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Chinese Aero Engine information thread

Could you please translate or give at least a summary?? Thanks.
Deino, I think it should be part of the forum rules that if you upload something in Chinese, you should at least give a short brief in english.
Deino, I think it should be part of the forum rules that if you upload something in Chinese, you should at least give a short brief in english.

It is and therefore I kindly remind those guys who eventually forgot this rule.
Could you please translate or give at least a summary?? Thanks.

"More important than the upcoming carrier based AEWC itself, it is its WJ-10 engine, the first fully indigenously developed 5000 Hp class Turbo-Prop aero-engine, that could be in turn used to upgrade Y-8 and Y-9 transporters currently in active service, or used on new generation of median weight transporters, though it may not be the most advanced turbo-prop nor the most powerful one like NK-12".
"More important than the upcoming carrier based AEWC itself, it is its WJ-10 engine, the first fully indigenously developed 5000 Hp class Turbo-Prop aero-engine, that could be in turn used to upgrade Y-8 and Y-9 transporters currently in active service, or used on new generation of median weight transporters, though it may not be the most advanced turbo-prop nor the most powerful one like NK-12".

Thank you so much !
Is there any word about a successor to the WZ-10? The T700 (most advanced variant ~1500kW) is going to be replaced with the T901 (~2200kW) beginning in 2024. That's the plan but whenever the US military announces anything, add years of delays.
it doesn't make sense to blame AL31 engine, it serves as stopgap for our fighters until WS10 engines get matured.
Fire Xie once and for all, and find somebody more capable. They spent 20 years making a copy of R-79, and who knows how much money, and still no engine in production... Tan Ruisong should also be asked where all that money went.

Chinese aerospace companies were and are a complete facepalm in their current condition.:crazy_pilot:

Naval industry was whacked good in Zhu's years, and is now more or less globally competitive. Chinese frigates are selling like hot cookies. But there were not enough Zhus left for our aerospace industry.
"More important than the upcoming carrier based AEWC itself, it is its WJ-10 engine, the first fully indigenously developed 5000 Hp class Turbo-Prop aero-engine, that could be in turn used to upgrade Y-8 and Y-9 transporters currently in active service, or used on new generation of median weight transporters, though it may not be the most advanced turbo-prop nor the most powerful one like NK-12".
He(the original OP in Chinese) made a mistake, the WJ-10 is NOT 5000 HP, it's 5000 KW.

Via @中国航发 from Weixin

Safran and AECC introduce the WZ16, the first jointly-developed aero engine to be certified in China
10 October 2019, China Helicopter Exposition, Tianjin

Safran Helicopter Engines and Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC) announce the issue of the Type Certificate for the WZ16 turboshaft from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). Installed in the AVIC AC352 helicopter, the WZ16 is the first jointly-developed aero engine to be entirely certified by Chinese authorities. Also known as the Ardiden 3C, the WZ16 has been jointly developed and built by Safran Helicopter Engines, with Harbin Dongan Engine and Hunan Aerospace Propulsion Research Institute (HAPRI), both parts of the AECC consortium. The Ardiden 3C was certified by EASA in April 2018.


"Certification from Chinese authorities marks a major milestone for Safran Helicopter Engines and AECC" commented Bruno Bellanger, Safran Helicopter Engines EVP Programs. "It confirms that the WZ16 is now ready to operate in accordance with world-class Chinese safety and performance standards, thanks to an intensive maturation plan conducted by our partners. It is also a historic moment for the Chinese aerospace industry as it is the first-ever jointly-developed aero engine to be entirely CAAC certified, and a major step toward AC352 entry-into-service".

Harbin Dongan Engine, the Type Certificate holder said, "The Type Certificate from CAAC is a further step towards the commercial success of the WZ16. It is thanks to the close cooperation of AECC, Harbin Dongan Engine, HAPRI and Safran Helicopter Engines, as well as to the strong support of CAAC. In the future, we will not only expand our engine portfolio but work hand-in-hand with Safran Helicopter Engines, to provide continuous airworthiness and after-sales service of the WZ16, ensuring smooth operation and world-class after-sales service for our clients. Thus, they can buy it confidently and use it safely."

Relmy Bertrand - Safran

The WZ16/Ardiden 3C is a new-generation turboshaft in the 1,700-2,000 shp range. The Ardiden 3 family has completed over 10,000 hours of tests, confirming high levels of design maturity and competitive operating and maintenance costs. It features a remarkably compact modular architecture, a best-in-class power-to-weight ratio and low cost-of-ownership. It also delivers at least 10 % better fuel consumption than engines operating in the same power range.

The WZ16 flight test campaign started in December 2016 with the Avic AC352's maiden flight.

Safran and AECC introduce the WZ16, the first jointly-developed aero engine to be certified in China | Safran Helicopter Engines
Safran and AECC strengthen industrial cooperation on WZ16 engine

Remy Bertrand - Safran

6 November 2019, Beijing

Safran and Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC) have signed a memorandum of agreement to strengthen their industrial cooperation on the WZ16 French-Chinese helicopter engine. This agreement was signed in Beijing by Alexandre Ziegler, Safran Senior Executive Vice President, International and Public Affairs, and AECC Chairman Cao Jianguo, during French President Emmanuel Macron's State Visit to China.

The WZ16 is jointly developed and built by Safran Helicopter Engines and AECC. Certification by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) was announced on 10 October 2019. The engine is installed in the AVIC AC352 helicopter.

