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China's new Poliburo

There are two women members in the 25 member Central Politburo of the CPC for the first time since the Culture Revolution.

Liu Yandong(刘延东) 67


Liu Yandong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sun Chunlan ( 孙春兰) 62


Sun Chunlan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

@ Bach Dang

Mr Deng was not exactly a favorite son of the VCP so I would take their words with grains of salt. However I read many articles about him in western medias and most, if not all, deeply respect the man and say many good things about him.


刘延东 Liu Yandong

Liu Yandong - China.org.cn


孙春兰 Sun Chunlan

Sun Chunlan - China.org.cn
Communist brothers congratulate Xi :cheers: :)

DPRK, Vietnamese, Lao, Cuban leaders congratulate Xi's election as CPC chief
English.news.cn 2012-11-15 22:47:09

BEIJING, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- Ruling party leaders from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Vietnam, Laos and Cuba have congratulated Xi Jinping on his election as general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and first chairman of the National Defense Commission of the DPRK, on Thursday sent a congratulatory message to Xi.

Kim extended warm congratulations on the successful holding of its 18th CPC National Congress and the election of Xi as general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission.

"It is an expression of deep trust and great expectation of all the party members, service personnel and people of China that you take the important posts as general secretary of the CPC and chairman of the Central Military Commission of the CPC at a time when the cause of the socialist modernization drive of the Chinese people has entered into a new stage," the top DPRK leader said.

The 18th National Congress of the CPC marked a historic occasion as it reviewed the theoretical and practical experience and successes gained by the CPC and the Chinese people in the course of socialist construction and provided a new milestone for hastening the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Kim said.

"It is my conviction that the fraternal Chinese people will surely achieve the strategic goal to build a comprehensively well-off socialist society by keeping the stability of society and sustainable economic development and improving the people's living standard under the leadership of the CPC with you as general secretary," Kim said.

"The DPRK and China are friendly neighbors linked by the same mountain and rivers and the DPRK-China friendship with long historic roots is the common precious wealth associated with the wisdom and efforts of the leaders of the elder generation of the two parties and two countries," he said.

"Believing that the traditional DPRK-China friendship which has developed down through generations will continue to grow in conformity with the wishes of the two peoples, I sincerely wish you great success in your responsible work," Kim added.

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong said in a congratulatory letter he was glad to hear Xi was elected general secretary. Trong extended his warmest congratulations on behalf of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee.

He said the 18th National Congress of the CPC had been a complete success. The Chinese people would realize all the tasks and goals raised at the congress and constantly make greater achievements under the leadership of the CPC headed by Xi.

In recent years, the traditional friendship and the comprehensive relations of strategic cooperation and partnership between Vietnam and China had been continuously consolidating and developing, which had brought tangible benefits to both peoples and contributed to promoting peace, stability, cooperation and development of the region and the world, he said.

Trong spoke highly of the contributions Xi had made to promote relations between the two parties and countries, adding he believed Xi would make greater contributions on uplifting bilateral relations to a new high in the position of great responsibility.

Choummaly Sayasone, general secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, also extended his warm congratulations and good wishes on behalf of the Central Committee of the Lao's People's Revolutionary Party.

He said electing Xi as the top leader of the CPC sufficiently embodied a high degree of trust by both the CPC and the Chinese people in Xi's rich experience in leadership over the past many years.

He said, under the leadership of Xi and guided by the Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Three Represents and the Notion of Scientific Development, the Chinese people would realize all the tasks and goals raised at the congress and contribute to promoting peace, stability, cooperation and development of the region and the world.

He also hoped the friendship between the two parties, countries and peoples would last forever and the Lao-China comprehensive strategic cooperation and partnership would constantly gain fruitful achievements.

Raul Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, said: "On behalf of the Communist Party of Cuba and our people, I congratulate you on your election as general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

"I wish you success in your new assignment and I reiterate the decision to further strengthen the brotherly relations between our respective parties, governments and peoples," he said.

