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China wants India to keep US out of region

:lol: I knew all along india is deep down slavish to Anglos!
When just suggestion of having usa on its border gives shivers in its spine if really unkil gets such an arrangement then CCP will just put itself in deep freezer.
I think thats the best bet for india to normalize relations with China....Asia is going to be the next economic power...Peaceful asia is in every asian country's best interests may it be Pakistan, india or china but its against the interest of west ...Better to go along the lines where interest combine rather than along the lines where they collide ...US has never been a good friend throughout her history she's gonna dump you sooner or later,she has done that with many country's'. US works for her own interests and for her own interests its best for her to be ally with india against the rise of China once the interest is over so will be the relationship

So better bet is to develop better relationship with your neighbor, with whom you gonna live for time to come .old saying goes like this "You can change your friends but you can't change your neighbors" The hostility will extend to lifetime if you dont wana resolve it now its will only going to be worst ...We havent gain anything from this sore history that includes wars may it be China or india or any other country

Keeping US out of asia is in the best interests of every asian country ...
India has always kept or wanted US physical presence out of South Asia. LTTE was created to make sure SL does not offer a military base to US - they were going to do it.

However, it does not mean we scale down our cooperation with US/Japan. It offers us many advantages.
The titile of this thread is wrongly put, should be' China and India stick together to keep USA out of region'.
If india will really does that then it will be like foolish kalidasa story....

When just suggestion of having usa on its border gives shivers in its spine if really unkil gets such an arrangement then CCP will just put itself in deep freezer.

First read what we are discussing... Chian wants India keep US out of region...
I think thats the best bet for india to normalize relations with China....Asia is going to be the next economic power...Peaceful asia is in every asian country's best interests may it be Pakistan, india or china but its against the interest of west ...Better to go along the lines where interest combine rather than along the lines where they collide ...US has never been a good friend throughout her history she's gonna dump you sooner or later,she has done that with many country's'. US works for her own interests and for her own interests its best for her to be ally with india against the rise of China once the interest is over so will be the relationship

So better bet is to develop better relationship with your neighbor, with whom you gonna live for time to come .old saying goes like this "You can change your friends but you can't change your neighbors" The hostility will extend to lifetime if you dont wana resolve it now its will only going to be worst ...We havent gain anything from this sore history that includes wars may it be China or india or any other country

Keeping US out of asia is in the best interests of every asian country ...
And the New Generation say

''If Things goes by your way then you can even change your Neigbour''...{China to Tibet}

As you have already said that U.S is not a good friend but all of us also know that U.S is a excellent trading parter specialy when you are in its friend list....Ex Japan,S.Korea,Singapore,China etc....
And the New Generation say

''If Things goes by your way then you can even change your Neigbour''...{China to Tibet}

As you have already said that U.S is not a good friend but all of us also know that U.S is a excellent trading parter specialy when you are in its friend list....Ex Japan,S.Korea,Singapore,China etc....

And here reality is your neighbor is too strong for you to be able to change it...i fear in the process you might compress your own geography

US nuked Japan, was involved in Korean war and now having tussles with China...One thing you will find throughout history good friends of US always have paid hefty amounts for this friendship ....US is good if you are ready to keep US interests above your's own .
The titile of this thread is wrongly put, should be' China and India stick together to keep USA out of region'.

you know how important is Kashmir to India. So what you think China should do on that. As of now China is doing activities which are a security threat for Indian Kashmir? To the point they even give out paper Visa for Indians. Also they are doing construction activities in Kashmir. This has security complications for India?

Secondly China is building ports in countries around Indian and trying to put India in problems in IOR?

Thirdly China is causing problems in SCS?

Fourthy China still claims AP and makes a big fuss about it from time to time?

so whats ur take on above four points. Because India is not interested in bringing US or anyone but yes if the situation demands and India is in danger then India might reconsider that for national security. At the end of day National Security interests are supreme.
If India keep peace with Pakistan, why did Pakistan bring USA in?

USA and Soviet union used both of you as hired gun or proxy to fight each other.
If india will really does that then it will be like foolish kalidasa story....

Isn't that story sounds familiar to what happened to pakistan.!!:woot:
looks like niazi giving his 2 cents to bbc before his epic surrender.
and China was wise enough to utilise that period of friendship with America. India can do that too though i doubt we'd be as successful as China was. We got a lethargic government.

That's correct

But we already have got some advantages

We tested A 5 but except Some Non-govt Chinese Media no foreign nation or media protested about it

We know why

Though I agree we need to direct our much more amount of efforts towards using our relationship with US , in order to exploit opportunities from this relationship to maximum extent
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