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China unveiled latest UAV--Zhuhai Air Show





Here's the thing about UAV's and UCAV's... any nation with an aviation industry can make something that will fly. The basic shape and layout is no great secret. They are all essentially light aircraft. Engines and airframe, no problem.

What makes a UAV great is what is inside, and what sort of sensors it has. How reliable is the autopilot? The navigational capabilities? How solid is the datalink? Can it be jammed or spoofed? Etc. All things that are going to be kept relatively secret.

I think what make US UAV superior is their datalink with satellites, endurance and the to some extent the weapon itself.
In short application determines the parameters.
If US give Pakistan reaper essentially Pakistan will be using it without satellite data link and if Pakistan develops one of its own by enlarge still the same story other than less range and endurance.

What separate US prominently in this area is what is hidden in closets.
High altitude UAV and UCAV's can be considered a clear cut edge.
I would have no problem with Pakistan operating U.S. UCAV's, or at a minimum having officers well inside the loop, so that missile strikes are more palatable to the people of Pakistan.

The next step in UCAV's (as mentioned) is high, fast, stealthy, and super-long duration. These things are invisible from the ground above a certain altitude.
This is good stuff!

We should get these asap and put them to use in operational areas , this can have the following good affects.

1. We can help in testing this drone in operational conditions , the product can be refined and in this way both China and Pakistan benefit

2. We have the eyes in the sky and also the claws so that we can directly hit terrorists as soon as they are spotted.

3. Recall the curious case of Baitullah Mehsud , when the US was given info about his where about but no hits were made against him , only after the CIA operatives were killed by the sucide bomber whom they had been courting and who was involved with the TTP , did they commence attack on these. So by having these drones we can counter US dupilicty more effectivly!

4. Once we start making the hits on terrorist targets , we will have ligitamacy to stop US drones from operating in our Air space and also we'll have the ability to take out US-backed terror groups that are operating in Pakistan with CIA's blessings.

We need to gets these fast and start hammering the hilux riding goons from the sky.
So,finally Burraq or CH3 join the show...

Few more







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Yes, Burraq/CH3 is Pak-China joint venture...check post 1.
I would have no problem with Pakistan operating U.S. UCAV's, or at a minimum having officers well inside the loop, so that missile strikes are more palatable to the people of Pakistan.

The next step in UCAV's (as mentioned) is high, fast, stealthy, and super-long duration. These things are invisible from the ground above a certain altitude.

You fail to see the problem of both your people and ours.
Your people don't hand it over because they think Pakistan have the potential to learn from it and eventually developing some thing of same kind.

Ours problem is we see only civilians getting killed most of the time.
We like to know what source of intelligence is behind identification of friend and foe.

When Pakistan suggest that we shall do this job it is obvious that otherwise it will give wrong impression and can have negative fall outs, quite contrary to the ideology of US presence in the region.

Assuming intelligence is accurate and wanted people are present than these drones attacks from US definitely provide them opportunity to be the heroes fighting against mighty occupied forces and dying as martyrs.

Where ever Pakistan army operated, people supported them and this was the reason of their swift success but in NW any operation along side US will be a suicide mission.

In reality, US thinks is trying to instigate NW to revolt against PA but imagine if i can see it than PA does not understand it? and have not worked out the eventual scenario?

US drones in Pakistan hands will only benefit US and can play important role in shrinking US stay in the region and earn them status of partners rather than a enemy to take pride in fighting.
I hope you know the psyche of the locals.... and you are better than those who think every man with beard is a fanatic.

Sorry the talk drifted to new direction but i think this was right moment to answer your mis-perception about us and your policy makers.
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Nice!! Very Nice!! video shows the UAV dropping bombs and firing a homing missile , what more can we aks for

I hope we get this from China :china:

All this is starting to give searious butt-burn to the anti-Pakistan and anti-China elements .. the grumbling about China making strides in this area have already started in WSJ.

China's Drones Raise Eyebrows at Air Show - WSJ.com

I wish China the very best and I hope they reach new heights and make even more progress in modern aviation.
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