DPRK, Vietnamese, Lao, Cuban leaders congratulate Xi's election as CPC chief - Xinhua | English.news.cn
China's ruling Communist Party unveiled an older, conservative leadership line-up on Thursday that appears unlikely to take the drastic action needed to tackle pressing issues like social unrest, environmental degradation and corruption.

The Politburo Standing Committee, the top decision making body of China, is expected to reduce the number of members from 9 to 7 for quicker decision makings and efficiencies. This is the lineup to run China for the next 10 years:

* Xi Jinping 习近平 59- General Secretary of CPC, expect to takeover the Presidency of China and most likely the Chairman of Central Military Commission as well in March next year.


Xi Jinping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Li Keqiang 李克强 57- Premier of China by 3/2013


Li Keqiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Wang Qishan 王岐山 63 expected to takeover the new position of anti-corruption Czar


Wang Qishan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Zhang Dejiang 张德江 66- Head of the Parliment


Zhang Dejiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Yu Zhengsheng 俞正声 67- Head of Parliament Advisory body


Yu Zhengsheng - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Zhang Gaoli 张高丽 65- executive Vice Premier


Zhang Gaoli -- Member of Standing Committee of Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee - Globaltimes.cn

* Liu Yunshan 刘云山 65- chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference


Liu Yunshan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China names conservative, older leadership | Reuters

Congratulations to our Chinese brothers and their new leader. I'm sure Xi Jinping is what China needs right now. The warmongers around China and across the Pacific needs to be put into their proper places.
The 7 members of the Politburo Standing Committee and the 25-seat Politburo were chosen by straw polls

(Reuters) - China's ruling Communist Party has lifted the lid on the opaque backroom selection of the country's top leaders, revealing that it had held a straw poll for the first time in May to decide on the membership of its top decision-making body.

The party, which has held power since 1949, has flirted with what it calls intra-party democracy as it strives to maintain its legitimacy in the face of widespread corruption, growing social unrest and rising inequality, even as the world's second biggest economy bounds ahead.

The party held a meeting of leading cadres in Beijing in May and "democratically recommended" members of the seven-member Politburo Standing Committee and the 25-seat Politburo, state news agency Xinhua said late on Thursday, hours after new line-ups for both councils were unveiled.

Such a poll hardly signals a desire for democratic political reforms, but it suggests that the party is trying to increase accountability and subjecting its members to more checks and balances.

In previous congresses, held once every five years, voters had little choice: the number of candidates was the same as the number of seats in ballots for Politburo and Standing Committee members.

Leadership changes are thrashed out in advance through horse-trading between party elders and retiring leaders anxious to preserve political power and protect family interests. But the changes must also go through a choreographed election process.

Xinhua said the cadres took into consideration the "party spirit" of candidates, jargon for their loyalty to the party.

They also took into account whether the candidates were "just and honest", their abilities and integrity, their age as well as portfolios. Politicians 68 or older are not qualified to join the Standing Committee.

The "democratic recommendation" process involved informal discussions while the views of unspecified people were fully solicited, Xinhua said. It did not elaborate.

Reuters reported last week that outgoing President Hu Jintao and his likely successor, Xi Jinping, were pushing to adopt a more democratic process for choosing the top leadership in a bid to boost its legitimacy in the eyes of the public.

Xi replaced Hu as party and military chief on Thursday, only the second time the party has managed a peaceful transition in more than six decades. Xi is likely to succeed Hu as president during the annual session of parliament next March.

China held landmark straw poll to choose top leaders: Xinhua | Reuters

Step by step and inch by inch, China is working toward a new form of democracy: Election Chinese Style.

If local officials are chosen by the people, they in turn choose provincial level delegates where they'll come together every 5 years or so to select national leaders. From my observations, it seems, that's the route China is taking to select her future leaders. It'll just take some time before this process to refine and mature.

