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China 'To Target 1,800 Missiles at Taiwan In 2012'

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Dec 29, 2010
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TAIPEI - The number of Chinese missiles targeted at Taiwan is likely to reach 1,800 next year, despite improving ties between the former arch-rivals, Taiwanese media said May 20.

The Liberty Times newspaper cited a military intelligence report as providing the forecast.

Taiwanese experts have estimated that China currently has more than 1,600 missiles aimed at the island, mostly deployed in Fujian and Jiangxi provinces in the mainland's southeast.

The report followed comments made by Taiwan's top intelligence chief Tsai Teh-sheng in March, saying that China was targeting Taiwan with a "new type of powerful missile" known as Dongfeng 16.

"Its range is longer, and it increases the threat to Taiwan," Tsai said then, without giving further details of the weapon or the number that have been deployed so far.

Tensions across the Taiwan Strait have eased since Ma Ying-jeou became Taiwan's president in 2008 on a China-friendly platform.

However, Beijing still refuses to renounce the possible use of force against the island, which has ruled itself since the end of a civil war in 1949, should it declare formal independence.

The Pentagon said in an annual report to Congress last year that China's military build-up against Taiwan had "continued unabated" despite improving political relations.

Taiwan's defense ministry was not immediately available for comment.
China 'To Target 1,800 Missiles at Taiwan In 2012' - Defense News
We are preventing the green separatists making further troubles.

And Taiwan is our land and our sovereignty, and this is no one's business.
taiwanese dnt like to b part of china, so y r u aiming to occupy taiwan, n pakistani's telling stories dat kashmiris want to be part of pakistan not india. how come pakistan separated from india , not india separated from pakistan ,so how kashmir belongs to pakistan, n y r u supporting pakistan in dis matter
The missiles are a guarantee against Taiwan separatism and is never meant to be used short of an irreversible attempt by Taiwan to break away from China. While I would like to see the Taiwan straights demilitarized, you can't trust the people in Taiwan not to tear the Chinese civilization to pieces. The DPP will come back into power one of these days, and they will agitate. Only a mainland strong militarily and economically can prevent the worst case scenario.
offcourse its non off my buissns about taiwan, nd its non of ur buissns in kashmir not only u pak also
when did the civil war ended? is there any truce or cease fire agreements?
btw how could they possibly know where the the missiles are targeting at? why must it be taiwan but not somewhere else, say new dehle?
btw how could they possibly know where the the missiles are targeting at? why must it be taiwan but not somewhere else, say new dehle?

Great way to build trust buddy...BRAVO
taiwanese dnt like to b part of china, so y r u aiming to occupy taiwan, n pakistani's telling stories dat kashmiris want to be part of pakistan not india. how come pakistan separated from india , not india separated from pakistan ,so how kashmir belongs to pakistan, n y r u supporting pakistan in dis matter

I am legally Taiwanese and I want to be part of China.
taiwanese dnt like to b part of china, so y r u aiming to occupy taiwan, n pakistani's telling stories dat kashmiris want to be part of pakistan not india. how come pakistan separated from india , not india separated from pakistan ,so how kashmir belongs to pakistan, n y r u supporting pakistan in dis matter

Taiwan is China, a lot of non-Chinese simply are ignorance of this. Taiwan is still Republic of CHINA, they are just not yet ready to be part of People's Republic of CHINA at this very moment. The current division is due to result of Chinese Civil War, but as in all civil war, the unification will eventually be done hopefully under right political and economic conditions, instead of final battles.
So generous of the Chinese to only deploy that number. Should have been 4000 lol.
Taiwan is China, a lot of non-Chinese simply are ignorance of this. Taiwan is still Republic of CHINA, they are just not yet ready to be part of People's Republic of CHINA at this very moment. The current division is due to result of Chinese Civil War, but as in all civil war, the unification will eventually be done hopefully under right political and economic conditions, instead of final battles.

You know, i was once a diehard supporter of the peaceful reunification, but the reality is against my personal wish. Today, a lot of Taiwanese are very unpatriotic and have been jumped into the China bashing bandwagon, they have forgotten who is their ancestor and are ashamed of their Chinese identity. They don't even have any feeling of the Chinese pride.

For those patriotic Chinese in Taiwan, you are always our brothers and sisters and i hope you stand on the side with CCP, and the Pan-Green DPP is not your countrymen, they are your enemies, and neither KMT truly cares about your interests, they just want to win their election. It was the Pan-Green separatists who have economically destroyed Taiwan under Chen Shuibian's term, it was CCP and its citizens from the Mainland who have saved you from bankruptcy with their hardworking money. You can see who is your true brothers and sisters.

The KMT party is simply too short-sighted, Ma should immediately talk about the reunification with CCP when he was elected in 2008, instead he was trying to flatter the separatists in order to win their support. If Ma can be re-elected in 2012, then i truly hope he can start to talk about the reunification, the deadline would be 2016. If he still refuses to do that, then Taiwan would face PLA in the battlefield! It is not we are warmongers or kinslayers, but CCP has to protect China's sovereignty and its glory. Because now Uncle Sam will try everything to support the Pan-Green separatists once they regain the power from the incompetent KMT, they would try to declare the independence of Taiwan in order to jeopardize the development of the Mainland China. If that has happened, then CCP would have no choice, but using the military intervention to defend its sovereignty.

Don't blame the Mainland China if that happened, CCP simply can't let Taiwan splitted from its Motherland, if that truly happened, then it would be the doomday fro CCP and a domino effect that would cause the independence of Xinjiang and Xizang. And we have to defend the land of our ancestor. Hopefully, you can understand us.
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