes to show their mindset.

No wonder why the world is so paranoid of China's rise. Arrogance is pretty evident from an average Chinese's attitude maybe because of their new found wealth and military might. Still they are nowhere near to the top in either departments. China barely makes into "top 100" economies in terms of GDP per capita.

Vietnam, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and most of the ASEAN they are all wary of China attitude and then Chinese on this forum have nerve to taunt Indians about how India deals with its' neighbours. Most of these countries are better off than China. Even Vietnam is set to have higher GDP per capita than China and no matter how hard Chinese try they will always be inferior to other Oriental counterparts.

Chinese people act like they bully and proud and not only a bully, they take pride in massacre carried out by their communist army on innocent and unarmed civilians. Utterly disgusting and shameful! :sick: and yet when a Japanese mayor refuses to admit that 'Nanjing Massacre' actually occurred, they get as*burnt and start crying.

I don't do psychology or anything but I think no matter how hard CCP tries Chinese will always feel inferior to Koreans, Japanese and Viets and that probably triggers the hostility or this kind of behavior in Chinese psyche.

Vietnam has lower GDP/capita than Nigeria and has lower GDP growth than India. India itself will never surpass China, so the thought of Vietnam surpassing China in GDP per capita is fantasy.

I don't do psychology or anything but I think no matter how hard Indian elites tries Indians will always feel inferior to Chinese and British, and that probably triggers the kind of hostility or this kind of behavior in Indian psyche.

May I recommend the book "Black Skin, White Masks" by Franz Fanon?
Why does Vietnam need India's protection?

Vietnam can clearly handle herself, although US assistance would be helpful.
:lol: US assistance? Look at these indians begging for help just like in 1962. But USA and Soviet Union didn't help india and we proceeded to crush india, just like we crushed Vietnam in 1974, 1979, 1984 and 1988!

For your lack of intellectual, the kind of protection we get from India is what we called ally aka friendship which China and its people don't have. Learn to make one.
:lol: So your 'protection' from india is really just a big mouth talking. That's what indians are known for.

The truth is when the Chinese lock and load our rifles, indians run away crying from help from USA or Soviet Union just like 1962. Just like in Vietnam when we killed a bunch of your people in 1974, 1979, 1984 and 1988.


Threatening with photoshop skills. :devil:
LOL at indian self-delusion. PLA engineers are already in Pakistan-administered Kashmir to build transport links. Soon we'll help Pakistan retake indian-occupied Kashmir. Most likely afterwards Pakistan will want to make the valley majority Muslim again. Looks like you'll have to find another home :)

I like the aggressive way you talk... but shooting unarmed fishermen? What kind of chivalry is that? Arrest was fine, but shooting them? That's sick.
Only weak countries talk about chivalry. Strong countries like China simply kill our enemies until nobody is left to complain about us. We already opened fire on Vietnam, but our biggest enemy is actually india :)
:lol: US assistance? Look at these indians begging for help just like in 1962. But USA and Soviet Union didn't help india and we proceeded to crush india, just like we crushed Vietnam in 1974, 1979, 1984 and 1988!

:lol: So your 'protection' from india is really just a big mouth talking. That's what indians are known for.

The truth is when the Chinese lock and load our rifles, indians run away crying from help from USA or Soviet Union just like 1962. Just like in Vietnam when we killed a bunch of your people in 1974, 1979, 1984 and 1988.

LOL at indian self-delusion. PLA engineers are already in Pakistan-administered Kashmir to build transport links. Soon we'll help Pakistan retake indian-occupied Kashmir. Most likely afterwards Pakistan will want to make the valley majority Muslim again. Looks like you'll have to find another home :)

Only weak countries talk about chivalry. Strong countries like China simply kill our enemies until nobody is left to complain about us. We already opened fire on Vietnam, but our biggest enemy is actually india :)

Mutual respect, understand, realization and trying to get along with your enemy are not weaknesses. When you believe those are weaknesses, I recommend you go see a doctor for help. It's not hard to point a gun back to your enemy's head when your enemy becomes a complete retard. Think about it before you post something stupid smart guy, HongWu. Welcome to my ignore list HongWu. There's no sense talking to you.
Mutual respect, understand, realization and trying to get along with your enemy are not weaknesses. When you believe those are weaknesses, I recommend you go see a doctor for help. It's not hard to point a gun back to your enemy's head when your enemy becomes a complete retard. Think about it before you post something stupid smart guy, HongWu. Welcome to my ignore list HongWu. There's no sense talking to you.
Vietnamese island thiefs deserve no "understanding" or "respect." You are making yourselves more high class than you deserve.
Phoenix TV news report

Good to see China keep the peace in South East Asia again. Without China keeping Vietnam in check, that terrorist country is always trying to rob its neighbors like Cambodia and Laos. Very soon, China will do the most peaceful action of all -- replace the terrorist regime of Vietnam with a more peaceful, China-friendly government.


peace as understood by the Chinese = robbing fish, boat of poor fishing and helping the genocidal.
peace as understood by the Chinese = robbing fish, boat of poor fishing and helping the genocidal.

