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China's massive navy is only getting bigger, and the US is looking overseas for help keeping its warships in action

Nothing you have is a match for the latest Virginia class SSN.

Hell, even Los Angeles class attack subs from the '80s are more than a match for you
lOl, whatever you say, take care of your soul.
lOl, whatever you say, take care of your soul.

I will try! Right now I'm enjoying some Wonton soup
Yes but China is not USSR, USA type of superpower. They don't get involved in any other's business, they exclusively focus on their immediate interest only and that's their mainland and surroundings. This is fine to be a very powerful nation but this attitude will never make a country a superpower. For superpowers, attitude matters.

China does not want to be deeply involved in the outside world. It is a huge challenge for a country as big as China to maintain stability and development. China's long history illustrates this.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union also illustrates this point, as does the disappearance of large empires in world history.

Both the United States and Russia are facing huge internal challenges. China hopes that the United States will decline naturally, so that the United States can still enjoy hegemony for a period of time to solve domestic problems. However, the United States force China to engage in global competition with it.

The story has just begun, and it is already difficult for the United States to support global hegemony. China does not seek to compete with the United States for hegemony, because that would cause China to seek assistance from other countries.
Foremost, China needs many more advanced ballistic and attack nuke submarines urgently, China's security depends on them much more than aircraft carriers.
I suspect they are trying to catch up technologically, and even leapfrog with some innovations, and only then go into mass production. The shipyards are expanding but we don’t see China cranking our numbers for numbers sake. They are even retiring the type 056 to the coast guard to make room for more advanced ships, meaning they also have to grow the personnel numbers and that takes time as well. The maintenance facilities also need to expand if numbers are to be increased, so older less advanced ships will be retired or sold off/possibly gifted away to make room for more maintenance friendly/ highly automated ships. It’s not impossible that after hostilities end in the Russo-Ukrainian war, many of the older ships (such as Type 054A and Type 052C) could be sold to Russia, to help them rebuild their numbers and strengthen the ties with China.
I suspect they are trying to catch up technologically, and even leapfrog with some innovations, and only then go into mass production. The shipyards are expanding but we don’t see China cranking our numbers for numbers sake. They are even retiring the type 056 to the coast guard to make room for more advanced ships, meaning they also have to grow the personnel numbers and that takes time as well. The maintenance facilities also need to expand if numbers are to be increased, so older less advanced ships will be retired or sold off/possibly gifted away to make room for more maintenance friendly/ highly automated ships. It’s not impossible that after hostilities end in the Russo-Ukrainian war, many of the older ships (such as Type 054A and Type 052C) could be sold to Russia, to help them rebuild their numbers and strengthen the ties with China.
That is only if Russians are going to put away their pride and willing to take 054A, there are lots of talk in Russia though.
That is only if Russians are going to put away their pride and willing to take 054A, there are lots of talk in Russia though.
They may need to spend more on their army and allow China to supply them with warships, so they can double down and try to win this war. Sure their pride will take a hit, but if they lose the war, they will lose much more. In the mean time they can trade submarine tech and cash for warships.

Russia could use the ships for 15-20 years and then retire them in due course. A lot of the munitions used are Russian origin, so it should be easy for Russia to operate them.
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China has 1.4 billion people and is also the pioneer of fully automated ports and ships. It’s shipbuilding prowess is second to none and only becoming more dominant.

The US is still far ahead of China in tonnage, carrier battle groups and power projection. China will need at least two decades to catch up.

The US navy is spread out thin across the world. China needs another 5-10 years to be ready for decisively defeat the US navy in the APAC region. From there China can simply out-build the US for new ships.

Taiwan is coming home in the next few years.
US boasts about China using "slave labor"

When the time comes, they will use Indian slaves to build US ships
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