Ironically, if every Chinese youth 'eat more bitterness' the youth unemployment will probably worsen.
Many Chinese youths are working long hours, some even follow 996 working hours. They may think overworking and 'eating bitterness' will eventually pay off in their career, which may be true to a certain extent, but if the society at large adopts such a mentality then it is basically a race to the bottom. Or what they themselves call 'involution'.
At the end of the day they are just helping capitalists to save on labor costs and deny another person of a job.
I OT 1 hour, you OT 2 hours, I OT 3 hours, you OT 4 hours and so forth. In no time 2 of us will be doing the workload of 3 workers by OT-ing.
If every Chinese youth has the consensus that they will not OT for more than a certain period of time, then the company will be forced to expand hiring. Otherwise capitalists will tell their unobliging workers: "if you do not want to eat bitterness, there are plenty of others out there willing to".
If their government is serious on alleviating their youth unemployment issue, they should be cracking down on illegal working hours and strictly enforce labor rights. Not crap like "Oh, the youth should eat more bitterness" which will not create more good jobs but instead worsen their toxic working culture and create more social issues.
Look at South Korea and how their overly competitive toxic culture is creating social and demographic problems.