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Chinese army puts up post near Indian border


Oct 12, 2010
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Chinese army puts up post near Indian border

AGARTALA: The new Sino-Indian partnership, premier Wen Jiabao said in India during his recent visit, is one of cooperation, not rivalry and competition. On the ground, though, Beijing's military build-up near India's borders continues.

China's mighty People's Liberation Army (PLA) is building a four-storeyed military facility at a Myanmar border town which is close to the Northeast, the Myanmarese media said on Monday. :angry:

The construction of the base, it added, has been on at breakneck speed since August and it won't be too long before it's completed. In its report, Burma News International quoted the Kachin News Group as saying that the facility will house ''several military officers on the border town of Menghai in China's southwest Yunnan province''.

Once completed, it will act as a command post for at least one PLA battalion. The report cited eyewitnesses and former Communist Party of Burma officials as its sources.:angry:

The area where the military facility is being built is opposite Mongkoe town in Myanmar's northern Shan State and close to the Tibet-Myanmar-Arunachal trijunction. The closest Indian point is Vahai on the eastern tip of Mizoram.

The report quoted Slg Bum Htoi, a military analyst based in Mongkoe, as saying that it was ''unusual for soldiers of PLA to be stationed near the troubled Burma border''. "I think Chinese troops are being stationed there to monitor foreign troops, especially US soldiers, should they enter Myanmar," he added.

Read more: Chinese army puts up post near border - The Times of India Chinese army puts up post near border - The Times of India
Chinese have full right to defend their country as they like. Chine is the next world power so they have to take considerable measures against others which can challenge them.
good news! good job PLA! I am glad to see finally PLA woke up. more posts should be opened to stop india's push forward military doctrine.

:victory: :china:
^ what china is doing you also doing then why crying like a child? ever see same attitude from another side?
next world power.............
very funny .....so they can do any thing...right???
India is also send additional 60k military to china border..........
This is not funny thing. But the funny thing is that Indians are dreaming to defeat China and Pakistan. Chinese are doing very well. No one can stop them. India should not send additional 60k military to die in hell.
OP whats up with the Thumbs down. The post or the building or the command center or what ever the heck they are building they have a right to as long as they are with in their recognized border. Or they have an agreement with some countries stating that they and the other party will not build any infrastructure in a certain area close to each others border area. And as a matter of fact india has an equal right to do the same close to the Chinese border. So why complain.
India has no such kind of "push forward military doctrine" it is just your imagination......we have lot's of important things to do than "push forward military doctrine"

Without pushing forward the idea of Indian unity fails big time..sooner of later the populace is gonna question why the rest of the world is not celebrating "democracy" with us..why are we being beaten out in efficiency by supposedly communist neighbor. Why is diversity adding to our burden of national trolls..why do we have problems with every nation in south asia..why our small neighbors do not trust us?

So more money for arms and cold start than development. The "external" threat factor keeps India united as much it did with the soviet union.
Any military build up in the region is an escalation of war , india government should bear that in mind.
That is my country my border my land~~~

It's none of your business!

So please your indian media shut up!

If you want to send your military, just ******* do it! PLA is waiting.
They have got everyright to do so.

They think that you people are going to do something, that is why they are doing it. Other wise, why would they do it?

Some people just are too jealous by giving ":tdown:" sign :coffee:
it is not a cricket match when we dream to defeat each other ....... of course china is doing well but they don't have right to do bad with other country.....and don't mix Pakistan +china ,where is china when 1971 happens.....we can defeated you again and no one come to you rescue ......

So this guy is 100% indian!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Wow, nationalism is really flying high after certain recent events :-)

Take it easy and show each other some respect guys, no one is going to war.

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