(note: I can't reach page 4 in this thread)
New head of China Democratic League elected

Zhang Baowen was on Thursday elected chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League (CDL), a non-Communist political party with about 230,000 members.

The party concluded its 11th National Congress on the same day.

The national congress elected its new central committee composed of 282 members. It also examined a work report by the CDL's 10th Central Committee and approved a draft amendment to its constitution.

When addressing the first plenary meeting of the CDL's 11th Central Committee, Zhang said on Thursday that the new leadership would put promoting the country's scientific development top of its agenda when its members participate in, and deliberate on, state affairs.

Zhang told CDL members, mainly senior and leading intellectuals in the fields of culture, education, science and technology, to use their wisdom and focus on issues including adjustment of economic structure, building China into an innovative country, promoting cultural development, and educational reform.

Zhang, 66, joined the CDL in 1986. He served as vice agriculture minister from 2000 to 2008, and became executive vice chairman of the CDL central committee in 2007.

He is also a Standing Committee member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the country's national political advisory body.

Zhang's predecessor was Jiang Shusheng, who had served as CDL chief since 2005.

The China Democratic League was secretly established on March 19, 1941, in Chongqing, and was then named the China Democratic Political League. In September 1944, the China Democratic Political League held a national congress in Chongqing and decided to rename itself the China Democratic League.

It is one of the eight non-Communist parties in China that participate in state affairs under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Under the multi-party cooperation system, the CPC and non-Communist parties work together and supervise each other.

New head of China Democratic League elected - Globaltimes.cn

China Democratic League 中国民主同盟 (CDL) est1941 230,000 members and Zhigong Dang (ZGD) 致公党 est1925 20,000 members are two non communist affiliated political parties operating in China.
China appoints new top official for export powerhouse Guangdong


Hu Chunhua in glasses

(Reuters) - China announced on Tuesday the appointment of rising star Hu Chunhua as Communist Party boss for the southern export powerhouse of Guangdong, the country's richest and most liberal province.

Hu will take over from reform-minded politician Wang Yang, who undertook restructuring the economy away from an export-driven model and grappled with rising social tensions among migrant workers.

Hu's appointment was announced in a brief statement carried by the official Xinhua news agency. It said Wang Jun will replace Hu as party chief in Inner Mongolia. But the article did not say where Wang Yang, seen by many in the West as a beacon of political reform, will be moved to.

Reuters reported last month that Hu, the former Inner Mongolia party chief, was tipped to take over as party chief in Guangdong.

Hu, 49, is part of the so-called "sixth generation" of potential national leaders born in the 1960s, after the generations headed by Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping.

Hu Chunhua spent two decades in restive and remote Tibet, where he learned to speak Tibetan, rare for a Han Chinese official. While there, he came under the wing of Hu Jintao, the outgoing president.

The two Hus are not related despite sharing a family name.

In Inner Mongolia, Hu Chunhua, also known as "Little Hu", has been referred to as a future president. While there, Hu Chunhua oversaw rapid economic growth and dealt successfully with protests last year by ethnic Mongols.

Hu Chunhua came to Inner Mongolia following a brief stint in Hebei, the arid province which surrounds Beijing, where he was rapidly moved after a scandal over tainted milk in which at least six children died and thousands became ill.

Hu Chunhua remains something of an enigma, even in China. He has given few clues about his deeper policy beliefs. One of the best known things about him is that he does not appear to dye his hair jet black like many politicians.

In meetings with the public, Hu Chunhua comes across as low key and self effacing, in line with an image of a loyal, humble Communist Party member. People who have met him describe him as relaxed, easy-going and spontaneous, unlike stiffer party leaders.

Despite having a reputation as more of a moderate and a reformer, Hu Chunhua sent back to jailed Inner Mongolia's most notable Mongol dissident, Hada, almost as soon as he completed a 15-year sentence for separatism in late 2010.

China appoints new top official for export powerhouse Guangdong | Reuters

China next boss if everything going according to plan.
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