Through this memorandum of agreement, Safran Helicopter Engines and AECC agree to:
  • Study opportunity for a joint venture in China to support and maintain in-service WZ16.
  • Prepare and launch production ramp-up of WZ16 to deliver a first order of 120 engines and discuss opportunity for 100 additional units.
  • Discuss new applications for WZ16, including turboprop variant for fixed-wing aircraft.
Alexandre Ziegler says that "the WZ16 partnership between Safran and AECC is already a success as the first jointly-developed aero-engine to be entirely certified by Chinese authorities. This new agreement is an opportunity to enlarge our partnership, especially as we prepare for certification and entry-into-service".

Also known as the Ardiden 3C, the WZ16 is a new-generation turboshaft in the 1,700-2,000 shp range. The Ardiden 3C was certified by EASA in April 2018.

The AC352's maiden flight took place on December 2016 and certification is planned for 2021.

Safran and AECC strengthen industrial cooperation on WZ16 engine | Safran Helicopter Engines
Oh, btw, Good news !!!

@Deino @beijingwalker @LKJ86 Confirm it kindly !!
China has acquired Ukrainian Aero Engine Giant “Motor Sich Aero Engines”.
China was previously a stakeholder in the company. This acquisition will result in getting more assistance and required expertise to deploy even more advanced engines.
Source :

Today got other news china acquired Ukrainian Aero Engine is stop after Ukriane receive US aide.
Believe only official contract is sign.
Oh, btw, Good news !!!

@Deino @beijingwalker @LKJ86 Confirm it kindly !!

China has acquired Ukrainian Aero Engine Giant “Motor Sich Aero Engines”.

China was previously a stakeholder in the company. This acquisition will result in getting more assistance and required expertise to deploy even more advanced engines.

Source : https://twitter.com/lyhcbmsenivrssu/status/1205870398459367424?s=21

I googled it & found absolutely no news about this alleged news of China aquiring Motor Sich, they are only a stake holder apparently, so take this news of the takeover with 100 thousand tonnes of salt.

Image: Reuters

China Is Building More Powerful Jet Engines, And Is Selling Tech

China's air force could be about to get a big boost.
by Eugene K. Chow
Key point: China is quickly becoming an elite player in the Jet Age.

Chinese engineering has become so advanced that German jet engines could soon get a major boost from China.
Officials in China have begun talks to sell sophisticated aerospace technology and manufacturing equipment to Germany for the production of high-performance jet engines.

As China moves to rapidly build its commercial and military aviation industry, the nation has made significant engineering breakthroughs, most notably in turbine blades, which convert the heat from fuel combustion into thrust. Turbine blades are one of the most critical components of an airplane, determining a jet engine’s safety, power and endurance.

Engineers in China have developed new processes that can make lighter and stronger blades using a hollow structure as well as single-crystal alloys that can withstand high temperatures and a special coating to facilitate cooling. These advances mean Chinese-made turbine blades are able to withstand temperatures several hundred degrees Celsius higher than the melting point of metallic alloys.
These advances are at the center of a possible sale to Germany along with manufacturing equipment that uses lasers to drill ultra-fine holes in turbine blades to keep blades cool by increasing air flow.

“Our machine has outperformed [Germany’s] on some benchmarks,” an anonymous source involved in the negotiations told the South China Morning Post. “The Germans have seen and grown interested in our technology.”

Discussions for the sale are still in the early stages, but even the possibility of an agreement with Germany, which created the world’s first production-ready jet engine and has long been revered for its design and manufacturing prowess, is a major victory for China as it seeks to shift its reputation away from cheaply made knockoffs to high-end innovation.

Aerospace is one of the key sectors of the “Made In China 2025” initiative, which calls for massive government investment to create thriving self-sufficient domestic industries. But long before the initiative was announced, China has been hard at work developing domestically-produced military aircraft.

In 2011, China stunned the world with the J-20, the nation’s first stealth fighter meant to rival America’s F-22 Raptor. With the J-20, China became only the second nation after the United States with a tactical stealth jet in service.

Just three years later, China unveiled the J-31 stealth multirole fighter jet, which looks remarkably like the American-made F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Analysts believe the Chinese built the J-31 using stolen F-35 blueprints.

China’s fifth-generation fighters currently rely on Russian engines, but recent breakthroughs have given the nation the ability to manufacture their own. In September, images revealed China had built a stealth engine for the J-20 equipped with serrated afterburner nozzles and interior flaps to help minimize its radar signature.

As China turns its attention to commercial airliners, it is only a matter of time before it begins to produce jet engines for commercial use.

In China’s rapid rise, it has previously turned to German aerospace companies to gain intellectual property and industrial know-how. In 2013, China acquired Germany’s Thielert Aircraft Engines after it filed for bankruptcy. The agreement included Thielert’s technology as well as their manufacturing facilities and equipment.

More recently, China has set its sights on purchasing Cotesa, an innovative German aerospace manufacturer that supplies parts for Airbus and Boeing. But the deal is currently on hold pending a review by the German government under new rules that grant the state more authority to block foreign takeovers.

The rules were passed in the midst of growing concerns of Chinese companies acquiring German and other EU companies operating in sensitive industries like aerospace, robotics and computer chips.

China’s plan to supply Germany with jet engine turbine blade technology is likely to face similar hurdles as Germany partners with Pratt & Whitney, General Electric and other American engine manufacturers. Even if German authorities approve the deal, the sale could still be blocked by the U.S. government which considers jet engine manufacturers as strategic domestic companies.

Regardless of whether this deal succeeds or not, it is apparent that China is quickly becoming an elite player in the Jet Age.

Eugene K. Chow writes on foreign policy and military affairs. His work has been published in Foreign Policy, The Week and The Diplomat. This first appeared in January 2018.

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