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Chinas young people can’t find jobs. Xi Jinping says to “Eat Bitterness.”

It's easy to find out, why don't you take a stroll in one of your Chinese FABS. Take an inventory of the machinery installed and country of origin and report back. :enjoy:
The machines are made in Singapore and Holland. =)
Lol, foreign media knows nothing about what "eat bitterness" means, it's common Chinese phrase which can be found in almost every resume and cover letter in China, English equivalent is "hard working". do they know what "horse, horse, tiger, tiger" means in Chinese? they really spare no effort to show their total ignorance about China.
The machines are made in Singapore and Holland. =)
sure it is, let's see the US dominates the Semi conductor supply chain, over all US value add in this space is 40%, Europe is 11%, S.Korea 16%, Japan 14% and Taiwan 12%. You claimed to be an expert on FPSO, perhaps you should stick to what you know. :lol:

EDAUS Origin 96%
Core IPUS Origin 52%
Fab ToolsUS Origin 44%
ATP ToolsUS Origin 23%
ATPUS Origin 28%
lOl, your mind is so messed up, if Xi made this statement when it should be banned in China? it's a very old slogan dating back from Mao's time, Xi quoted it to encourage the young to learn from their predecessors to preserve the traditional hard working culture and ethic.

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View attachment 933021
Try working 2 full time minimum wage jobs and see if you can get "rich". It's such a bullshit statement.

China's economic problems are structural in nature, not laziness.
1. General unemployment can not reflect young people unemployment. China's general unemployment is 4%
2. The data of US unempolyment rate is not reliable. Only those who want to work and are looking for job are counted.
There are retirees that are considered unemployed by some, but shouldn’t be counted. There are those that are disabled and out on disability (due to various insurance plans). There are also those out on welfare for various reasons.

Generally for those that want employment, now is still a good time to find a job in most fields. :usflag: In fact, many people have two jobs or a job and a “side hustle” working online or on some creative business to allow them to transition to a job or business they want more. Many of these people are also getting new certifications so they could be in school as well.

sure it is, let's see the US dominates the Semi conductor supply chain, over all US value add in this space is 40%, Europe is 11%, S.Korea 16%, Japan 14% and Taiwan 12%. You claimed to be an expert on FPSO, perhaps you should stick to what you know. :lol:

EDAUS Origin 96%
Core IPUS Origin 52%
Fab ToolsUS Origin 44%
ATP ToolsUS Origin 23%
ATPUS Origin 28%
My friend, you can own the IP and product and even the profit, but it is still made in Singapore employing various nationalities. You still don't get my point do you?

US corporations don't really care about your average American, they care about profits. Why do you think there is serious deindustrialization in US despite the fact that American companies still dominate the tech field?
My friend, you can own the IP and product and even the profit, but it is still made in Singapore employing various nationalities. You still don't get my point do you?

US corporations don't really care about your average American, they care about profits. Why do you think there is serious deindustrialization in US despite the fact that American companies still dominate the tech field?
Singapore has 70% of the global market share in semiconductor wire bonders.
Apart from that they have manufacturing facilities for semiconductor equipment companies such as ASM, KLA, Edwards, Teradyne, Tokyo Electron, and Lam Research.

ASM is Dutch, KLA is American, Edwards is British, Teradyne is American, Tokyo Electron is Japanese and Lam Research is American. None of these companies exclusively manufacture in Singapore and all of them manufacture in the US.
Try working 2 full time minimum wage jobs and see if you can get "rich". It's such a bullshit statement.

China's economic problems are structural in nature, not laziness.
"Eating bitterness" means getting rich? this is really Bullshit.
Singapore has 70% of the global market share in semiconductor wire bonders.
Apart from that they have manufacturing facilities for semiconductor equipment companies such as ASM, KLA, Edwards, Teradyne, Tokyo Electron, and Lam Research.

ASM is Dutch, KLA is American, Edwards is British, Teradyne is American, Tokyo Electron is Japanese and Lam Research is American. None of these companies exclusively manufacture in Singapore and all of them manufacture in the US.

Most AsiaPac manufacturing is done in Singapore and even to some extent China. US is where they produce the main components. This is what is happening now, you pay 1000 dollars for a top grade engineer or 10000 for a normal engineer,it is just common sense mate.

My mate used to work for Lam research they are even buying Chinese components from CHINESE companies nowadays to reduce cost. Lololol
20% China mainland young people are unemployed. Taiwan media said 27% young people in Taiwan are unemployed. I don't know the data in US. But I believe it is definitely bigger than 20%
that is not good for anyone :undecided:

Most AsiaPac manufacturing is done in Singapore and even to some extent China. US is where they produce the main components. This is what is happening now, you pay 1000 dollars for a top grade engineer or 10000 for a normal engineer,it is just common sense mate.

My mate used to work for Lam research they are even buying Chinese components from CHINESE companies nowadays to reduce cost. Lololol

What manufacturing in Singapore ? it is too expensive
Hope you are confusing re-export of components with actual manufacturing
What manufacturing in Singapore ? it is too expensive
Hope you are confusing re-export of components with actual manufacturing

We are not the typical financial hub like HK which focuses mainly on financial services with close to zero manufacturing activity. Manufacturing actually makes up >20% of Singapore's GDP, the largest single sector of our economy.






it's a very old slogan dating back from Mao's time, Xi quoted it to encourage the young to learn from their predecessors to preserve the traditional hard working culture and ethic.
Great work that you know what the great leader has said and fully understand it, but you should be teaching these Xi/Mao/CCP sayings to the poor young people of China, so they can understand why they need to go thru the same hardships there older folks went thru, they might have been mislead by the usual great chinese middle kingdom super economy shyt yk, tell them its the same china all over again.
Great work that you know what the great leader has said and fully understand it, but you should be teaching these Xi/Mao/CCP sayings to the poor young people of China, so they can understand why they need to go thru the same hardships there older folks went thru, they might have been mislead by the usual great chinese middle kingdom super economy shyt yk, tell them its the same china all over again.
Haha, do Americans have to teach their children how first European immigrants survived the first winter in America? China is a different China now but India is still the old dirty poor India with hunger problems worse than sub Saharan Africa.
Haha, do Americans have to teach their children how first European immigrants survived the first winter in America? China is a different China now but India is still the old dirty poor India with hunger problems worse than sub Saharan Africa.
Exactly my point, Americans dont have to teach their kids to be hungry anymore because it became so rich, chinese still need to do that from time to time I guess, 1956 Mao saying still applies in 23, please eat bitter wtf lol!!
Exactly my point, Americans dont have to teach their kids to be hungry anymore because it became so rich, chinese still need to do that from time to time I guess, 1956 Mao saying still applies in 23, please eat bitter wtf lol!!
Actually America does teach their kids cause it's part of their history, the same reason China teaches her kids. But you India still live in this poverty , hopefully 100 years from now some one in India will tell their kids the hardship Indians have to live through today.
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