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China's property crisis deepens with 87% value wipeout in developers' dollar bonds

You don't have a home you have nothing to worry about and nothing to lose... :D
lol, like homeless population in the west. China is still a communist country, most people's first homes were given by the government for free.
We don't feel anything, what do you feel?
In China, the government doesn't want to stock price went to the roof.

The government is always interfering, to keep the price low.

Lmao you don't know what you're talking about. Their companies need to raise capital from the stock market for expansion, otherwise they will have to borrow. And guess what? Their companies are already among the most indebted among major economies. They NEED the capital markets.


Their government has enacted a slew of policies to boost stock prices and market confidence.





A string of policy moves enacted by their government to boost the stock market. Their pension/insurance funds are also invested in the stock market.

But according to you, their government is stupid enough to interfere with the purpose of keeping prices low and make their debt problem worse LOL.

You guys think the stock market is a casino which is irrelevant to the economy?
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A small village private bank scam, criminals got arrested and victims got paid, what esle do you want to know?
In China, the government doesn't want to stock price went to the roof.

The government is always interfering, to keep the price low.
What purpose does it serve? So government artificially devalues a company, making it worth less than its nominal value?
A small village private bank scam, criminals got arrested and victims got paid, what esle do you want to know?
After the protesters got fleeced, given pittance & beaten by government goons you mean?
After the protesters got fleeced, given pittance & beaten by government goons you mean?
In US? yes.
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