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China unveils 5-point formula to improve ties with India


Sep 20, 2009
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China unveils 5-point formula to improve ties with India

BEIJING: Unveiling a five-point formula to improve relations with India, China's newly elected President Xi Jinping on Tuesday said the resolution of the boundary dispute between the two sides "won't be easy" and pending its final settlement "peace and tranquility" should be maintained on the border without affecting the overall ties.

59-year-old Xi, who took over as the head of Communist Party, president and military chief, completing a rare triad of power, sent clear signals of boosting bilateral relations with India and expressed his keenness to meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh next week on the sidelines of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) in his first contact with top Indian leadership after his inauguration.

The first leader born after China's independence in 1949, Xi also spoke of the need for India and China with a combined population of 2.5 billion to cooperate in multilateral fora in to safeguard the "legitimate rights and interests" of developing countries.

He said China sees its ties with India as "one of the most important bilateral relationships".

"The border question is a complex issue left from history and solving the issue won't be easy. However, as long as we keep up friendly consultations, we can eventually arrive at a fair reasonable and mutually acceptable settlement. Pending the final settlement of the boundary question the two sides should work together and maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas and prevent the border question from affecting the overall development of bilateral relations," Xi told PTI in an interview.

The new president was replying to a question on what policy the new Chinese leadership will pursue towards India and whether there would be any change in its position on the border issue.

India asserts that the border dispute covered about 4,000km, while China claims that it confined to about 2,000km to the area of Arunachal Pradesh, which it refers as Southern Tibet.

Unveiling his five proposals, Xi said that first China and India should maintain strategic communication and keep the bilateral relations on the "right track".

"Second, we should harness each other's comparative strengths and expand win-win cooperation in infrastructure, mutual investment and other areas," he said.

Xi said India and China should strengthen cultural ties and constantly increase the mutually expanding friendship between the two countries.

The Chinese leader said the two countries should expand coordination and collaboration in multi-lateral fora to jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries and tackle global challenges.

"We should accommodate each other's core concerns and properly handle problems and differences existing between the two countries," he said in fifth proposal.

China unveils 5-point formula to improve ties with India - The Times of India

@Spring Onion :cheers:
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:what: what you want me to say ?

Yesterday you said China do not give that much importance when it comes to India and so India is not mentioned in the speech of Chinese foreign policy. And so I quoted ......
Yesterday you said China do not give that much importance when it comes to India and so India is not mentioned in the speech of Chinese foreign policy. And so I quoted ......

i stand by my statement even today :))) Its NOT the Chinese leader who opted to spoke about India but its again the same rondu Indian Media who approached him for interview rather India centeric questioning :P
i stand by my statement even today :))) Its NOT the Chinese leader who opted to spoke about India but its again the same rondu Indian Media who approached him for interview rather India centeric questioning :P

They unveiled a new 5 point formula for engagement with India.
i knew it will happen, china knows that india will not be threat in future, it will be western countries and USA :D, china working on bringing others to it's side, china is a good player :oops:
i stand by my statement even today :))) Its NOT the Chinese leader who opted to spoke about India but its again the same rondu Indian Media who approached him for interview rather India centeric questioning :P

Of course you can stand by it forever, seeing the sand become obsolete is always fun to watch :D
Again china is the wise one and extends a hand of friendship. So i hope indian arrogance doesn't come in the way of peace.
They unveiled a new 5 point formula for engagement with India.

They always had and strived for engagement with India.

The unveiling 5-point formula etc etc like phrases are infact in journalistic language catchy headlines we often use on news items and other such media stuff :)

The things he replied to are common rehtoric they had been saying for years.
i knew it will happen, china knows that india will not be threat in future, it will be western countries and USA :D, china working on bringing others to it's side, china is a good player :oops:

Right now the two countries are suspicious at each other but hope for better strategic relationship.
i hope India-China mutually co operate with each other
the coming decade is very much important both for India and china :enjoy:
Not surprised even if India responses with:

- China India’s number one enemy.
- Successfully tests another “China killer” missile.
- …

Sorry, but you never know...
Not surprised even if India responses with:

- China India’s number one enemy.
- Successfully tests another “China killer” missile.
- …

Sorry, but you never know...

Are you definitely living in America, if yes how long and if for any considerable period this could be the most stupid post coming from any person living in a democracy.

A Chinese who has not seen any other country can be understandable in saying the above, cause the media is not very differerent from the Govt. The statements you mention are mere statements from the media. Show me one Govt. offcial making these absurd statements?
China is not India's enemy nor is India the enemy of China. Both countries could actually become the largest traders inthe world within next 20 yrs. The potential is massive, more than any other countries.
Are you definitely living in America, if yes how long and if for any considerable period this could be the most stupid post coming from any person living in a democracy.

A Chinese who has not seen any other country can be understandable in saying the above, cause the media is not very differerent from the Govt. The statements you mention are mere statements from the media. Show me one Govt. offcial making these absurd statements?

Chinese are more informed than any Indian, it's one of the main reasons we are ahead of you as a country and civilisation.

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