They are incapable of taking on the Vietnamese forces. To be frank, the PLA seems to be made of people like HongWu - idiots who can't even wipe their a$$es properly thinking they are Rambos of some sort.:enjoy:
They are incapable of taking on the Vietnamese forces. To be frank, the PLA seems to be made of people like HongWu - idiots who can't even wipe their a$$es properly thinking they are Rambos of some sort.:enjoy:
and the reason of 1962 humiliation was because one army was made up by indians, and they wiping their a$$ with hands and thinking they are some sort of war junkies
You can repeated it even more but only make you look more stupid.

It is in China's EEZ and the Viets here are for the fish without permission from China's maritime administration.

Police always has right to shoot the thief when he is stealing.

repeated posts are due to 504 gateway time out error. Not that I like to preach some criminal minds waiting to shoot unarmed people.

Strongest is not the one who smashes others face out of revenge but the one who is first to forgive.

Anyways, If you guys have such a low corruption judicial system, you should have trusted them to reach a verdict rather than leave it to trigger happy PLAN cowboys.
and the reason of 1962 humiliation was because one army was made up by indians, and they wiping their a$$ with hands and thinking they are some sort of war junkies

That 1962 is getting old buddy. Move on, be more creative. You and the Chinese folks on here have already been abusing and grinding that joke into non-existence. You only make yourself look like a fool and annoying. You're just about to land on my ignore list just behind HongWu. Smarten up already.
What is there to be proud when they used warship to rob a fishing boat?

This is one of the articles written about China - Vietnam war in 1979:

What the PLA Learned in Vietnam, 1979
From A History of the Modern Chinese Army, by Xiaobing Li (U. Press of Kentucky, 2007), pp. 255-256, 258-259 (footnote references omitted):

Some Chinese soldiers called it a “painful, little war.” Vietnamese troops avoided battle and instead harassed PLA forces. Some Chinese officers described it as a “ghost war,” since the enemy troops were almost invisible, or a “shadow war,” since it seemed they were fighting against their own shadows. The Vietnamese troops employed the same tactics, made the same moves, and used the same weapons as the Chinese. They knew exactly what the Chinese were trying to do. They exploited almost every problem and weakness the Chinese had. The Chinese troops had to fight their own problems first before they could fight the Vietnamese. Deng’s border war taught the PLA a hard lesson….

Many of the PLA’s commanding officers were shocked by the poor discipline, low morale, combat ineffectiveness, and high casualties in the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War. During the nineteen days of the first two phases, the PLA suffered 26,000 casualties, about 1,350 per day. Gerald Segal points out that in Vietnam, “in contrast to Korea, Chinese troops performed poorly. In Korea, they adequately defended North Korea, but in 1979 they failed to punish Vietnam. China’s Cambodian allies were relegated to a sideshow along the Thai frontier, and China was unable to help them break out.”

During the war, 37,300 Vietnamese troops were killed, and 2,300 were captured. The Soviet Union surprised the Vietnamese by refusing to get involved in the conflict. On February 18, Moscow had denounced China’s aggression and promised that the Soviet Union would keep its commitments according to the Soviet-Vietnam cooperation and friendship treaty. Then, however, the Soviet Union did not make any major moves. Russian military intelligence did increase its reconnaissance planes and ships in the South China Sea and along the Vietnamese coast after China’s invasion. On February 24, two Russian transport planes landed at Hanoi and unloaded some military equipment. Most countries maintained a neutral position during the Sino-Vietnamese War.

The brief war was a grievous misfortune for both China and Vietnam, not only because it resulted in material and human losses for both nations but also because it brought years of earlier cooperation to a dispiriting conclusion. The war showed that American belief in the domino theory was misplaced, since two Communist countries, one of which had just attained national liberation, were now in conflict with each other. Each valued its own national interests much more than the common Communist ideology. On February 27, 1979, Deng told American journalists in Beijing that “Vietnam claims itself as the third military superpower in the world. We are eliminating this myth. That’s all we want, no other purpose. We don’t want their territory. We make them to understand that they can’t do whatever they want to all the times.”

Hanoi believed, however, that the Vietnamese army had taught the Chinese army a lesson. One [People's Army of Vietnam] general said that China lost militarily and beat a hasty retreat: “After we defeated them we gave them the red carpet to leave Vietnam.” As Henry J. Kenny points out, “Most Western writers agree that Vietnam had indeed outperformed the PLA on the battlefield, but say that with the seizure of Lang Son, the PLA was poised to move into the militarily more hospitable terrain of the Red River Delta, and thence to Hanoi.” Kenny, however, points out that Lang Son is less than twelve miles from the Chinese border but is twice that distance from the delta. Moreover, at least five PAVN divisions remained poised for a counterattack in the delta, and thirty thousand additional PAVN troops from Cambodia, along with several regiments from Laos, were moving to their support. Thus the PLA would have taken huge losses in any southward move toward Hanoi.



Vietnam keyboard warriors need protections from the Indians in PDF. They're out keyboarded here.

No one can and will help them in SCS. They don't have such trusted allies. China doesn't have one either, but.......


Instead of talking nonsense with your Chinese and wasting bandwildth of PDF, we Vietnamese save our breath for a real battle with your China. That time we will show you how tough we are and we will see how strong, power from you delusion of yours China.

Thanks for all friends of Vietnamese whose standing up for Vietnam and I appreciated as well.

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