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China's new Poliburo

China's First Lady: Madam Peng Liyuan 彭丽媛




彭丽媛演唱《阳光路上》将晚会推向高潮 Mdm Peng singing @ the 60th anniversary evening gala of New China:

Next few months there will be some expected changes in PLA leadership:



* Central Military Commission (CMC) Chairman Xi Jinping 习近平 Vice Chairmen Fan Changlong 范长龙 65 Xu Qiliang 许其亮 62 (new lineup) with Chang Wanquan 常万全 62 expects to be the new Dense Minister.

* Gen Staff Department (GSD) 人民解放军总参谋部 Gen Fang Fenghui 房峰辉 61

* Gen Political Department (GPD) 人民解放军总政治部 Gen Zhang Yang 张阳 61

* Gen Logistics Department (GLD) 人民解放军情报部 Gen Zhao Keshi 赵克石 65

* Gen Armaments Department (GAP) 人民解放军总装备部 Gen Zhang Youxia 张又侠 62

* Second Artillery Corp 第二炮兵部队 Gen Wei Fenghe 58

* PLA Navy (PLAN)中國人民解放軍海軍 Admiral Wu Shengli 吴胜利 67

* PLA Air Force (PLAAF) 中国人民解放军空軍 Gen Ma Xiaotian 马晓天 63

小人 said ! we don't care.:blah:

Party chief congratulates new Chinese leader
Updated : 11/15/2012 6:32:12 PM


(VOV) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong cabled a congratulatory message to Xi Jinping who was elected General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on November 15.

CPV sends congratulations to China Party Congress
Party chief praises Vietnam-China relationship
China hails Vietnam visit by Xi Jinping
In his message, Trong expressed his delight at the great success of the CPC’s 18th National Congress and said he believes under the sound leadership of the CPC, Chinese people will be able to meet the target set by the congress and gain greater achievements in building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Over the years, the traditional relationship and strategic comprehensive cooperation partnership between Vietnam and China has enjoyed constant development, benefiting both people and contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world as a whole, he said.

The Party chief highly valued Xi’s important contributions to developing the relationship between the two Parties and two countries in general and is confident that he will be able to raise the current relationship to a new height.

Party chief congratulates new Chinese leader | VOV Online Newspaper
China's First Lady: Madam Peng Liyuan 彭丽媛




彭丽媛演唱《阳光路上》将晚会推向高潮 Mdm Peng singing @ the 60th anniversary evening gala of New China:


I think she couldn't interfere in to politic like Jiang Jing did in time of Mao.:coffee:
I only have a question: are they all friendly to Vietnam? :D
or who is the hawk, who the deaf?


Xi visited Vietnam last year.
I think the inherent ambitions that will not change.

It's all geopolitics and Deng said it aptly when 小朋友不乖 some punishments are called for. :smokin:

VCP said that Deng is a cunning guy who bowed to Uncle Sam.
There are two women members in the 25 member Central Politburo of the CPC for the first time since the Culture Revolution.

Liu Yandong(刘延东) 67


Liu Yandong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sun Chunlan ( 孙春兰) 62


Sun Chunlan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

@ Bach Dang

Mr Deng was not exactly a favorite son of the VCP so I would take their words with grains of salt. However I read many articles about him in western medias and most, if not all, deeply respect the man and say many good things about him.
@ Bach Dang

Mr Deng was not exactly a favorite son of the VCP so I would take their words with grains of salt. However I read many articles about him in western medias and most, if not all, deeply respect the man and say many good things about him.

Of course the West was very excited because they had received a deserter from the communists bloc, it helped them to defeat Soviet Union and communists bloc. So they said many good things about Deng.

Deng told China should "hide" to wait another 100 years, but it seems the current leaders of China ignore Deng's idea...
Of course the West was very excited because they had received a deserter from the communists bloc, it helped them to defeat Soviet Union and communists bloc. So they said many good things about Deng.

Deng told China should "hide" to wait another 100 years, but it seems the current leaders of China ignore Deng's idea...

Deng did not betray the Communist bloc and especially not Vietnam. He was trying to help to end the war with the American withdrawal, not a Vietnam defeat. China's economy was in a bad shape, as a pragmatic leader, he did what was best for his country and for her people, not some silly ideological infighting.

He was a great leader to the world and to his people and nothing what people say about him can diminish the greatness in him.:wave:
Deng did not betray the Communist bloc and especially not Vietnam. He was trying to help to end the war with the American withdrawal, not a Vietnam defeat. China's economy was in a bad shape, as a pragmatic leader, he did what was best for his country and for her people, not some silly ideological infighting.

He was a great leader to the world and to his people and nothing what people say about him can diminish the greatness in him.:wave:

Of course, now the world has changed, no longer two blocs of "communism" and "capitalism".
So now that view was different.

However, now after over 43 years since China's leaders shaking hands with Uncle Sam, Chinese are still often jump up whenever they see Vietnam-US to improve relations.
I do not know why.
Of course, now the world has changed, no longer two blocs of "communism" and "capitalism".
So now that view was different.

However, now after more than 40 years since China's leaders shaking hands with Uncle Sam, Chinese are still often jump up whenever they see Vietnam-US to improve relations.
I do not know why.

You're treating the forum bantering as the real world. China, aside from let the US to station troops to station in Vietnam, has no problems whatsoever who's Vietnam dealing with and in fact probably encourage her to have good economic relationship with the US. A poor Vietnam is not in the interests of China if it's so she wouldn't help NK to develop her economy. Did you hear any outcries from China when Myanmar dumped her and trying to get close to the west? No but her companies are going to participate and compete with the west on developing Myanmar.

As you said the world has changed and let's move on for the benefit of next generations and not reminiscing what could have been if....
LOL... 他们真的不乖。 :P

As for those who are interested in the foreign policy of the new Politburo, the word here is "continuity". It's a collective leadership, there aren't going to be any sudden policy shifts.

Interesting lineup of the Standing Committee (All of them come from the few provinces surrounding the East China Sea!! Is this kind of representation common?) What about representation from other provinces? How are the provinces represented in the Politburo committee? Why was their strength reduced from 9 to 7? Would it have any ramifications in the CPC considering how ambitious members were eyeing the prestigious seats on the committee?
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