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China unveiled latest UAV--Zhuhai Air Show

^^ not this one genius.
one in the other pictures.
that is what I am asking,The specs looks great, but both the images of aircraft had no chinese markings on it, infact one has USAF star on it..

May be YOU have an image which you can share.
that is what I am asking,The specs looks great, but both the images of aircraft had no chinese markings on it, infact one has USAF star on it..

May be YOU have an image which you can share.

second pic in first post!
the specs look chinese but the plane has USAF marking on it .. can you see the star?? that is USAF, may be they used it as representation but this surely is not chinese.

thats a chinese star......


see the marking!?
are you sure this is a chinese plane because i could not find any chinese marking on it and ATKS is a US defence company

Sorry i thought most would recognise it, that is the US UAV that people were comparing the new Chinese one too. I thought the pic would be usefull in he same thread for people to make comparison.

Easier to see the differences when the pictures are together rather than swaping from one spot to another.
The missile isn't AR-1 or something. It's the HJ-10 heavy ATGM made for gunships, like Hellfire.
pakistan has been asking US for reapers for more than 5 years now, i guess chinese will answer that...

when are we seeing ISI flown UAV shooting down CIA based reapers ???
this is definatley from china this project was for last 4 years was on chinese armed forces pippeline hpe we get it but since our incompitance armed forces think tank is this not to sure
Good. Now all China needs to do is get them military+GPS satellites up in space and, in the event we get these (read: most likely), have some kind of military satellite sharing agreement with the Pak army.
Here's the thing about UAV's and UCAV's... any nation with an aviation industry can make something that will fly. The basic shape and layout is no great secret. They are all essentially light aircraft. Engines and airframe, no problem.

What makes a UAV great is what is inside, and what sort of sensors it has. How reliable is the autopilot? The navigational capabilities? How solid is the datalink? Can it be jammed or spoofed? Etc. All things that are going to be kept relatively secret.
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