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Chinese bricks failed vikramaditya

Indian clowns are still crying on this thread eh?:lol: Bunch of cry babies, always sees the bogeyman in China. The chinese are 100 years ahead in terms of manufacturing and technology. Just zip it and beg the chinese for help . There is nothing wrong in taking and asking for help. Every backward
technologically inferior country did that in the past. :)
Let's guess, next delay, what excuse will they make?
And, India should check how much components made in china in the AC first, and require Russia replace them all!!
Indian clowns are still crying on this thread eh? Bunch of cry babies, always sees the bogeyman in China. The chinese are 100 years ahead in terms of manufacturing and technology. Just zip it and beg the chinese for help . There is nothing wrong in taking and asking for help. Every backward technologically inferior country did that in the past.

Says the guy from Bangladesh :rofl: A country born out of Indian Good will. I am sure you know a lot about being a backward technologically inferior country eh bro?
Indian clowns are still crying on this thread eh?:lol: Bunch of cry babies, always sees the bogeyman in China. The chinese are 100 years ahead in terms of manufacturing and technology. Just zip it and beg the chinese for help . There is nothing wrong in taking and asking for help. Every backward
technologically inferior country did that in the past. :)

Of course you guys speak from personal experience right? :rofl:

No idea how you reached this conclusion that it's backward Indian tech that failed us. When we talk about Joint Ventures, if an Indian calls it an Indian weapon, we get a million fools like you bent on proving that it is a Russian weapon.

Now the Russians did the mistake of using Chinese bricks, and it's Indian tech failure. :rofl:
EzioAltaïr;3432784 said:
Of course you guys speak from personal experience right? :rofl:

No idea how you reached this conclusion that it's backward Indian tech that failed us. When we talk about Joint Ventures, if an Indian calls it an Indian weapon, we get a million fools like you bent on proving that it is a Russian weapon.

Now the Russians did the mistake of using Chinese bricks, and it's Indian tech failure. :rofl:

Pay Russians more money next time and the will give you better stuff. And trust me, there will be more next times.
So many chinese cry babies crying.

I will bookmark this thread for future reference.

more than 2billion for a post soviat Junk```and 7 out 8 boilers were exploded``and the joke india has to pay more for their masters mismanagement``lol```and what china did is just sold you few cheap bricks to troll funny indians````so tell who is the laughing stock?

of course its India and Indians who are the bookmarks for laughing stock
more than 2billion for a post soviat Junk```and 7 out 8 boilers were exploded``and the joke india has to pay more for their masters mismanagement``lol```and what china did is just sold you few cheap bricks to troll funny indians````so tell who is the laughing stock?

of course its India and Indians who are the bookmarks for laughing stock

oh my GOD... chines are so funny.... :lol:
It did fail, but we are not incurring the costs.. Russians are. They realise their mistake of going with cheap chinese crap and now ready to redeem themselves :rofl:
oh my GOD... chines are so funny.... :lol:
It did fail, but we are not incurring the costs.. Russians are. They realise their mistake of going with cheap chinese crap and now ready to redeem themselves :rofl:

Any prove that Russia will incur the costs or just pure assumption???
You fail on another count delusional cheerleader! We have been accumulating and improving our techniques for making fire bricks for centuries. When we were using these bricks for our kilns, we were producing ceramics and porcelains that were sold all over the world! What utensils were indians eating with?

why stop chanting!

You have broken the spell, poor cheerleader. You need to re-start again. Now go ...

Hmm if you are improving bricks for centuries as per you saying then why Super POWDER China is not able to produce quality bricks... It seems your techniques are not right..or you need to do proper reverse engineering....
Pay Russians more money next time and the will give you better stuff. And trust me, there will be more next times.

2.3 billion is not enough? :rofl:

Anyway, there won't be a next time. INS Vikrant 2 and Vishal will ensure that this debacle never happens again. :P
EzioAltaïr;3432859 said:
2.3 billion is not enough? :rofl:

Anyway, there won't be a next time. INS Vikrant 2 and Vishal will ensure that this debacle never happens again. :P

2.3 billions is indeed quite alot of money for an aging 2nd hand coverted AC, But you conclude to fast as no next time deal; all depend on how well and how good you're in AC contruction, you might end up to ask Russia for assistance again.
2.3 billions is indeed quite alot of money for an aging 2nd hand coverted AC, But you conclude to fast as no next time deal; all depend on how well and how good you're in AC contruction, you might end up to ask Russia for assistance again.

What was the total cost for converting varyag ???
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